in today's news - Poland will be in this season without big names - Skowronska and Skorupa because of their conflict with Matlak, Glinka want to have a rest, the same Zenik (and because there was a lot of critics on her game at WCH), Kaczor and Gajgal are injured and are going to heal injuries...another girls want to have baby (probably Jagielo and some other) it will be very interesting

Poland NT 2011
Yes. Theme for this year: Can we find 12 healthy players willing to play for Matlak?
Here is the article:…rze-swiata-ale-bez-gwiazd
It seems we have problem...
But NT is a privilege. Nobody should be forced to play in the team, if doesn't feel like doing that. No matter what the reason is. -
i only hope that this year a lot of young girls will get a chance...and the biggest problem i think is the OPP position
It depends if for example N. Bamber agrees to play, then the problem with Opposite will be not that big, for now, the rooster should look like this:
Setters: Sadurek, Wolosz, Belcik (if agrees), Haladyn(?)
Opposites: Bamber (if agrees), Zaroslinska, Konieczna, Zebrowska
OHs: Werblinska, Kosek, Sieczka, Kasprzak, Kaczorowska, Jaszewska, Szczurek, E. Skowronska, Kurnikowska (?)
MBs: Okuniewska, Wojcieska, Tokarska, Efimienko, Wojtowicz, Koczorowska
Liberos: Maj (if agrees), Sawicka, Kuehn-Jarek/Saad(?)
So the rooster will be totally different than last year.
I am afraid that Jagielo will plan a baby as well as Bednarek-Kasza.
Gajgal and Kaczor will join in the last tournament of the season probably. -
It depends if for example N. Bamber agrees to play, then the problem with Opposite will be not that big, for now, the rooster should look like this:
Setters: Sadurek, Wolosz, Belcik (if agrees), Haladyn(?)
Opposites: Bamber (if agrees), Zaroslinska, Konieczna, Zebrowska
OHs: Werblinska, Kosek, Sieczka, Kasprzak, Kaczorowska, Jaszewska, Szczurek, E. Skowronska, Kurnikowska (?)
MBs: Okuniewska, Wojcieska, Tokarska, Efimienko, Wojtowicz, Koczorowska
Liberos: Maj (if agrees), Sawicka, Kuehn-Jarek/Saad(?)
So the rooster will be totally different than last year.
I am afraid that Jagielo will plan a baby as well as Bednarek-Kasza.
Gajgal and Kaczor will join in the last tournament of the season probably.we will see...but i will be not surprised if Bamber and Belcik will refuse to play...last year Matlak didnt give them chance and now he thinks they will come as nothing matters...and now i read an article about Zaroslinska being still injured (knee) and Konieczna (ankle) too...i really would like to see setter Dorota Wilk to get a chance to be in NT...i saw 2 matches of Stal this year and she made a big impresion on me...good game, fight and team spirit
I think Wilk has quite high chance to be called up. I think Belcik and Bamber will refuse to play in Matlak's team.
I think Belcik and Bamber will refuse to play in Matlak's team.
It is not Matlak's team. It is NT of Poland. No matter, who is a coach.
It is not Matlak's team. It is NT of Poland. No matter, who is a coach.
It was NT, but since the conflicts exploded last year, now it is only Matlak's team, where the best players cannot play or just doesn't want to. It does matter who is a coach.
It was NT, but since the conflicts exploded last year, now it is only Matlak's team, where the best players cannot play or just doesn't want to. It does matter who is a coach.
Well, my opinion is: first - I play for my country. Matlak comes second...
and Kaczor?
IMO, She is very unstable.
btw, I think the weakest point for the Polish NT is obviously the coach. I do not know him neither want to know him in person, but I hope Poland will find a miles better coach as soon as possible. although polish players always have problems with their new coach
(Bonitta with Werblinska, Niemcyk with Glinka and...this time Kasja with Maltak) It is rather funny actually.
It seems that the team will totally change
Actually Zarolinska is much better than Kaczor.
In my opinion the roster should be like this;
Setters: Sadurek,Belcik
Outside Hitters: Baranska,Kosek,Kasparczak
Middle Blockers:Okuniewska,Gajgal,Wojtowicz(Idk her but she is the best blocker of the regular season in Plus Liga therefore she deserves to play
Opposites: Zaroslinska,Bamber
Liberos : Sawicka,Maj
Probably Skowronska won't come back untill Matlak leaves his job
Glinka might be neccessary to team but i would prefer Kosek and Baranska because they both are good attackers and defenders
Maybe Jagielo is right but about Bednarek isn't it too early to plan baby?
It seems that there are too many injured polish players this season, very unlucky
Setters: Sadurek,Belcik
Outside Hitters: Baranska,Kosek,Kasparczak
Middle Blockers:Okuniewska,Gajgal,Wojtowicz(Idk her but she is the best blocker of the regular season in Plus Liga therefore she deserves to play
Opposites: Zaroslinska,Bamber
Liberos : Sawicka,Maj
There are rumors that Gajgał will not play in EC (injury?), maybe she will play in World Cup. Wojtowicz is the highest Polish player (200cm) and I really want her in NT. It's possible that Julia Shelukhina will play in NT because she has Polish nationality already. Sylwia Wojcieska is an interesting middle blocker as well as Maja Tokarska (3rd best blocker in the league, 20 years, 194 cm
) . I dream about Kinga Maculewicz but I don't know if someone invited her to NT (she is playing in the league as Polish player (like Shelukhina) because Sopot sometimes has 3 other foreign players on the court.
