Who is the best defense ??

  • Tom? Saori? Costagrand?Jacqueline?and another??? ?(it is limited to attaquant principal

  • Tom and Lucia Bosetti!

    Costagrande?!?! WTF

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • Costagrande is not so good in back row fondamentals ^^

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • Jaqueline is amazing in defense!!!i thinl Jaque is the best with Logan Tom.

    Lucia Bosetti is good also,but not at the same level of the previous 2

  • For me the best defensive OH in the world is Logan Tom. She is really good at digging. Gözde Sonsırma is a great defensive player as well, the digs she is making in both Vakıfbank and NT is just amazing :super: The other players are Del Core, L. Bosetti, Saori and Larson.