European Championships 2011

  • Again, those dangerous generalizations. :S

    Sorry, yates ;) I already exptected such reply...I wrote about exceptions :win:

    I will try to describe in different way: teams/coutries/tribes with a strong temper :) I have never seen NT of USA, Canada, Poland, Russia, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Belgium disbehaving severly in is related with a certain mentallity (temper).

  • Indeed really unexpected. I think Russia was for everybody the huge candidate for the title. :win: :P

    why unespected, just look last 3 EC's... history repeats itself :whistle: , Russia confirmed title of eternal volley "loosers" - it is hard word but...

    2007 - EC final in their own country vs Spain - lost

    2009 - EC semis in Turkey - France, then no one considered France as serious team - lost

    2011 - EC semis in Austria - Serbia...

    If we use betting terminology, they were all 3 times like '80% + prematch favourites, it is tradition for them, being no1 favs and loosing somewhere on the road...similar also ofc last season on WC in Italy vs Serbia (which they beated like 4 times that season...) and probably something like that in Beijing...coaches are changing, habits remaining habits...

    About best setter award, if we choose out of top4 teams, who could get this prize if not Travica ?( :roll:

  • Sorry, but even if Russia had been 8th, or something like that, I would've still prefered Russia getting a wild card over Poland. Nothing against Poland, but you know, we all know: the reason for the wild card handing should be technical. And it's not, unfortunately. Poland getting 3rd place in the championship has nothing to do with the wild card they get.

    I think you had made a mistake: check out wikipedia of Wild card (sports) you can find that wild card is for those who are not good enough to qualify, but not for potential winners. The reason for saction of a wild card is not about techniques.
    Time changes and today in some events wild cards are given to outstanding players, however, Poland also did great this year. They're also managing their best time. There's nothing wrong to give them this wild card.
    I agree to one of your points: I dislike the saying that Poland kind of buying this wild card. So I wanted Poland team prove themselves in ECh very much and finally they make it. If only Polsat hadn't announced the wild card thing that early. :thumbdown:

    Bartek Kurek best server :rolll: :heart: :obey:

    That's totally out of my expectation! I thought Kubiak could award a best receiver and Igla could award the best libero, and I never thought Kurek can serve too many aces. But the fact again demonstrates that I am a prediction failure. :lol:

    You mean some technoligical device, like tennis' hawkeye?

    Actually hawkeyes are not very useful in volleyball. Hawkeye can only judge the ball in or out, but volleyball have other factors such as touched ball or net violation. So the superslow motion camera is very useful.
    Btw, I can't help complimenting the WL final this year. Very impressive visual experience!

    Right, the MVP definitely should go to Miljkovic!
    But according to the whole tournament statistics, if Italy won this match, the MVP must go to Savani. He has a high ranking in both scorers, spikers and servers.

    The ranking of 5-8 place is determined by the number of won matches and set ratio in both preliminary round and playoffs. Slovakia 3-1, Bulgaria 3-2, France 3-2(lower set ratio), Finland 2-3

  • Behaviour in club and in NT are different things, second is more important, the players represent the country

  • Quote

    Right, the MVP definitely should go to Miljkovic!
    But according to the whole tournament statistics, if Italy won this match, the MVP must go to Savani. He has a high ranking in both scorers, spikers and servers.

    Yes, on italian website, they wrote the same, that if we would have won ( ;( ) Savani would had deserved the MVP awards.

    But where did you find the stats??? Becuse I only found the stats that include also the qualification round...

    BTW, I tought Savani deserved an awards, probably the best spiker. He had insane attack stats in this ECh (exept vs France), in the last 2 matches 68% and 71% !!

    Poor Sava :(

  • Congratulations to Serbians for their title. I can't say, that medal for this team is a big surprise, but I didn't except them to win the whole tournament. Italy also made a good result, afert some bad years.
    Poland were much worse than Italy in the semifinal, but the bronze medal match was just brilliant by our players. This victory over Russia was almost as good as that in 2006. I will remember it for a long time :)
    The bronze medal is a big success for our team, which played with not so strong roster :thumbup: I hope Zagumny and Wlazły were watching the match in TV yersterday and envying that great moment :P
    Fantastic tournament by Kubiak, great moments by Kurek, Ignaczak and Żygadło. And Jarosz yesterday... I think his play was his answer for all the criticism of him, also on this site, also from me...
    Russian - big favorites without a medal. They always play like boxer after and knock-down in 3rd place matches. It was like that in 2009 and this year too.

