What do you love more, you girl/boyfriend, wife, fiancé, same sex partner, or volleyball?

  • Please discuss.

    I personally think it's a stupid question, because the one is a sport and the other a person (hopefully anyway). I think right now I love my girlfriend more, but I've known volleyball a lot longer. They both treat me really well these days. I've had days where both my girlfriend and volleyball did not treat me nice though. I think the trick is to start by being nice to them. So many people are mean to volleyball when it doesn't give them what they want. I think you should love volleyball even when it gives you the worst game of your life. I also think this about your partner. Even when she's angry, confused, you should still be nice. Not because she is angry, but because she is your girlfriend.. or better yet, because she is a person.


  • what a weird topic, actually.
    You could have called it also TV vs. Love Interest / Car vs. Love Interest..... I mean whenever you try to compare a 'thing' to a person, it's already a bad sign.
    Those are two absolutely different things, u can love both, without downgrading one or another.
    But if you (generally speaking) wonder what might be more important, then you shouldn't be surprised that you'll be left alone with volleyball in the end.

  • So I gonna chalk you down as loving the person more than volleyball :P

    Fair points though

  • what a weird topic, actually.
    You could have called it also TV vs. Love Interest / Car vs. Love Interest..... I mean whenever you try to compare a 'thing' to a person, it's already a bad sign.
    Those are two absolutely different things, u can love both, without downgrading one or another.
    But if you (generally speaking) wonder what might be more important, then you shouldn't be surprised that you'll be left alone with volleyball in the end.

    Hey Nastja! Its been a long to see you around.
    I agree with you compering a thing to a person .... no bad thing. I belive that at this point between volleyball and any important person to you is about priority. Who comes first and who is next? For me right now i am so in love with volleyball and i think that i will always be

  • Hey Nastja! Its been a long to see you around.
    I agree with you compering a thing to a person .... no bad thing. I belive that at this point between volleyball and any important person to you is about priority. Who comes first and who is next? For me right now i am so in love with volleyball and i think that i will always be

    Nice os we have one for the person and won for volleyball! Let's call it a draw then :)

  • Next point to volleyball.

    I broke up with my girlfriend when she hurts me, and I can't broke up with volleyball when it hurts me all the time (just look at my NTs). So this must be true love :)

  • Really good question, I ve also wondered about it many times. For now I am afraid that volleyball...

  • Uuuu, volleyball seems to be wining . But who needs lover when there's volleyball? :)

  • SatanClaus (nice name btw): What do you mean? Do you really like Christmas and Valentines day or something? That'd be weird, if you loved valentines day mroe than your girlfriend. Or do you mean that if your girlfriend is PMSing you don't love ehr as much? I'm sort of lost here.

    And yes, it does seem like volleyball is winning. I guess it IS a volleyball forum.

  • Next point to volleyball.

    I broke up with my girlfriend when she hurts me, and I can't broke up with volleyball when it hurts me all the time (just look at my NTs). So this must be true love :)

    HeelMoi, this is really an ingenious topic. It hit me because I'm in this situation. I'm kinda heartbroken right now because I got turned down by I guy whom I really got closed too recently, just last night to be exact ;( . And one way I'm letting myself get by and move on is by watching the latest matches of the WC. The games are like a breather to me because I get to think of other things and I kinda feel a little bit happy when my fave teams win (Russia and Brazil :) ). So there is truth to what Iwonka said that when your lover, partner or spouse leaves you, you are left with things that you value. In my case, it's volleyball as well. I'm sorry if my story sounded corny... haha

  • So there is truth to what Iwonka said that when your lover, partner or spouse leaves you, you are left with things that you value. In my case, it's volleyball as well. I'm sorry if my story sounded corny... haha

    That's the truth but that's not what I mean :)

    I was trying (ugh my English! :( ) to say that when lover brings you to tears it's difficult but you broke up with him/her and move on. When volleyball brings you to tears (I cry whan my NTs are loosing important games in endings) you just wait to next match or tournament :)

    And I'm sorry for your broken heart :heart:

  • Oh I see, I'm sorry if I understood it wrong.. haha But thanks for empathizing with me... :-) :)

  • SatanClaus (nice name btw): What do you mean? Do you really like Christmas and Valentines day or something? That'd be weird, if you loved valentines day mroe than your girlfriend. Or do you mean that if your girlfriend is PMSing you don't love ehr as much? I'm sort of lost here.

    And yes, it does seem like volleyball is winning. I guess it IS a volleyball forum.

    when it's playoff time, hockey comes first. anything else runner-up. ;)

  • “Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.”

    Lao Tzu.

    But yeah volleyball can be a good distraction from the sadness that love may bring. It can also be a good break away of the happiness it may bring.. in that it puts it into perspective. And love can also put volleyball in perspective. I remember my first girlfriend was the first person that could make me forget about volleyball, which made me play excellent.

    Nice to hear some of the reactions here and to see that I'm not the only one having a hard time choosing between the two sometimes.

    I must add, that in the end I feel best when I'm not attached to either.

  • A New or An Ongoing Girlfriend? It seems to change the choice at first but it does not. Of course, Voleyball first!
    It has fidelity...
    It does not ask "where are going?"
    It does not say repeatedly " don't be late"
    And most important thing is; it does not ask me "Do you love me?" though she knows the answer!
    So: Voleyball, I choose her...

  • Volley

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.