Who win World Championship 2010

  • 25 september 2010 begin World Championship in Italy
    Who which teams in Your opinion have the most chance to win this tournament?
    I waiting for answer

  • well after 10 years or so of Brazil winning almost everything possible i think it's easy to assume that they will win this title as well :D other candidates are Russia Bulgaria Serbia and Poland . i would be really surprice if other teams that aren't mention here won this.

    Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to
    stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs
    you, that takes a lot of courage.

  • Those new rules in the WC make every predictions very difficult, so I would be careful with choosing any favorite (except Brazil - they are always favorites, even if they aren't as good as they used to be).
    Of course, teams mentioned (maybe also Italy and Cuba) by Mateo should play a big role, but I personally can't say who will win it...

    The most important 3:

    5th place - Prediction Game - World League 2011 :D

  • China is in an dangerous pool, but i hope they could make a miracle.
    though i'm really not into brazilian team, i have to say they're most probably the winner.

  • Brazil will win the world title, no doubt about it. The battle will be for the 2nd place and behind. Italy will probably make the semifinals as hosts and perhaps Russia and Cuba will be the other 2 semifinalists.

  • Brazil or Italy will win I think. Italiaans are mafia as usual and have very good way till the finals. And ofcourse they made relying on USA, France and Bulgaria to meet in one group with Brazil for a place in semifinals :D I admire them, they're so smart. Italy made this championship Brazil vs everyone. Big teams must knock out Brazil and Italy - World Title. :D

  • Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, Italy/Poland in order of chances in my opinion.

  • Bulgaria, Brazil, Poland, Russia - some of them. :)

  • Can't decide between Brazil and Russia, but right now Dmitriy Muzerskiy kinda tips the balance over to Russia :lol: .

  • Serbia with the big two back will make a strong showing, and might end up in the final, and then who knows? But Brazil has got to be a favourite - just the desire, confidence and experience - very big qualities...

  • Brazil or Russia. It is first row of top candidates, second row would be Poland, Cuba, Bulgaria, USA third row: France, Italy, Germany. Personally I think that Brazil will win, however I would like someone else to win:)

  • Definitely Russia or Cuba. Brazil is a bad team protected by a mirage of invinsibility, stemming from their past. All you have to do is look very carefully.. don't try to play too hard, don't try to beat them, just see that there is nothing really to beat and you have already won. This being true, Brazil actually is a really good team that deserves anyone's respect and they most probably will win this tournament.

    Holland isn't at the men's WCH :( If we were though, we wouldn't have a chance to win it. It would be good experience though. Klapwijk is better than Brazil.. too bad he's not a team.

  • ?( Sooo. I hope that Poland will win! :).... and so earnest .. My favorites are Brazil(as always) and Cuba-> very strong team.. Then Russia , USA , Bulgaria.. ,,Dark horse" of the championship can be Germany. I don't prefer to talk about the chances Polish :) just I keep my fingers crossed :win:

  • What's a Dark Horse? Like evil and stuff? Or do you mean that they're an 'outsider'?