Brazil's teams - Transfer news

  • Finasa hired Thaísa and Sassá from Rexona-Ades, Lia from Brasil Telecom and Camila Brait and Barbara from São Caetano. Besides, the team renewed the contracts of both Carol Albuquerque and Adenízia. It is expected that Ana Tiemi renews her contract with the team. It is also expected that either Paula or Natália will leave Finasa, once Sassá was hired.

    Rexona hired Carol Gattaz and renewed the contracts of Dani Lins, Michelle, Regiane and Fabiana. The team seems to be interested in hiring both Mari and Sheilla.

    PInheiros still negotiates with its sponsor. The teams intention is hiring Walewska, Jaqueline and Fofão if Blausiegel sponsors the team for one more season. Thaís and Joycinha have renewed their contracts with the team already.

    Brasil Telecom, São Caetano and MInas haven't made any major investment so far.

    It looks like the Brazilian Federation wants to bring back all the NT's players who have been playing in Europe for the last couple of years.