• Voleibolistas cubanas a la altura de Perú
    Está previsto vuelvan a Caraz, una localidad encaramada a 2 mil 256 metros sobre el nivel del mar, donde cumplirán más de tres semanas de preparación en su afán de lograr el boleto olímpico.

    La Habana (14 feb).- CUMPLIR nuevamente tres semanas de preparación de altura en la localidad peruana de Caraz es la más próxima meta de las voleibolistas cubanas rumbo a la clasificación olímpica.

    Francisco Medina, comisionado nacional, confirmó que las principales figuras del patio se alistan para viajar el 29, último día de febrero, bajo el mando de Juan Carlos Gala y su equipo técnico.

    En esa ciudad del departamento costero de Ancash, al norte de Lima, la capital de esa nación sudamericana, estuvieron el pasado año aprovechando los 2 mil 256 metros sobre el nivel del mar, la buena temperatura promedio que oscila entre los 16 y los 25 grados centígrados y las esmeradas atenciones de los anfitriones.

    Caraz Dulzura, como le llaman los pobladores, las acogerá para una fuerte preparación que concluirá con la participación en un torneo como lo hicieron en el 2011 cuando ganaron la Copa Movistar de Lima.

    "De regreso de esta base de entrenamiento, las alumnas de Gala continuarán su preparación en La Habana, donde se trata de ajustar algún tope para que lleguen en la mejor forma deportiva al torneo preolímpico de la confederación NORCECA con sede en Tijuana, México, del 29 de abril al 5 de mayo", indicó Medina.

    En esa ciudad del norte azteca, en Baja California, las cubanas lucharán por el triunfo, que de hecho asegura la presencia en los Juegos de Londres, pero tendrán de fuerte oponente a República Dominicana, sin olvidar la resistencia que pueden presentar Puerto Rico y Canadá.

    Según se ha informado, el mejor equipo ubicado en el ranking del orbe que no asegure el boleto tendrá su última oportunidad en mayo en el repechaje mundial previsto en Japón.

    Las dominicanas asistieron en octubre último a la Copa del Mundo, celebrada en escenarios nipones, y se ubicaron en el lugar 12, mientras las estadounidenses —campeonas de NORCECA— fueron segundas y clasificaron a los Juegos Olímpicos junto a Italia (titular) y China (tercera).

    Wilma Salas, Alena Rojas, Yohana Palacios y Kenia Carcases
    Rachel Sanchez, Rosanna Giel, Liannes Castaneda y Gyselle de la Caridad Silva
    Yanelis Santos, Ana Yilian Cleger y Yusidey Silie
    Emilly Borrell

    (Alena Rojas middle blocker and now playing with spiker)

  • IMO, Cuba really doesn't need to bring back old players like Yumilka Ruiz and Zoila Barros in the team. If they want to bring some experience, they should bring back the other veterans like Rosir Calderon, Daimi Ramirez, Nancy Carillo, and Yaima Ortiz.

  • what with Carillo and Calderon?

    Calderon, Carillo, Ortiz, Herrera, Ramirez etc cant play for Cuba NT if they want to play proffesional volleyball in another country. They had to stop play in Cuban NT for 2 yrs. before they could play in a foreign league. Very stupid rule of course.

  • Good to see Rachel Sanchez back on the roster. If I am not mistaken, she was removed from the NT last year after speculation that she was looking to defect? I think they have a fantastic group of athletes and they looked to be playing much better at the Pan American Games last year than they had during the GP. I think (more like hope) they will continue that progress this year and will be able to qualify for the Olympics and put on a good showing at the GP.

  • Calderon, Carillo, Ortiz, Herrera, Ramirez etc cant play for Cuba NT if they want to play proffesional volleyball in another country. They had to stop play in Cuban NT for 2 yrs. before they could play in a foreign league. Very stupid rule of course.

    You are not informed well, every Cuban player who is in NT cannot leave Cuba and play club volleyball. So Carillo and Calderon kind a run away from Cuba.