    The most important 3:

    5th place - Prediction Game - World League 2011 :D

  • Hmm...

    Sry. Occasionally, even I am taking a break from being right all the time :lol:

    Berruto :thumbdown: not only cause of the yellow card. He had to bring Zaytsev back.

  • He had to change Buti with Birarelli before.

    BTW, I'm checking the stats (now the database stop working=.=)

    For the serve I checked Savani and Kurek. And Mastro, that for me was great in serve.

    According to the stats Kurek deserved it. He has 0,518 ace/set (9 aces, 18 errors, 68 serves) (not counting the 1/8 - fortunally for him, because he did 8 errors an no ace xD - and considering he didn't play vs Slovakia in the pool). While Savani did 0,443 (9 aces, 20 errors, 76 serves. In the final 1 ace, 5 errors). Mastro had only 0,31 ace/set, but 8 aces, 17 errors, 99 (! he did a lot of long serve runs) serves.

    For the block... Well, I love Podrascanin, he is in my "dream team" xD, but... Stats in the hands MASTRO should have taken that awards with not the shadow of a doubt. Even Stankovic deserved it more than Podrascanin.

    Podrascanin: 13 blocks; 0.59 block/set. In the 1/4 2 blocks, in the 1/2 3 blocks, in the final 4 blocks.

    Mastro: 27 blocks (more than the double!!!!!!!!!), 1,245 block/set. In the 1/4 4 blocks, in the 1/2 3 blocks, in the final 4 blocks.

    That is totally unfair!

    I'll check the rest when it will work again...

  • Marko is good enough if you noticed that best receiver's name is even not on the best receivers list. :rolll:

  • Novak Djokovic's tweet:


    Great success and big HEART from our Serbian volleyball team! They deserved the title. We are celebrating and waiting for them to be back!

  • I think you had made a mistake: check out wikipedia of Wild card (sports) you can find that wild card is for those who are not good enough to qualify, but not for potential winners. The reason for saction of a wild card is not about techniques.
    Time changes and today in some events wild cards are given to outstanding players, however, Poland also did great this year. They're also managing their best time. There's nothing wrong to give them this wild card.
    I agree to one of your points: I dislike the saying that Poland kind of buying this wild card. So I wanted Poland team prove themselves in ECh very much and finally they make it. If only Polsat hadn't announced the wild card thing that early. :thumbdown:

    I don't think this is a matter of wether I made a mistake or not. It's matter of opinion: you can agree or disagree with me, but it's not about mistake or being right.
    And I stand by my opinion: wild card SHOULD BE about technical criteria. I find it hard to find people that would agree that by technical criteria, Poland should get a wild card over Russia. If the criteria were "whoever gets 3rd on the european championship", then, now it'd be ok to say: it's fair that Poland gets the wild card. But as I understand, rules are: "wil card goes to whoever FIVB says it goes". And then, doesn't matter if it's for technical reasons or whatsoever. But it's too bad that it is "whatsoever" instead of technical reasons, cause I think wild card should be handed to make the competition better, to bring better teams to the tournament.

    Judging from a mere technical point of view, I think that the first wild card should go to Russia, cause regardless of the result of the bronze medal, they're one of the very greatest teams in the world. It would make the competition better, more interesting.
    If FIVB would hand a second wild card for an european team, I think they could choose from a great number of teams: Poland, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Finland, etc. And it'd be ok, no problem with that.

    But unfortunately, Poland's wild card has nothing to do with that. I don't think it's unfortunate the TV announced it earlier: they're just making it more transparent what's it all about.
    (Just to be clear: I have nothing against Poland, neither the team, nor its fans. I just don't agree with this sort of political decision. And if it's to be made like this, I'd much rather that they made Poland host the WC, so we wouldn't have to spend one more spot with Japan. And judging from the technical point of view, at least in the male side, Poland would be a much better option to host.)
    And that's my opinion.

  • Hmm... Below some article on someone wrote, that Savani has 0,4 in the serve stat, Kurek - 0,409, and Vadeleux even more, but he didn't get the award just cuz France isn't in the top four of the tournament.