OMG, Maggie, Please don't...
I remember when she was practising to come back she said she plans to play maybe 2 years only, but I thought it was a joke and she doesnt know in which shape she would be...but we will see
OMG, Maggie, Please don't...
I remember when she was practising to come back she said she plans to play maybe 2 years only, but I thought it was a joke and she doesnt know in which shape she would be...but we will see
I remember when she was practising to come back she said she plans to play maybe 2 years only, but I thought it was a joke and she doesnt know in which shape she would be...but we will see
She has played in Olympic Games in 2008 already,but Poland's performances were not good at all (They couldn't manage to second round), and I hope Maggie still wants to play in the Olympic Games.
She has played in Olympic Games in 2008 already,but Poland's performances were not good at all (They couldn't manage to second round), and I hope Maggie still wants to play in the Olympic Games.
but still she can play OG and than retire (like Liktoras) maybe she isnt gonna play after summer...and you know now the situation about Polish participation in OG is really bad
but still she can play OG and than retire (like Liktoras) maybe she isnt gonna play after summer...and you know now the situation about Polish participation in OG is really bad
Fortunately isn't as bad as The Netherlands' situation.
I don`t know what to say I thought that she will play a little more
Oh, no I always thought she'll be bach in NT for OG. I love Maggie, she's the best Polish player ever, when she spikes she looks like the goddess. I will miss that
So, For now there's no NT training? When will they start to train for the European Qualifying Tournament? Poland won't achieve to go to London with their ECH Roster IMO...
I know it's a bit early,but they need to build a stronger team like this...
S - Radecka and Skorupa
I really like Asia Wolosz, but everyone admits that Skorupa is the best choice. It's indeed hard to compare her with Radecka,cos they both are the same level. Radecka is more stable,but her sets are sometimes predictable, on the other hand, Skorupa can be a bit unstable but her sets are very smart and creative. I don't know about the others like Belcik. If I were Swiderek(whatever his name is)...I'd pick Radecka and Skorupa. Skorupa played as main setter in Peking and it was very impressive.
OHs - Werblinska,Glinka,Kasprzak,Kosek
I heard that Glinka wants to retire after this season,but Let's see what she will do... I hope she contines to play until the olympic games. Poland really needs her.
apart from her, Werblinska should be main OH. It looks like She isn't fully recovered yet,but I believe she will play a lot better than now soon. also I really liked Kasprzak's performances in several tournaments, though she got injuried a lot. on the other hand, I don't really like Kosek, but she sometimes plays very well and is better than Kaczorowska and some
MBs - Bednarek,Okuniewska,Wojtowicz
IMO, and I'm sure you guys agree that Bednarek is the MB Poland has. this season, She is playing super good both in attack and block. hopefully she contines playing like this. apart from her, Okuniewska will never be cut. She is a great MB and has a big potential. maybe Swiderek will call Gajgal back,but I'd love to see Gabriela Wojtowicz in NT soon. I heard she has some injuries but she's playing her, Let's see.
the others like Efimienko,Tokarska are weak to play in NT yet.
OPPs - Skowronska,Podolec
Skowronska is like Neslihan for Turkey. Turkish fans call Neslihan as their queen,so Polish users should consider it as well It definitely means Skowronska should be on the roster.
Kaczor,on the other hand, I don't really like her performance these days. She is just struggling a lot and it looks like She doesn't even have power to hit the balls. hopefully she will get her shape back like in ECH 2009. in stead of her, I'd love to call Podolec. She's perhaps not ready to play that much,but She is really needed. has a great block technic and great serves.
Liberos - Zenik and Maj
my favourite Polish libero is actually...Agatha Sawicka, but since she doesn't want to play for NT...Maj and Zenik should be called.
