European Championships 2011

  • Yes, I completely agree with yates here!

  • Hmm... Below some article on someone wrote, that Savani has 0,4 in the serve stat, Kurek - 0,409, and Vadeleux even more, but he didn't get the award just cuz France isn't in the top four of the tournament.

    The stats said that Savani had 0,4 and actually it's true, but those stats include the qualification tournaments, and I think it doesn't make any sense to consider that. I made the maths only with the 6 matches of the ECh, and it turned out to be 0,443. But for the same reason I didn't count 1/8 for Kurek, and without that match (there he didn't score aces and made 8 errors), it's 0,518. So, imo he deserve it if we wanna follow the stats.

    If we don't wanna follow the stats, I still think that Mastro was better than Savani for Italy, but it's not smth that comes out from the stats, you have to watch the matches to realized that. Or may be they had to award Vadeleaux, or N'gapeth (but I didn't check their stats..)

    So, about that, I think Kurek deserve it.

    About the block, is a shame that Mastro weren't awarded. 27 block vs 13; 1,25 ace/set vs 0,59 ace/set... Stankovic too had better stats than Marko. (22 blocks)

    I also checked the stats for reception: I didn't find the positive%, only the exc%, and Kovacevic has 39.1%... And if you think that Zaystev - who isn't the best receiver ever - has 48,85% of perfect reception, you'll see that probably they could have found somone else (I'm not saying Zaystev, I was just checking his stats for curiosity, but I guess there is someone with better stats than Kolacevic...)

    And about the best spiker...

    Sorry for Mikhailov, but Savani deserved it. in this 6 matches he had in the order: 64,3%, 66,7; 40; 66,7; 68,7; 73,9 (*__*), for an average of 63,33%.
    Mikhailov: 50%, 48,6%, 64,7%, 64,7%, 56,7%, 51,6%, 67,7%, for an average of 55,7 (actually it's 56,55 if you do the maths... this is the CEV tot). I really don't understand why they gave him the awards, considering that he also won the best scorer...

    the more I check the stats, the more I'm disappointed...
    For Igla too, of course.

    For the record, Mikhailov scored 114.

  • Yeah, you're right, Miky, I think, that Savani deserved for the best spiker's award more. But you know, people will always give this award to Mikyhalov, because this is Mikhaylov.
    I couldn't believe in this award for Kovacevic, the best receiver - as I remember he didn't receive veeery well.
    Podrascanin too. I was sure, that Mastrangelo will get this award. SURE. And of course Igla was the best libero in this tournament - especially, that Bari didn't play whole tournament.

    Travica the best setter? Well... I don't know who chose him :what: I don't really know who deserved for this prize.

    Awards, which didn't suprised me: best server for Kurek and best scorer for Mikhaylov.

  • Travica the best setter? Well... I don't know who chose him :what: I don't really know who deserved for this prize.

    Travica isn't my favourite setter, but after all if had to chose someone between the 4 semifinalists, I would have chose him. Even if Petkovic increased a lot :obey:


    Awards, which didn't suprised me: best server for Kurek and best scorer for Mikhaylov.

    and the MVP ^^

  • It is unexpected based on the pre-tournament odds and rosters of teams. Even Miljkovic himself was careful with the predictions and said they would be happy with the 6th place. I doubt anyone seriously expected Serbia to become a European chmapion after Grbic's retirement. Based on the game they showed there is no doubt - they are the only unbeaten team, outclassed both Russia and Italy, played as a team and proved they should never be underestimated in big events.

    Yes, I know very well the situation around Russia in Euro champs, I wasn't that much shocked about Russians getting no medals again compared to the Serbian dominance. I hope you get my point :) I mean, after all, did you really believe two weeks ago that they could win it? Anyway, their success is totally a result of a great atmosphere in all formations (senior, junior, youth) and they prove one more thing - a Balkan, or rather a Slavic, country can show sometimes what it takes to be on top!

