Lycos movies

  • My e-mail tender 'Lycos' ( ) has come up with a nice idea of providing full-length movies to watch streaming online: 'Lycos Cinema'. The movies offered are of course not the blockbusting hits of the moment, but rather a bunch of less-known ones. This is a free service. Don't know if you have to have an e-mail account first, but if so, then that's arranged for within a couple of minutes <-- and you'll get a mailbox of 3 GB in size. Yes, boyz'n'girlz: that's 3 Gigs of space!. Now you can even swap your volleyball matches privately thru e-mail!!

    But I'm not doing any plugging for 'Lycos Cinema' without a reason, you know 8). I have found there one seriously cuckoo movie: 'Day of the Wacko' ('Dzien Swira'). It's a Polish movie. Unfortunately I've found there no English subs being available :( . But if you speak/understand/want-to-give-a-try Polish language, then I recommend you this totally mental flick about this even more flipped individual :lol:!
    You think of yourself that you are a weirdo? Well, then check out this fruitcake :D !!


  • Quote from "mazia"

    If someone needs very big mail box I recomend You have there unlimited space in mail box. Max size of mail is 50MB

    Helllloooo rudowłosa!!! :wink2: :D