Maj is fun to watch seriously She tries to run all the time and makes her teammates laugh and this is what I like the most. sometimes She looks like a noisy(in a good way for sure
)school girl. apart from Maj, Zenik will be called with no doubt.
nice comment Emil !!!
you will be surprised but Podolec is playing in Romania probably as OH (nobody is sure because there are no stats) and in the first match she hit 20 pts, so with her form and health is probably everything OK
nice comment Emil !!!
you will be surprised but Podolec is playing in Romania probably as OH (nobody is sure because there are no stats) and in the first match she hit 20 pts, so with her form and health is probably everything OK
Wow, That's such a great news I hope to see Podolec as OH in NT as well. putting her as MB is not a good idea in my opinion. of course, She is so good at block,but She gotta play as OH or OPP.
If she can possibly play as OH or OPP, Swiderek will have more chances to call players. maybe Kaczor or Kwiatkowska. Kaczor isn't in a good shape now, and Kwiatkowska lacks in height, although she played quite well when she had chances to play in the NT...
I`m also very happy that Podolec play well as OH
for 2nd Opp I would like to see Czyżnielewska she is very young player and very talented , even she play better than Kaczor for now, ofcourse she never was in senior NT so she is not experience player, but I think that its good time to invite her to NT
emil_niklas, nice comparison
Your roster looks so strong, but I don't know, if it is still possible Skowrońska is our best OPP and now nobody can replace her, I hope that Podolec is coming back to good shape, if she can score 20 points. Kaczor now is really weak, what she shows in our league. Idea of Czyżnielewska is also good, she's promissing player for NT. Also Wojtowicz can be good player, but she has lacks in technical skills, some of them she overcomes by her height. Both Wojtowicz and Czyżnielewska should be called in order to gain experience. If I can call one more MB to your three, it'll be probably Gajgał: she's experienced, motivated and has good spike from right wing. Setters are the best solution, both Radecka and Skorupa are 27, so they can play to 2016 or even longer
and they complement each other. Also choice of liberos is best: Zenik since many years plays really good, although in last years she was a little bit worse, Maj improved a lot in last years. And at the end our biggest problem OH's: Glinka is the best, but will she play for NT more matches ? It's rather unpredictable because of her latest interviews. Werblińska and Kasprzak can be our strong weapon, but Ania is just coming back after injury and Kinga has also problems with health. 4th place is free - it's hard to say who can be also in NT. Podolec can be OH, if she is in good shape, then 2nd OPP could be Kwiatkowska or Czyżnielewska. Players like Kosek/Kaczorowska/Jaszewska are unstable: they can play good match and in next they play horrible.
For me the best roster, if it's possible is:
L: Zenik, Maj
S: Radecka, Skorupa
MB: Bednarek, Okuniewska, Wojtowicz, Gajgał
OH: Glinka, Werblińska, Kasprzak, Podolec
OPP: Skowrońska, Kwiatkowska/Czyżnielewska (one of them)
Sawicka due to injury won't play, she also doesn't want to. Bełcik when she's taken into account gets injuries. Also Bamber can be helpful but I think she doesn't want to help as Sawicka, despite her surgery.
We can also build another NT (if all agree):
L: Sawicka, Strasz/Saad
S: Bełcik, Wołosz
MB: Efimienko, Tokarska, Pykosz, Kuczyńska
OH: E. Skowrońska, Kosek, Sieczka, Jaszewska/Kaczorowska
OPP: Bamber, Kaczor/Konieczna
Certainly, we choose first team, but what about second? What do you think about this?
hehe good for universiade
ok seriously, players of B team should play in A team, but are behind they´re life form or are not in a good form now
hehe good for universiade
ok seriously, players of B team should play in A team, but are behind they´re life form or are not in a good form now
For second roster I didn't mean team B ;), most should be in A
I forgot to write Sieczka on my roster. She is playing pretty good in Atom and She is still young(23 yo) also tall. She can be more used than Kaczorowska or Jaszewska.
I forgot to write Sieczka on my roster. She is playing pretty good in Atom and She is still young(23 yo) also tall. She can be more used than Kaczorowska or Jaszewska.