Atom Trefl Sopot

  • "- Mogę obiecać, że w tym sezonie żadna zawodniczka nie odejdzie już z drużyny. Mamy też zapewnienia naszych sponsorów, że lada chwila nasza sytuacja finansowa powinna radykalnie się poprawić. Po przyjściu do Atomu Trefl musieliśmy posprzątać i wyjaśnić pewne kwestie. Pożar w klubie został już ugaszony - powiedział dyrektor sportowy klubu Grzegorz Zięba. ."

    "- I can promise that this season will not go away any player team already. We also provide our sponsors that at any moment our financial situation should dramatically improve. After coming to the Atom Clubs had to clean up and clarify some issues. Fire in the club has already been extinguished-said the club's sporting director Grzegorz Zieba."

    We will see... :tzz:

  • So Corina is in Baku! :obey:
    I hope taht situations with salary in Atom will be solve soon ...

  • But it means that Atom will pay a fine to CEV due to lack of player in 12-roster, although Dorota Wilk certainly wouldn't have played.

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  • does somebody know what will Kozuch and Ssuschke do????? :sos: :?: :?:

    I think it is still undecided. In other threads were these two recent interviews with Kożuch (thanks to king and filedefener). One is in German, the other Polish.…hren-polnischen-Klub.html…takujaca-atomu-trefla-sop

    Here is part of the second interview:

    Maciej Szeniawski: Friday's meeting with Budowlanymi Łódź in their entirety stopped in the square you reserve for athletes. The coach gave the lady a break?
    - Frankly, it's hard for me to answer this question. The situation at the moment is not yet as it should be. A lot has changed. The decisions are as they are. I am in that I have no fault of their own. I'm waiting with his agent on the situation. I hope that I can as quickly as possible back into the game and help the team in subsequent struggles.
    The lady says, it seems the club is still struggling with considerable problems. Indeed, much has changed?
    - As I said, to explain the still was a lot of things. I just have to wait for it, how things work out the next days.
    You can guarantee the fans of Sopot, it will be in the team until the end of the season?
    - I must say that every day I wonder about their future. I'm still at the stage of decision making. I can not promise anything, because I do not know if things will get better.

  • It's getting boring. She thinks since November. For Me situation is clear- no money I go to another Club even in Korea or Japan.

    You will see They will stay. Only max 8 matches to end in Poland :D , 2 months to end all leagues :D and She says- I will change Club I will change :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolll: :rolll: :rolll:


  • She says the only reason why she stays is that she feels very well in Poland, she likes the city and gets along well with her teammates and she has family nearby, otherwise she would already have left...Money is not everything in life...

  • She must decide- family or money.
    If family She should stop speak in interviews about money because every week She says about money. Everyone knows the situation but no week by week I won't play I go to another Club and the same story from November.

  • The problem is that the club is always making promises, they keep saying "SOON you'll get money" and they did that until transfer deadline in many countries was over. She feels well in Sopot apart from the situation of the club, so she doesn't like to leave, but in the long run she can't be able to live just from air and love.

  • Like I wrote- She should stop talk about I will go to another Club because at the moment is to late.
    She should learn from Ozsoy who in interviews didn't say nothing about the situation or Her Bye Bye and She did what She should do.

  • and why do you think that she can change club? In order that she goes to other club Sopot also needs to give green light, and somehow they are not ready to do that. That is problem, not that she don't wan't to go.

  • I have written it somewhere here- according to article Every Player may leave Club as Ozsoy, without problems if want.

  • yes, in their contracts is a clausel, which says, if the club will have financial problems, players have the opprotunity to leave the club. And if a club is not paying their gadgets, players can leave aswell without needing a green light from the club !

  • There are more problems than this: not every club in the world wants to have Kozuch, it's not like they are ringing at her door and waving contracts in her face. At this time of the season it's not so easy to find a club. And then, in about 2 months is European OQT and she cannot risk to be out of training. In Sopot she doesn't get paid but at least she gets good training. What if she goes to Korea, but then she gets fired again after some weeks because she doesn't score 40 points in every game? Then she has some money, but no training. This is probably also the main reason why she wouldn't go to Azerbaijan now, Kathleen Weiss said last season when she was in Igtisadchi that because of the chaotic schedule in the league (sometimes they didn't even know when the next match would be) the training couldn't be planned well, and I also read from other players who didn't go to Azerbaijan because they heard that teams there are training less than in other leagues. Of course I don't know if it's true and even if it is it surely doesn't apply for all Azeri teams, but these rumors are out there, and before OQT Kozuch wouldn't want to risk anything.
    But there is one thing I agree, I don't like seeing a new interview of hers every other day, everyone knows by now that she doesn't get money, so there's no need to talk it all over again and again...