SuperLiga Women's Brazilian 2008/2009

  • I think it's a shame that Finasa fans won't recognize that the game was fair and square. I've been lurking for a while, but felt it'd be necessary to address this specifically. It's a lame excuse to say that Finasa lost the game because of that mistake in fourth set. Even though that point actually helped Rexona to open a good margin, Finasa still managed to come back and they even had a match point in the 4th set! They opened 4x1 and 11x10 in tie-break. So, you're not serious, are you?

    It's probably gotta be painful to lose the 4th time in a row for the same team, even though every single year your sponsor put out the best team. This year even taking two key players away from your main opposite, which obviously made Rexona weaker. Get over it, then! I've read some of the past posts and I think instead of trying to put os down, people should focus on cheering for their team. No need for wanting everybody to "kick our ass", since that's obviously something you didn't manage to do yet.

    The game was incredible, both teams fought their hearts out but, in the end, I still think Finasa lacks that mental balance that's necessary to focus in the victory. Didn't help either that their coach is so weaker than Bernardinho.

    Anyway, I just think you should be classy when you lose too.

  • Third Place dispute: Sao Caetano defeated Brusque 3-0 (25-23 , 25-22 , 25-16) , Sheilla was awarded MVP in the match


    :lol: Yeah I hope Sao Caetano could be in final. But anyway they are a brand new team and besides Olympic trio the rest of the team are comparably weaker than Finasa and Rexona.So bronze medal is not so bad as I think. And wow Sheilla the girl is fierce. :thumbsup: She is the best scorer too.

  • ;( Well if talking about the referee‘s help I think Finasa got the kind of help when facing Sao Caetano in semi-finals. I watched the video carefully. Yes I am a fan of Olympic trio. But fairly speaking the match #2 in semi-final there were 1-2 points which should be gained by Sao caetano. But the referees gave them to Finasa. And also the only host match for sao Caetano was deprived for so-called national TV transmission. And it was moved to a city which is nearer to Osasco than Sao Caetano. You can see in match#2 the gymnasium became Finasa's home. When Mari came to serve she got huge boos.I know it is not planned by Finasa. But they did have the advantage.

    I know it is really hard for Finasa fans to accept the cruel fact.And the loss will also cause tremendous pressure to Finasa team and girls because of the sponsor's big investment.Maybe next year the final could be best of three matches. Then it will cause less mistakes and debates.

  • Yates,

    I would like to know when I lost my class. I wasn't agressive to anyone and I just expressed my thoughts in the same reasonable way I am doing now.

    I am not mad because Finasa lost the title of the Superliga. I am mad because Rexona won it without deserving it. It is clear that if the referee didn't commit the mistakes he commited the result of the match would be different. His mistake was decisive in the final result of the match. That is pretty obvious, anyone who knows how to count can conclude that. In other words, Finasa did manage to kick Rexona's butt , but the referee pretended this didn't happen and preferred to give Rexona the trophy.

    It goes without saying that Bernardinho is way better than Luizomar, but it was not this difference in the quality of the coaches that decided which team won the title of the Superliga. It was the mistake made by the referee. This is a fact and nothing you say will change that.

    There is nothing for me to get over, this is just sports and such things happen. I have the right to express my thoughts about this match, though, and that's what I am doing. I am sorry if that offends you. I would be ashamed to write anything minimizing Rexona's achievement if Rexona had really achieved something, not the referee. They should be praised for their brilliant campaign, but not for the result of yesterday's match.

    As for the semifinal matches, São Caetano's managers signed a contract accepting the competition formula, so there is no point in mentioning such a thing, Rainbow.

  • The thing is, actually, you assumed something that never DID happen. Mistakes by referees happen all the time. They shouldn't, but it doesn't mean that because of one point the whole result would be different. You could see that, had you accepted the argument that although Finasa got hurt in that decision, they still managed to come back to the game and even lead the score in that same set. That is not the reason why they didn't win. I guess it's just easier to put the blame on what's beyond your power.

    You're thinking upon "ifs", which doesn't help you to move on with this discussion. We don't know Finasa would have won that set in case the decision was called in their favor, because that simple fact doesn't mean everything else would happen in the game exactly as it dit in reality. That's pure logic. Everything else it's just a guessing game. You GUESSED they would win, but you can never know that for sure. The only thing we'd know for sure is that they would tie the game. Anything further than that, it's not based on facts. Basing your arguments on what COULD have happened isn't the same thing as basing it upon facts, as you're stating. You're defending an argument based on what you wish it had happened, but never REALLY did. So, guess you can't say that Finasa gaining by 3 x 1 is the "real" result, as you did. That's merely a fantasy.

    Anyways, I don't think we're going anywhere far with that. I wish Finasa good luck and hope that, for next year, the judge won't stand between Finasa and the victory, since that's clearly the only reason why they let the title get away.

  • It is great to have different opinions and thoughts to meet here. :lol:
    I think even the referee did "help" Rexona to survive Finasa still got the match point first in set 4 and led points in set 5.It is hard to say which one is how much better than another one considering the points so close. It was more likely to depend on the psychological effect and luck too.So if the final is 3 or 5 matches. The lost one will have no excuse.Now it was only one match and Finasa did play great. But they had no the ability to make the advantage to last to the last minute. It is just like soccer : one team can have over 20 shots.But with no goal. While the other team has less shots but just goal even it may be an own goal. But they just catch the poortunity and close the game.Anyway Finasa can leave the court with honor.

  • There is no Finasa Osasco anymore. The sponsors of the team got sick and tired of CBV's lack of respect towards them and decided to stop investing in the adult team.
    I am really sad with this news, but after this final match, which was such a crying shame, all I can do is respect Finasa's managers decision. Of course the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation will survive the blow and probably other sponsors will arrive, but the city of Osasco and its fans will definitely suffer the consequences of such a withdraw.

  • It is a shame and a shock to see Fiansa ending....very very bad for Brasilian volleyball....

    I dotn think the reason they did that...were refereers or tickets (cause talking even with Fiansa supporters here in the gymm..fiansa has the same number as RExona...the gymm was even splited in half....but Bradesco gave their tivkets to the banks..and their workers..instead of saving for the true taht not CBv fault)...any of this excuse...cause would be just to low professional to do definelty something bigger....

    For me...CBV must do something..cause sponsors have no space in media...and for them there is no return to invest in volley!!!!Cause...they invest...but...their name is not tell..and there is no tv..only show Osasco and Rexona games.....the one even know what is the sponsor...
    I dotn know what will happen from first..I just hope Bradesco come back in this decision....but definelty a lot will change ehre...cause...there is two good teams Superleague..and all players needing a guess most will have to leave or accept a lower salary..spetially teh ones from fiansa...cause..Finasa used to be the team that paid more for their players...

    Again..very sad day for Brasilain volleyball...

  • :wall: Shock. I think it must have other reasons not just the referee things.Also considering the global economic recession. The banks suffer losses more than any other businesses.Anyway I hope there will be any other strong invester to accept the Osasco team. Just don't dismiss the team. This season is a good beginning. After Olympic Champion so many top Brazilian players coming back to boost the league quality.I hope it could last long. :woohoo: Pray for you guys.

  • YEah...Finasa responsables today..Bradesco said the reason they are closing the team is that they wanna invest more in social programs and base categories of volley and bascketball...that is for them the most important work to do....

    the World Crises is defiently one of the reasons...for the fact that Bradesco used to spend about 12 millions Reais (around 4 million Euros) in this projects by decided to mantain the base teams..but no the adult...

    Is really said..cause teh second club that ends in this enxt the others will arrange to absorve these players......the first impression is that most will ahve to elave the country...but...Thaísa, Natalia, CAmila Brait..still dotn have age for ahrd to know what is going to happen....

  • YEah...Finasa responsables today..Bradesco said the reason they are closing the team is that they wanna invest more in social programs and base categories of volley and bascketball...that is for them the most important work to do....

    the World Crises is defiently one of the reasons...for the fact that Bradesco used to spend about 12 millions Reais (around 4 million Euros) in this projects by decided to mantain the base teams..but no the adult...

    Is really said..cause teh second club that ends in this enxt the others will arrange to absorve these players......the first impression is that most will ahve to elave the country...but...Thaísa, Natalia, CAmila Brait..still dotn have age for ahrd to know what is going to happen....

    Hello joana,miss you. :lol: Congrats to your team's fourth champion.

    Thank you for your follow-up news.I have some feeling that there might be other reason besides money. Because Finasa still invests in other programes.Ok. They are not as much as what invested in Finasa adult team.But... Sometimes it is hard to know what the sponsor is thinking about. They might be unsatisfied with the team rank , the players ,the CBV and the referees.I just hope the CBV could make efforts to promote volleyball itself to make sponsor be willing to join.

  • brazilian sport commentators are blaming CBV for what happened to stated by them , finasa sponsor was upset about decisions made by CBV......some underlined ones :

    - final played in one single match;

    - sponsors are not mentioned in the name of teams during tv broadcast : instead of saying ´´finasa osasco´´ , tv just says ´´osasco´´ , ´´Rio de Janeiro´´ instead of ´´Rexona Ades ´´

    - many mistakes commited by the referee in the final match;

    - the lack of a medal and a trophy for finasa players in the award ceremony corroborating their idea that finasa wasnt treated as it should be by the CBV... :down:

  • Thanks for your information. If it is so that means maybe it could reverse the situation. :whistle:
    But "the lack of a medal and a trophy for finasa players in the award ceremony" Thaisa is the best blocker. But we didn't see her accept the trophy in awarding ceremony, why? ?(
    And all the individual trophy is based on the CBV statistics. So is it unfair?And if the sponsor thinks they were treated unfairly what they to protest is to make all the Finasa good players unemplyed. I think it is more unfair. Anyway I hope everything could be better. Maybe next season 3 or 5 final matches and ask international referees to be in the finals.So....Good luck. :thumbsup:

  • Osasco won't end anymore.... That's great news

    But the sponsor won't be Finasa anymore. Osasco's Mayor says there are some local businessmen helping support the team and the City Hall, if necessary, will help the team financially too. Moreover, they can still find a new sponsor for the next season.

    Coach Luizomar and Olympic-champion setter Carol have already confirmed their presence in this new project. Olympic MVP Paula Pequeno says she'll think about it, as she also has some good proposals from abroad.

    That's great news, but I just hope this new Osasco team can be good enough to compete against Unilever (the new name of Rexona) and Sao Caetano, which will probably have Jose Roberto Guimaraes as the head coach.;

  • :lol: It is really good news. I known it is hard but hope Osasco won't be too weak next season.Now Finasa will be hated by some Brazilian people at least Osasco fans. :tzz:

    Wow Jose Roberto Guimaraes will be coaching Sao Caetano. :cheesy: So Mari , Sheilla , Fofao will be coached by him. :dance4:

    danielvanutti : by the way , your picture is Leona Lewis ?

  • I insist the reason why Finasa left the Osasco team was not the economic crisis. If that were the case, they would try to lower their budget, not stop investing in the adult team.

    The exact same thing happened with Finasa's basketball adult team in the end of the 90's. The Brazilian Basketball Federation punished the Osasco team and the sponsors thought that this measure was unfair and in response to that they stopped sponsoring the basketball adult team but kept their other investments in sports, the women's volleyball adult team and the other categories of both volleyball and basketball.

    The fact that Rexona had much more time to prepare for the final match (Rexona's third match of the semifinal playoffs happened before Finasa's second match of the semifinal playoffs. Rexona started to prepare for the final match on Sunday and Finasa only could focus on the final match on Wednesday because their third match against São Caetano was on Thursday night), the errors of the referee all in favour of Rexona, the one-match final playoffs in Rio de Janeiro instead of a neutral place and the fact that they forgot to give Thaísa the best blocker prize before the TV cameras were the reason why Finasa stopped sponsoring the Osasco team.

  • Bruno, please, don't be childish. I just said that the reason why Finasa stopped investing in the adult women's volleyball team of Osasco was not the economic crisis.
    What I mentioned in the previous posts were the facts that upset Finasa managers. I already posted my share of complaints about what happened in that final match.
    This episode is past for me. I have no further comments to make about that.

  • It is nice to hear that the Osasco team will continue to play the Superliga. I wonder which are the new sponsors of the team.

    As for the other teams, there are rumours that Blaüsiegel / São Caetano is trying to hire some Finasa players and also that Zé Roberto will be the new coach of the team.

    I also heard that Rexona-Ades will change its name, instead of the name of its brands, Unilever will adopt a strategy to promote the name of the corporation. The new name of the team will be Unilever / Rio de Janeiro. It seems Unilever will lower the amount of money they invest in the volleyball team from this season on.

  • you really think that a decision like big..has to do only beacuse of one of the game....cause of the final???I think would be really weird if a team with the tradition of Finasa sponsoring has to do only with that....

    After all..CBV problems dont disturb only Finasa..but also Rexona..and all other teams in league....the mistakes...already happened for both sides....I remember we loosing the second game from Superleague 2004/2005....cause of a referee mistake too....and about ther jsuta eprsonal aspect..I dotn think that influated a lot..the true was that Finasa was not able to have the competence to win the match..cause they we replaying much better then Rexona..but let Rexona team go up in the match...anyway..I know it wont take anywhere arguing about a personal matter..and I know for what we already argue here in other not worth to do this..hehe

    I agree with you..that Cbv should have more care about the general...

    But I still think that Finasa would not take 20 years of work cause of one game! And DEfienlty changing the directory of the club...had the most part to do with it..and this is something I know so!Not guessing...

    But the good thing is that Luisomar go after it..and arranged the new sponsors for the far as I know...the most important one will be Wall MArt....others are Casas Bahia...and the city of Osasco..I think...

    About the girls..yeah...Sao Caetano is wanting to go with Paula, Thaísa and CAmila Brait..but...has the problem of the one knows this is going