    About NT, I'm 100% sure that they will look so much better and play insane volleyball in year of Olympics. Its they thing, nothing is important as OG.

  • You are not informed well, every Cuban player who is in NT cannot leave Cuba and play club volleyball. So Carillo and Calderon kind a run away from Cuba.

    About NT, I'm 100% sure that they will look so much better and play insane volleyball in year of Olympics. Its they thing, nothing is important as OG.

    The Cuban federation gave releases for both Calderon and Carillo. They did not "run away." In both cases they did not defect like Aguero and are not representing other nations. Here is an interview with Carillo from Brazil where she explains exactly what happened in her case. Interview


    En solo seis dias partirá hacia la altura peruana la preseleccion nacional femenina de voleibol y hacia ecuador la masculina, hasta este momento se ha llevado a cabo un gran entrenamiento por parte de ambas selecciones y se ha notado una gran mejoria en los principales aspectos de juego en comparacion con el año pasado, al mismo tiempo se desarrolla la Liga Nacional del deporte en varias ciudades del pais que aunque con muy escasas noticias se ha conocido la gran actuacion de 4 jugadoras que es probable hagan el viaje con las primeras veinte seleccionadas, ellas son
    Las pasadoras Eglis Savin y Lilianny Marsillan, la atacadora auxiliar Dayesi Maso y la central Heidy Rodriguez.

    En un diciembre del 2011 la preseleccion nacional comenzo los entrenamientos para todas las competencias de este año y con la principal meta puesta en los juegos olimpicos de Londres y se hizo una lista de veinte jugadoras que hasta el momento entrenan entre 6 y 10 y en ocaciones hasta doce horas diarias divididas en pesas, resistencia, planteamientos tacticos, carreras y juego, hay algunas jugadoras que no han cumplido con los requisitos del macrociclo y pueden ser sustituidas por algunas jugadoras que han logrado un meritorio desempeño en la Liga Nacional o hacer el viaje las 24 jugadoras, esto esta en dependencia del visado y los boletos hacia el hermano pais sudamericano. En la altura se pretende aumentar la carga fisica de las atletas y hacer muchos ejercicios de resistencia y pesas, ademas de tener algunos partidos de preparacion con las atletas juveniles y mayores del Peru que hoy tambien estan inmersas en su Liga Nacional.

    Las 24 jugadoras preseleccionadas de inicio son:

    Yanelis Santos, Yusidey Silie, Ana Yilian Cleger, Eglys Savin, Lillian Marcillan y Yamila Hernandez
    Centrales: Giselle de la Caridad Silva, Rosanna Giel, Rachel Sanchez, Liannes Castañeda, Daymara Lescay y Heydi Rodriguez.
    Auxiliares: Kenia Carcases, Yoana Palacios, Wilma Salas, Dayesi Maso, Yudith Pumariega, Sulian Matienzo, Jennifer Alvarez, Yunieska Robles y Dayami Sanchez.
    Liberos: Emily Borrell y Gretchen Valladares.


  • The Cuban federation gave releases for both Calderon and Carillo. They did not "run away." In both cases they did not defect like Aguero and are not representing other nations. Here is an interview with Carillo from Brazil where she explains exactly what happened in her case. Interview

    well if they get permission from Cuban federation why they play under FIVB umbrella???

  • "Here’s another SHOCKING news!

    Two players have received disciplinary actions and have been removed from the training squad.

    One is the setter from the men’s team, Rayder Hierrezuelo, and the star from the women’s team, Kenia Carcases. Take note, both players have been instrumental in Cuba’s success within the last 2 years.
    We’re actually more shocked on the case of Carcases.

    She is Cuba’s go to hitter and the most effective spiker on the women’s team. Without her, we have a feeling Cuba will have a difficult time qualifying for the Olympics. The women’s team are scheduled to travel to Tijuana. Mexico and compete at the NORCECA Olympic Qualification tournament in May. As of press time, the girls are in Peru to train.

