2015 CEV European League

  • Turkish NT Squad for the 1st Week

    Setters: Arelya Karasoy, Cansu Aydınoğulları

    OPPs: Meryem Boz, Ceren Kestirengöz

    OHs: Birgül Güler, Fatma Yıldırım, Damla Çakıroğlu

    MBs: Melike Yılmaz, Melis Gürkaynak, Su Zent

    Liberos: Buse Kayacan, Ceren Cihan

    "Lo sbaglio più grande e quello di credere di aver vinto prima ancora di giocare la partita"

  • Best Scorer:

    Player Team Played Match (Set) Points Set Average

    1 ZUR Moran ISRAEL 2 (8] 37 4,62
    2 SANDOR Renata HUNGARY 2 (6) 28 4,67
    3 DEVASH Galit ISRAEL 2 (8] 27 3,37
    4 GRAJBER Martyna POLAND 2 (8] 27 3,37

  • Standings after 3rd week:

    1. Turkey 13
    2. Israel 11
    3. Poland 10
    4. Greece 10

  • Standings after 4th week:

    1. Turkey 19
    2. Greece 16
    3. Hungary 14
    4. Israel 12

  • Best Scorer

    Player Team Played Match (Set) Points Set Average

    1 ZUR Moran ISRAEL 8 (32) 131 4,09
    2 SANDOR Renata HUNGARY 8 (27) 115 4,26
    3 YILDIRIM Fatma TURKEY 8 (28] 106 3,79
    4 DEVASH Galit ISRAEL 8 (32) 106 3,31

  • Semi-Finals ( Home and Away Match ) :

    Turkey - Israel 3-0

    Hungary - Greece 3-2

  • Semi-Finals ( Home and Away Match ) :

    Turkey - Israel 3-0 3-0

    Hungary - Greece 3-2 3-1

  • That's insane!!! I guess noone watched the 1st game of the finals.
    Turkey lost the first set because the referee showed a red card at 23-24. Red card is shown because Turkey tried to make double substitution and replace an OH with MB. There was clearly a problem with substitutions during the game, especially when Turkey tried. But seriously? Terrible refereeing. I assume noone really cares about this tournament and therefore we never heard of this happening. :mad:

  • well, it's less important tournament, so most people just don't care... Turkey and Poland used B teams :wavy:

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • well, it's less important tournament, so most people just don't care... Turkey and Poland used B teams :wavy:

    The coach of Turkey is sooooo bad! He did not sub Fatma Y. with Birgul in the backrow to pass. Besides Meryem Boz is playing damn terrible and he does not take Ceren K. to the game. I'm so damn furious, how can these people be the coach of a team seriously? :white: :mad: