hello people, greetings from croatia, the most beautiful country

Hello from Croatia
Most beautifull after Serbia!!!
o ukusima se ne raspravlja tako da se nećemo svađati ovdje
hello people, greetings from croatia, the most beautiful country
Welcome to this forum.
o ukusima se ne raspravlja tako da se nećemo svađati ovdje
If you write English, we can understand you
Thanks.Welcome again
Welcome to the site!
do you remember 1995 word cup china VS Croatia
this i great match
i dont remember that, i was a kid in that time
Nice to welcome you here.
Welcome on the board
We don't have many users from your "most beautiful country" here
In Croatia I enjoy your beautiful beaches with clean sea!And your beautiful and funny players.
Ma, kakvo prepucavanje... Nije ovo mesto za tako nesto... Ali, zar se ne kaze "okusi", a ne "ukusi"?
pa mi kažemo ukusi, mislim postoje i okusi ali ne u ovom kontekstu, to su dvije različite riječi
In Croatia I enjoy your beautiful beaches with clean sea!And your beautiful and funny players.
Rijeka city is perfect. -
Welcome !!!
Croatia will always remember me ECH 2005 (women)