Counting system:
- right result 2 pts
- right winner 1 pts
- wrong prediction 0 pts
1. Post your predictions of the day before the matches start.
2. Post all predictions of the current round in ONE post.
3. Editing posts is forbidden.
4. This topic is just for predictions, comments about matches etc will be deleted here. Post them in the other threads please.
For the winner Prediction Game unique Inside-Volley's Notebook
1. gagak 24,25,22 - 71,13 - 84
2. kuraf_veiga 23,21,24 - 68,15 - 83
3. Mainframe 22,25,21 - 68,13 - 81
Nati 25,21,19 - 65,16 - 81
StarNight 24,24,22 - 70,11 - 81
6. Fran 21,24,21 - 66,14 - 80
7. WIELKI_ZNAWCA_PIERWSZY 21,21,23 - 65,14 - 79
8. mariuszj1939 21,23,21 - 65,13 - 78
9. Nostromo 20,22,23 - 65,12 - 77
OS6 19,24,22 - 65,12 - 77
11. burak-ı naz 24,20,19 - 63,13 - 76
mateo 22,23,19 - 64,12 - 76
13. GuDeKo 17,26,20 - 63,12 - 75
kadir_8 21,21,21 - 63,12 - 75
Matthias 17,23,22 - 62,13 - 75
16. danielfacundo 14,21,24 - 59,15 - 74
17. B. Moreira 20,25,18 - 63,10 - 73
badys87 19,22,20 - 61,12 - 73
forzalube 21,22,23 - 66,7 - 73
kyhn_gkc 19,24,20 - 63,10 - 73
Ömer 18,20,21 - 59,14 - 73
22. Bartek 20,23,19 - 62,9 - 71
23. Flyer 9,22,21 - 52,14 - 66
24. Konrad 17,17,19 - 53,10 - 63
25. NathaN 9,20,20 - 49,13 - 62
26. bubbly 21,21,19 - 61,0 - 61
27. Sasha 21,22,16 - 59,0 - 59
28. emil-kei 17,21,19 - 57,0 - 57
jaco 14,24,19 - 57,0 - 57
30. brahmin 13,20,21 - 54,0 - 54
31. pappi 21,0,21 - 42,0 - 42
32. ned 22,19,0 - 41,0 - 41
33. SHABOVTA 0,0,19 - 19,15 - 34
34. rodrigo_oposto 0,22,0 - 22,0 - 22
vblover 22,0,0 - 22,0 - 22
36. cassano 21,0,0 - 21,0 - 21
HoffenDoug 21,0,0 - 21,0 - 21
38. Rafalowski 10,0,0 - 10,0 - 10
39. 6persei 0,0,0 - 0,7 - 7
40. lombin89 5,0,0 - 5,0 - 5