Germany - DVL 2010/11

  • I don't think I made fun of her, at least I didn't intend to....And yes, there are other players which I don't like, but those players aren't candidates to play in Bergamo which is among the best teams in Europe since many years, so I think there is a relation between these two facts. If for example Lisa Thomsen would talk about playing in Bergamo, I'd find it very very strange too...

    About the reasons why I consider Lena not such a good player: she is tall, which of course is not a reason, but as a consequence of her height she is rather slow and has a bad coordination. Look in this video the points for 6:3 and 8:3:
    Of course it's just one scene, but I think it shows what I mean. In general I think the quality of her sets is not on the level of a top setter, in German league there are at least 3-4 setters who are certainly better in that element. I don't want to judge about tactical choices because that's also a question of what the coach demands. And about players' preferences, of course that's an important element, but for me a really good setter should be able to get used to various players quickly. I remember that both setters in Vilsbiburg had problems to give Kralikova balls that she could attack properly, when she played in Wiesbaden she was more effective even if I'm definitely not a fan of Nicole Fetting either...

    And yes, I am a setter too ;) Maybe that's exactly the reason why I am so critical about setters, in fact there are very few setters which I really like. And as a player I know the feeling very well that the setter always is guilty :roll: So for me, a "good" setter is one who does not stand out in a negative way, he/she doesn't necessarily have to shine to perform well. But for me, scenes like the one of Lena in the video above are "standing out in a negative way".

    But once again, I don't want to make fun about players or hurt them, but I like to tell my honest opinion when I don't like a player.

  • Like Matthias wrote, I dont think anyone here hate Möllers.

    Maybe people dont like her game, or like me just think she is not ready yet or dont have what it takes yet to be in Nt, but from that hate....hate its such powerful word. And that dont mean also that one day she wont have the quality to be there, she is still so young, of course she has a lot to grow.

    And I think when Matthias says she is tall, and he dont like that style, it is cause it is usually atached that tall setters are usually more slow (not that its a fact, but usually its what happens).

    I dont wanna defend anybody, but I least, I dont remmeber, reading anything from Matthias that was desrespectful to some player here. He just put his opinion, but not being desrespectful...I guess.

    Anyway, I hope Möllers can grow season by season.

  • Well, the "hate comment" may have been to harsh, i shoulda have put a smiley behind it.
    Back in 2009 Bergamo already made Lena an offer, now 2 years later again. I agree, Bergamo is one of the top clubs in Europe and i´m sure, they won´t make an offer to someone they don´t think is ready to play for them. We don´t know what the coaches think of her, but obviously they have a high opinion.

    As for the video, it shows how the setter depends on a good reception:

    - 6:3, bad reception by Petrausch to the 3m line. Don´t brings the ball forward to the setter. In this case, Kralikova must have helped.

    - I´d also like to add the point that leads to 7:3, same situation. Again, bad reception by Petrausch. But then there´s the difference. Lenka Dürr shows presence of mind by helping setting the ball. If Lenka wouldn´t have set the ball what would have happened? Because of the bad reception and the long way Lena had to run and the amount of time expiring throughout this whole action, you give the opponent a chance to get back into position.
    And here´s the point. It´s not Lena´s fault to not reach the ball, even a small setter would have problems with that reception. And being a small setter, don´t automatically makes you faster.
    This is what you have to think about as a team. Help your teammates. Not because they´re bad, but see the situation. Realize what is goin´on and what can happen.
    Lena´s fault was, that she started to run towards the ball. She should have stayed at the net and let another player set the ball. That would have made the play fast. In a high level team, there´s always a player acting as second setter if the reception´s bad.

    -8:3, bad reception by Petrausch again. Just that. She don´t brings the ball up front. Stuttgart´s points were not a result of bad setting or Lena being too slow, but because of a bad reception that made it almost impossible to set the ball well.

    If you would have reached every ball, then my hats off to you.

    Using these scenes don´t show Lena´s mistakes. Volleyball is a team sport and many times people just see a mistake by the player who touched the ball last. Or if the ball leaves a player´s hands, and the next player don´t reaches the ball, you can bet people will blame this player. But they don´t see the real "source" of the mistake.

