Chinese League Round 12 - Tianjian vs Evergrande‏

  • League Round 12 match between Tianjin vs Evergrande played on Tue 14 Jan 2014.

    Not sure if everyone would be interested but feel like to return a bit after getting so much from the forum

    This is WEI Quiyue's 2nd game after returning from Igtisadchi Baku due to salary issue.

    Martina Guiggi (ITA), Juliann Faucette (USA) and Megan Hodge (USA) join Guangdong Evergrande this season. Unfortunately Hodge returned to State after pretty bad injury left Guiggi and Faucette to support this immature team led by Jenny LANG.

    Performance of both teams are pretty inconsistent with number of amazing rallies throughout the game.

    Set 1

    Set 2

    Set 3

    Set 4

    Set 5

    Posting videos for the 1st time, please be kind and let me know if there are any posting rules. :obey:

  • Thanks for posting, looking forward to more games from this league