As above subject, i want Russia's games, would be appreciated if anyone can upload the games
thank you very much
Request: Anyone has the WGP European Qualification Tournament?!?!
As above subject, i want Russia's games, would be appreciated if anyone can upload the games
thank you very muchI got NED vs RUS
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6: files are done...
Of course,if you konw Chinese you can also use the two links below to download the video.They're already finished.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I strongly suggest to open the asf file with WMP -
Volleyboy, thanks for your job! Thanks very much!
But, Have you anothers matchs about this QWGP' 2011, like Nethelands 1-3 Germany and Germany-Turkey?
Thank you very much!!
All matches from the Netherlands can be seen @ In the menu on the left you can also see the previous matches.
Volleyboy, thanks for your job! Thanks very much!
But, Have you anothers matchs about this QWGP' 2011, like Nethelands 1-3 Germany and Germany-Turkey?
I only have Nethelands'games,and just as Chipp said,you can see the same games on
I only have Nethelands'games,and just as Chipp said,you can see the same games on
Have you got the match between NED&ITA?
Thank you so much!!!!!!!
if someone have more Russia game, please upload
Have you got the match between NED&ITA?
Yeah,I can upload it if you need.
@ Volleyboy
Thank you very much for uploading NED-RUS
I would really appreciate it if you could upload NED-ITA as well
@ Volleyboy
Thank you very much for uploading NED-RUS
I would really appreciate it if you could upload NED-ITA as well
Sure,but I think it will take some time
Yeah,I can upload it if you need.
I really need to watch.
Many fans in my country want to watch the great match too.
It is very kind of you to do so! -
Below is NED vs ITA
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: files are done,
I strongly suggest to open the asf file with WMP
Below is NED vs ITA
Part 1:
The rest are coming soon...
I strongly suggest to open the asf file with WMP
能传到115去吗? -
我的是360。。。 -
Thanks so much for sharing - very helpful for people like us who don't have access to any broadcast.
thanks for the NED x rus still had not seen.
if you can put more of russia'm grateful.
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Anyone by chance has GER-ITA?