  • Of course the receptions in this part were bad, but this is exactly my point: a really good setter doesn't only do magic with good receptions, they also manage precise sets from difficult situations. I am sure that setters like Lo Bianco and Takeshita could have made good sets right on the spot from these receptions, and even less good setters should be able to at least keep the ball in play. I don't want to focus too much on this one scene, but it is a general tendency that I have observed whenever I watched Lena, when she has to use underhand set or generally has to set from difficult positions, she struggles very much to make something good of the ball.
    One thing that I disagree as player and coach, 2nd ball is for the setter if there is ANY chance she can reach it. As soon as you handle it another way, it happens too often that other players take the ball away from the setter because they think she can't get there or there are misunderstandings when two players go there and both draw back. But that's just my opinion, I'm sure there are coaches who think different, maybe they are right but I personally prefer my way ;)

    I'll say it once again, I have absolutely nothing against Lena, she just isn't the type of player that I like. Just as Lisa Thomsen is not the type of libero that I like, Kathy Radzuweit is not the type of MB that I like, Heike Beier is not the type of OH that I like and I consider Saskia Hippe quite overrated at the moment too. But, as you can see and it proves that you are absolutely right about volleyball being a team sport, it is perfectly possible to have a successful team including these players. The problem is that Kathy Radzuweit almost always plays very weak in her club teams and so does Heike Beier in her teams outside of Germany. German NT is lucky to have Guidetti who manages to use each player's strengths and hide their weaknesses as much as possible.

  • I agree with everything single word you wrote, but I think no one would not agee with what you wrote. ;) volleyball is definelty a team work, and a good or bad reception have a lot of influence in the setter job. That is for sure.

    Anyway, its just a supporting thing, some people will like her game, some other dont, its like that with every single player. ^^ I think most of all, no matter if you enjoy one or another player, and dont admire some much the work of another, you have to respect them all. They all work hard, and that is it ^^ :drink:

  • @ Raven

    I can fully understand your first (maybe a little impulsive) reactions (4:44 PM and 5:35 PM) ^^ Lena is a player of 'your' club, so if somebody else criticises her in a - in your opinion - unfair way, it feels even more bad :teach:

    I myself often criticise players of - in my case - Dutch NT (Blom, Huurman, C. Staelens for example ). Some other forum-members might think I hate that players, but it's just I don't like their game --> it's nothing personally :win:

  • Of course the receptions in this part were bad, but this is exactly my point: a really good setter doesn't only do magic with good receptions, they also manage precise sets from difficult situations. I am sure that setters like Lo Bianco and Takeshita could have made good sets right on the spot from these receptions, and even less good setters should be able to at least keep the ball in play. I don't want to focus too much on this one scene, but it is a general tendency that I have observed whenever I watched Lena, when she has to use underhand set or generally has to set from difficult positions, she struggles very much to make something good of the ball.
    One thing that I disagree as player and coach, 2nd ball is for the setter if there is ANY chance she can reach it. As soon as you handle it another way, it happens too often that other players take the ball away from the setter because they think she can't get there or there are misunderstandings when two players go there and both draw back. But that's just my opinion, I'm sure there are coaches who think different, maybe they are right but I personally prefer my way ;)

    I'll say it once again, I have absolutely nothing against Lena, she just isn't the type of player that I like. Just as Lisa Thomsen is not the type of libero that I like, Kathy Radzuweit is not the type of MB that I like, Heike Beier is not the type of OH that I like and I consider Saskia Hippe quite overrated at the moment too. But, as you can see and it proves that you are absolutely right about volleyball being a team sport, it is perfectly possible to have a successful team including these players. The problem is that Kathy Radzuweit almost always plays very weak in her club teams and so does Heike Beier in her teams outside of Germany. German NT is lucky to have Guidetti who manages to use each player's strengths and hide their weaknesses as much as possible.

    We agree on the fact, that the reception is not too good. But you have to take a look where the ball goes after reception. It is adifference
    if the ball goes away in an almost 90 degree angle or if the ball goes indeed towards the net but more towards position 2 or 4, say to the far right or left of the net. In both cases the reception was bad, but it´s easier for the setter to reach the ball in the 2nd case. The 2nd case did not happen in the video...

    If you have someone whose not good at receiving the ball and the ball goes directly to the sidelines maybe 7, 8 out of 10 times, then please don´t tell me that a setter like LoBianco, as good as she is, would reach each and every one of these balls. It´s not possible.

    And that leads me to the next point i don´t understand. You compare a 21-year old setter to a player who is 10 years older and therefore has more playing experience. You compare apples and oranges. If you wanna compare them, then please do so, when Eleonora was the same age as Lena is now.

    You say, you´re sure LoBianco and Takeshita could have made good sets from this reception, but have ever thought about the other way? There are players, opposites or outside hitters, who insist of having the ballset the same way every single time. Which is absolutely ok, but it´s also these players who refuse to try to make something good out of a bad setting. So, when a setter could make a good set from a bad reception, why can´t every attacker try to make a good attack after a bad setting? It makes the setter look bad, but is it really her fault?