    Maybe Carcases planned to DEFECT?"

    oh again ? This time Carcases

  • So sad to hear this...of course Carcaces want to play outside Cuba since she is a world class player, so stupid rules. She have been under investigation from police for a long time I think, it was talk about it already last summer.

  • Calderon, Carillo, Ortiz, Herrera, Ramirez etc cant play for Cuba NT if they want to play proffesional volleyball in another country. They had to stop play in Cuban NT for 2 yrs. before they could play in a foreign league. Very stupid rule of course.

    OMG! Now I understand why Aguero goes away XD

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • I wonder if Cuba will ever give up their stupid principles and move forward, it's 2012!!! Without Carcaces they won't have any chance against the big teams in Olympics...I'm sure a lot of Cuban players would like to play in professional leagues but would still be proud to represent their country in NT, so what's the matter Cuba??? :thumbdown:

  • <h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{&quot;type&quot;:1}">Nota de la Federaccion:

    "No tendrán una competencia fácil las alumnas de Juan Carlos Gala, cuya
    preselección entrena en la Escuela Nacional de este deporte con la
    ausencia de la atacadora Kenia Carcacés, separada del grupo que partirá
    el próximo 5 de marzo para un entrenamiento de altura, en Peru. La
    jugadora, con más de 200 partidos internacionales en su haber, incurrió
    en faltas reiteradas a la preparación
    sin ninguna justificación y se decidio separarla de la selección solo en
    este viaje de preparación en la altura del pais hermano, cuando el
    equipo regrese de la altura ella volvera a entrenar, esperando que
    rectifique su actitud y no incurra mas en estas indisciplinas, ella es
    una de las referentes de nuestro equipo y tiene que ser un ejemplo para
    las mas jóvenes, mostrando gran sacrificio y entrega, no podemos
    permitir ausencias ni llegadas tardes a los entrenamientos sin
    justificacion, esperamos que ella entienda y que al regreso demuestre la
    estirpe que tiene esta gran morena, informó la Federación local. "

    Carcaces return after the trip to Peru!

  • A new generation of Cuban players will try to make history under the direction of Juan Carlos Gala, whose main goal is to qualify to the Olympic Games of London 2012.

    So the Cuban National team held an altitude training camp in Peru, and also participated at the Latin Cup Tournament claiming the gold medal.

    According to Gala, the Caribbean team hopes to continue with the same hard fight spirit at the NORCECA Women’s Olympic Qualifying Tournament, scheduled from April 27th thru May 6th at the Baja California High Performance Center.

    “We have a sacred objective, to fight for the victory at the Olympic Qualifier. It is a very difficult goal, but that is the reason we give our soul, heart and life every training day”, the Cuban head coach said.

    “I am very happy with the girls, because they are responding at the practices and we want to have a good performance in Tijuana, but the supreme thing is winning to achieve the most important objective this year: to qualify to London.”

    Before taking charge of the Cuban Women’s team, Gala was the head coach of the Men’s Junior Team that won the silver medal at the 2009 FIVB World Championship played in India.

    Two years before in 2007, finished eighth in Morocco, while in NORCECA won two tournaments and a bronze medal in the Pan American Cup.

    For the 2012 Olympic cycle Gala has a great responsibility that has been taken before by coaches like legendary Eugenio George Lafita and Antonio Perdomo, who guided Cuba in Beijing 2008, assisted by George.

    The team coached by Gala has earned many achievements such as two Championships at the Americas Bolivarian Alternative Games (Juegos del Alba) as well as a bronze and a silver medal in 2010 and 2010 at the Volley Masters in Montreux, Switzerland.

    He also took back Cuban women to the 2011 and 2012 FIVB Grand Prix, after two years of absence. Under Gala, the Cuban Women’s National team was one of the main contenders of the XVI Pan American Games of Guadalajara 2011, finishing with a silver medal after an amazing final match against Brazil.

  • are there any news about Cuba.........it's pretty sad not to see them in London....