  • I finally watched our great battle for bronze. I was completely mad, unable to watch this match and I probably looked like I had hyperactivity. But my mum called me and before I picked up the phone I already knew what was the result and I started doing sth like :woohoo:

    Heaven. I'm in heaven.
    Something really amazing happened with Kuba Jarosz. Finally, I would say! The way he played - it was just crazy! :cheesy: I hope it's the beginning of Kuba Jarosz show and the end of his black days.
    Kurek back on fire. When I saw him on awarding ceremony... :aww: He was totally surprised he won the title of best server and he ran out with a mobile phone in his hand :rolll:
    Kubiak is for me like a revelation and good spirit of our team. Big support in attack for Kurek almost the whole tournament. A hero. Smaller than every player (except Igła ofc) but a beast with one of the biggest heart in game :heart:
    Igła :love: My lovely Igła. Why the hell he didn't get an award for the best libero? OK, I really like Bari - after watching his version of "Highway to Hell" even more - but Igła is still better. And he played the whole tournament and Bari didn't.
    It will be totally madness but I love Żygadło as well :D
    What to say... I LOVE THEM ALL :heart: with Andrea(s) who made a huge work with our team and I hope for more.

    About BIG final... I cheered for Italians, I must admit. But it doesn't really matter know. I love both teams. And my two personal gods - Mastro and Ivan :super:
    Congrats for Serbs for taking gold but also congrats for Italians for taking silver :flower:
    I'm happy about Łasko. I treat him as "our guy" so I'm delighted and success of him and his team make me happy even more than I can be after success of my team. Ok. It sounds a little chaotic :P

    I'm very sad about Russians 'cause I expected them to take the title. And they landed behind the podium. It may sound weird but it's heartbreaking for me :S Well... We can't have everything. It could be more heartbreaking if they took this bronze not Poles. There must be always a big loser... But, anyway, sad to see such Russians.

  • I read in newspaper that Poles listened to the music before a match with Russians. When Andrea went to the locker room, they were listening "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC :D And Andrea said that he already had known we're gonna win it. More fans of AC/DC... :whistle:

    Well, we won this bronze 'cause we were simply "a real team". A family. Piotrek Gruszka said that after a match with Italians they all went for a very long walk and Krzysiek Ignaczak seemed to be uptight.
    - I tried to reach him on my way. I asked Misiek Kubiak to do something, tell a joke. He looked at Igła and blurted out: "Where are you going on holiday?", and Igła started to laugh.
    Everyone also helped Igła on the court. They slapped him on the back, consoled him.
    - I felt support from them. We showed that we're a team - said Igła.

  • I read in newspaper that Poles listened to the music before a match with Russians. When Andrea went to the locker room, they were listening "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC :D And Andrea said that he already had known we're gonna win it. More fans of AC/DC... :whistle:

    It's funny: for quite some time I've been thinking that - were I my team's dj or the supporters' leader - I'd make the players constantly listen to "It's a long way to the top"... save the fact that my version would exchange "if you wanna rock'n'roll" for "if you play volleyball". :thumbup:

  • yeah like the HD slow motion repeat for example, it was just perfect to see what happened.
    It is a HIGH TIME such a challange system is implemented. Volleyball is very outdated to some extend. ?(

    According to this article (in Italian), Polish league will test the system in the upcomig season, basing it on Polsat's images. Every team will be allowed to ask for 2 slow motions per set, but if the 1st proves the refereee is right, they lose the right for the 2nd. It seems pretty fair to me...

  • According to this article (in Italian), Polish league will test the system in the upcomig season, basing it on Polsat's images. Every team will be allowed to ask for 2 slow motions per set, but if the 1st proves the refereee is right, they lose the right for the 2nd. It seems pretty fair to me...

    Wow, that's a huge advancement. If the system works, it can be a milestone in volleyball!

  • There would have been at least 5 times as many people in 2000 when our team won the Olympic gold, but there wasn't any ceremony since Serbia was in a political turmoil at that time.
    About 10 000 people gathered yesterday to welcome them, not bad considering they went to Austria in total silence and without any expectations. Many people didn't even know that ECh was being played, since basketball ECh was going on at the same time and got everyone's attention.

  • Joana, the pic and the coincidence with the basketball ECH suggest me a question, out of mere curiosity...
    I saw the basketball players (and the audience) giving the three-fingers salute every time the anthem was played, and if I'm not wrong football players do the same. Now I see Miljkovic & Co. doing it as well to celebrate the victory, but as far as I remember they weren't used to do so during the anthem, nor was the audience. How does it work? I mean, is there some, say, "sociological" reason why some sports' players do it more usually than others?

    PS: Imagining the kind of reception our players would have had if they had win the ECH, I begin being almost happy Serbia did...