No skowronska, skorupa, bednarek, glinka, zenik this year...
S - Sadurek, Wolosz
OH - Werblinska, Kosek, Kasprzak and...I don't know
OPP - Bamber, Zaroslinska (Did Kaczor decide not to play in NT this year?)
MB - Gajgal, Okuniewska,Tokarska
L - Sawicka and Maj...Yeah, this team will be very weak compared to the lasest years.
Basically as far as I know and after some interviews: Kaczor and Gajgal need to heal their injuries, so they can come back for World Cup, but will not play in WGP. Zenik decided to make a break after criticism of experts and supporters last year, but I suppose she would rather plan to have a baby. As well as Jagielo and probably Bednarek, but it is only RUMOUR.
Kosek... hmmm, she has terrible season in polish league. Zaroslinska not really better, moreover she has knee injury. Of course no K.Skowronska and Skorupa because of conflict with Matlak. Werblinska said she is ready to play in NT and Sadurek as well. Bamber and Belcik... That's the question, but I don't think that they will agree to play after the way Matlak treated them last year. Glinka... I am pretty sure she will not play in ECh, but I think it will be possible to convince her to play for team on World Cup, however I am not sure if it is good decision that some players will join the team so late. But it is other topic. The problem can be also with Maj as she critisized Matlak last year and I am not sure if there is no consequence. And when we say about foreign players I don't think that federation will agree for Shelukina or Maculewicz as bringing them back needs procedure, paperwork and money and I think that federation is too lazy for that step:) Moreover they are not young players and Maculewicz didn;t play in French NT last years, so I am not sure if she wants too continue her career on any NT area. I just wonder if Rosner cannot join the team as Matlak really respects older players but I also don't think she could agree for playing in NT again after Beijing and WCh2006. So if even more than half of these will be really 100% true there will be no selection to NT, because there are not a lot of players to select. -
Obviously I would like Bełcik on NT, but I am not sure why she would agree. Setters will be Sadurek and a younger player. And once again Matlak will want Bełcik to sit around her telephone in case something happens to Sadurek.
I have wanted to know what really happened with Skorupa last year. Roster after WGP was missing Skowrońska and of course there was interview and her reaction immediately. But Skorupa was also removed, and either no one asked her about or she was polite enough to not answer. There was some mention of injury, but she was training with club soon after. (I have theory that players were listed by alphabet and part with "Skorupa Katarzyna" and "Skowrońska Katarzyna" got left off by printer. Then stubborn coach refused to admit he made such mistake.
IMO, Matlak don't know how to prepare team to international tournaments. He don't know what to say to young players when against them is playing Gamova or Sheilla. He is still screaming 'come on! play! what's going on!?'... I just can't listen it any longer. I hope, that before WC our girl will be lead by new coach. Experienced and young players do not want to work with Matlak. He is weak!
IMO, Matlak don't know how to prepare team to international tournaments. He don't know what to say to young players when against them is playing Gamova or Sheilla. He is still screaming 'come on! play! what's going on!?'... I just can't listen it any longer. I hope, that before WC our girl will be lead by new coach. Experienced and young players do not want to work with Matlak. He is weak!
yes, youre right, i think that Matlak is a weak coach, too..i also dont like his behaviour on time outs..but on the other side we dont know what he is saying to players before the match - because on the other side the 30 seconds is such a short time to say the whole tactics again..but Matlak should react and speak more on times on the situation whats happening now on the court..and make more changes (like in the WCH Okuniewska sitting on the bench while Bednarek wasnt playing well)...and topic setter - when somebody would treat me like Matlak treated Iza last year, i would be so disgusted of playing...Belcik was always there for NT, playing in 2006 with serious injuries, she has a great team spirit...and Matlak didnt even gave her chance to come to practise and show whats her value...he wanted to gave chance to Skorupa...ok so why he didnt bring all 3 (Iza, Kasia and Milena) to Szczyrk and it would be fair when he chose two of them..and i dont know why Milena should have a place for sure, when she is not two classes better than Iza and Kasia - IMO
I agree also. If team is prepared properly, there should be little to say during time outs. It does not mean they will always be winning, but players know when they are playing poorly. Lecturing them about it during match usually just worsens their confidence. Time out discussions should be how the team can adapt to the situation by following the plan, all of which should be known from training. I like how sometimes USA coach will discuss strategy with his setter during time out. It is not him lecturing while she stands in fear. It is interaction, which allows him to see that she understands. And second setter is there too, part of team even when on bench.
so, Aleksandra Jagielo ended her NT career....
i think a big loss for poland NT, she is a good player and such a nice person. Thank you Ola !
here is the article:…a-poradzi-sobie-beze-mnie