Bonjour de France !

  • Hello everybody!

    I'm Armel, a Tours Volley Ball fan.
    I've seen a post of "emix" on the TVB board, and took some time to register here... :wink2:

    I know I'm not the first french to register here, since Puschka already did it, but it seems I am the first to post something.

    I didn't know the women volley forum, but it's a very good idea to create such a place, and give the opportunity to volley fans from all over the world to discuss together. :good:

  • Quote from "Justyna"

    I'm emix :wink2:

    That's what I thought ... :wink2:

  • Bonjour Armel! Je suis ravie de voir ici des supporteurs de la ex-equipe de notre Vlado :D Je souhaite beaucoup de succes a TVB! :D

  • Quote from "sNeige"

    ex-equipe de notre Vlado

    Vlado, please come back ! :cry:

    (our new spiker, Sebatien Ruette, is suffering from a "cold hand syndrom" . He can't play anymore this season, and last news we had, said that he would probably have to stop playing volleyball ... :cry2: )