The Gallery

  • Dear Users!
    As u can see (on the left menu) the gallery is open to everyone now!
    Every member can upload pics and make the gallery grow :)

    right now, there are not many albums, exspecially in the male zone, so if somebody wants a specific album or so, write it here and we will create it as fast as possible!

    Feel free to ask any questions about the gallery here, how to upload etc...
    we are here to help :D

    We hope that u all will enjoy the place even more now :good:

    waiting for ur reactions and replies

    Your Staff :D

  • for the ones who want to upload some pics there, pls mention where/when the pic was taken. Its just for info, if u dont have these information, its ok too.

    and if u take pics from other sites, be careful not to break rules of their copyrights :)

  • a made a little picture show :D
    step 1)
    take a look on the left menu... there is one for board and one for the gallery.
    u have to click on HOME in the gallery section to get into the next menu

    step 2)

    after that u will be at the HOME of the gallery, seeing all the albums and categories. If u want to upload a file u need to click "upload file" in the gallery navigation

    step 3)
    Now u are asked to browse ur pc for photos (u can use links to websites, too) when u are finished, click on continue and wait till u get the sign in step 4)

    step 4)
    if everything ok u should get this following information, just click on Continue

    step 5)
    Now u are in the menu for sorting the picture. First choose the album in which the photo fits in best, then give a name to the file and a describtion
    and then click on Continue again

    any questions left? feel free to ask :)

    EDIT: I know that i wrote Bouagaas name wrong :oops: noticed too late lol

  • I've put some pics in the gallery, guess I've done correctly. I'll upload some other later. Just a question, is there a way users can create an album?
    Oh, and thanks for the explanation :D

  • I promise that i'll take some time (soon) to look through my pic cds then I'll post pics I took here :wink2:

  • Quote from "Nastja"

    Dear Users!
    As u can see (on the left menu) the gallery is open to everyone now!
    Every member can upload pics and make the gallery grow :)
    Feel free to ask any questions about the gallery here, how to upload etc...
    we are here to help :D

    really thx all the work you done here, n like the idea so much
    cos i have tons of pics but dont know what to do with them
    so, when my connection speed is back, i ll just post them :D