It was right after the game and awarding ceremony, when would they get drunk??? Our team is so crazy even without alcohol

European Championships 2011
when would they get drunk
I love this team and I saw "Rüttgers Club" bottle in Maggie's hand hehe
One of the users (called "yalancı" in our local forum made this sad video: -
European WomenVolleyball Championship Brief Commentary by the Help of Turkey versus Serbia and Italy
Feelings of excitement and joy are the first impressions. It is quite obvious that effective services change the result of the games. Turkey generally gets started one step forward considering the services. I found Neslihan Darnel the most successful of all.Turkey vs Italy (25.9.2011)
Italian Team is almost always a strong opponent. Piccinini, Gioli and Guiggi are the focus of my attention in Italy but if you add them one by one, you can never get the synergy created during the real game. My favorite Piccinini, though sometimes goes out of the mood, always has the passion and the talent to change the unwanted direction of the blowing wind.
To me, Turkish Team is an actual team since absence of any player almost never stops the action of the Turkish Machine. It works. Neslihan makes progression in time and day by day becomes a very effective weapon. Neriman affects the score with her witty game. Gözde has a satisfying performance. And Eda Erdem… Eda, in my point of view, is mostly not used as much as she should. She has the motivation, the passion, the energy, the technic and the experience. Eda must join the positions more often, she must use the ball more than she is usually given. Moreover, she is quite effective in the middle attacks. A superb middle spiker.
Serbia vs Turkey
Besides a good team work, Neslihan Darnel in Turkey reached a very high performance during the game, both with her spikes and her unique services. Though Eda Erdem is a very strong weapon as a middle spiker, Turkish Team did not play with her much. To me, she was ignored and devaluated. This was the turning point of the game. Attacking few with Eda in the middle was a sort of latent suicide for Turkey.
Serbia deserves to be congratulated. They were on the mood and very well motivated. Turkey, as a team, was a challenger and gave its war till the end. I am proud of the performance of my national team, Turkey, since there were the spirits in our court. Always.
İbrahim Ateş
We know the individual awards but who are in top 5?
ı actually do not know. We all focus the first four.
ı actually do not know. We all focus the first four.
No no! I wanted to mean who are the top five players as individually in spiking, blocking,serving,receving etc! For example the player A is the 2nd best spiker, The player B is 3rd best blocker..