    As for the 2nd ball, it is for the setter. But, if the setter tries to reach everyone of these balls after a bad reception, you have to take the following into consideration. Because of long ways the setter has to run, he/she will get tired quickly. Being tired makes it hard to keep a
    certain level of concentration. Next point is, if the setter reaches one of these balls, you still give your opponent enough time to get into
    position. So what are you gonna do? In situations like this you have a player acting as "2nd setter" on the field. The reason is obviuos.
    Before the setter runs across the field, in my opinion it´s better to have a "2nd setter" play the ball and keep the playing fast. Of course
    you have to practice situations like this on a regular basis. It is also important to have a good communication on the playing field. If you
    don´t have a good communication, it will happen what you said: misunderstandings when two players go there and both draw back. You have to practice to realize such situations. Communicate who will take the ball. Still, the 2nd ball is for the setter, but there are situations
    where it´s not possible.

    joanamss and flyingdutchman

    This may surprise you, but even if Lena plays in "my" club, and even tho´ i defend her, she´s not my favourite player in "my" club. But it
    seems to me, that every time, Lena plays, there´s gonna be a comment about how bad her setting is, no matter what happened, if there´s a bad reception or whatever. And people jump on this bandwagon. Again no offense meant, but is it because Matthias, who was obviously the first german fan here, says so? I got this feeling, that people don´t even consider to watch her and make up their own mind, but just agree with this opinion. Like, if i share this opinion, i´m a good guy.

    I may be critical. I don´t jump on bandwagons, i enjoy makin´ up my own mind. I´d also like the other users here to make up their own mind and not just sayin´ "i agree". This goes for every player, not just Lena Möllers. But it seems to me, that she gets crticized more than any other player here. I read Lena is young. Give her the credit of being young and don´t compare her to more experienced players like LoBianco, or Apitz and Weiss.

    Why do you think one player is good, or why is he/she bad? Would these players be as good or bad if they would play with other teammates? What happened during a game, which actions happened that make one player look good or bad. These are the things i wanna know, these are the things that are goin´ through my mind.

    Hope i made my point clear. I also hope that it is clear, that my "rant"is nothing personal against any user here. But before you just agree
    and basically repeat what was said about a player, make up your own mind and come up with your own words. No matter if you agree or disagree with an opinion. It don´t hurts one bit ;)

  • WEll, I see your point.

    I cant say for anyone but me, but I dont made my mind about any athlete over what someone wrote here. I dont dislike Möllers, I just think that in Germany, at least today, you have other players that are playing better then her like Weiss, Hanke and Apitz, that is all. Its my opinion, and any one can think different.

    You dont need to worry, cause I dont think that over what Matthias or any other one said. It is just a personal view.

    I really like Germany NT, and I do hope Möllers grow, as more great players better. And when she is in NT I will support her, as I did before. But that dont change my opinion, that I think that other girls are in bettershape for the NT setting role then her. At least for now. Maybe someday my opinion will change as already changed before.

    for example, I didnt like much Rondon as setter, for ITaly. And still I think has other players better then her in Italy, but I saw one game she made against Brasil last season, that really made me change my mind a bit, and see a great potencial in her. Many here probably dont agree with me, and really dont like Rondon game. Cause indeed sometimes she can play really bad.

    but you see that is part of the fun, and thanks God people think we have supporters for everyone! :) After all all this girls deserve! ;)

  • Well, you don´t have to like her, that´s not what i´m asking for. What i like is to have a more specific opinion other than she´s too tall, too slow or whatever. Speakin´ of bein´ too tall and therefore slow and not havin´ a good coordination, in my opinion, that´s just not true. A big player can also be fast and a small player can also have a bad coordination. This is just too generic.
    Also, if someone don´t likes her playin´ style personally, that don´t makes her a bad player. But that don´t really describes why one thinks she´s not a good setter.

  • Someone know if Severine Lienard still plays in Hamburg??? :flower:

    Successo viene prima di Sudore soltanto nel vocabolario.

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's European Championships 2011
    Bronze Medal - Prediction Game - Men's European League 2012

  • Severine Lienard played for Hamburg from 07/08 to 09/10, i guess. Since 2010 she plays for ASSPVB Mauguio.

    Thank you so much! :wavy:

    Successo viene prima di Sudore soltanto nel vocabolario.

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's European Championships 2011
    Bronze Medal - Prediction Game - Men's European League 2012

  • Jennifer Todd has signed a contract with Vilsbiburg. The 6´2" middleblocker was born on Feb. 3rd, 1985 and played for Club Voleibol Haro last season. She also played for Kanti Schaffhausen, Terville Florange Olympique und Istres Ouest Provence Voley.

  • Vilsbiburg has signed middleblocker Renata Cristina de Jesus Benedito. For the last five years, she played for Jamper Aguere.
    Daniela Lanner Mapeli has renewed her contract for one more year.

  • Well, i´m lookin´ forward to see Renata. Personally, i´m happy that Dani stays another year. Her experience is very important for the team. And she´s such a nice person as is her whole family :)

  • Yes I agree, and she can also help Renata to arrive well in Vilsbiburg :)
    Do you know if they intend to sign another Opp or will they play with Zautys as Opp and Meyer-Petrausch OHs? Either way the team will be quite good again next season :thumbup: