DELA League 2012 - 2013

  • DELA-League consists of 8 teams for 2012-2013 season.

    Sliedrecht Sport (defending champion), Alterno Apeldoorn, Irmato VC Weert, Eurosped Pollux, Peelpush, SV Dynamo Apeldoorn, VC Sneek, Lycurgus.

    match-statistics will be available at

    Sliedrecht Sport:

    1 Kirsten Knip, L, 14-09-1992, 1.78 m
    2 Inge Molendijk, S, 09-12-1992, 1.86 m
    3 Sterre van Doorn, S, 25-05-1994, 1.84 m
    4 Rianne Lantinga, MB, 23-01-1986, 1.85 m
    5 Celia Diemkoudre, OPP, l30-07-1992, 1.82 m
    6 Lynn Thijssen, MB, 22-08-1992, 1.87 m
    7 Nienke de Waard, OPP, 24-07-1984, 1.80 m
    8 Pamela Domselaar, OH, 08-07-1982, 1.77 m
    9 Mariska Koster, MB, 07-05-1986, 1, .78 m
    10 Bianca Gommans, OH, 28-03-1988, 1.83 m
    11 Esther van Berkel, OH,31-08-1990, 1.75 m
    12 Lidia Bons, OH, 03-02-1991, 1.80 m

    Alterno Apeldoorn:

    1 Nikky ten Harmsen, 1.71m, 18, L
    2 Heleen Hesselink, 1.88m,23, MB
    3 Kathy Bonsen, 1.86m, 20,OH
    4 Lisette Stindt, 1.79m,19,S
    5 Quirine Oosterveld, 1.83m, 22,OH
    6 Lotte den Exter, 1.83m, 17,MB
    7 Anouk Molendijk,1.83m, 21,OH
    8 Ingerlise Kooijman,1.68, 27,S
    9 Janine Dullaert,1.77m, 23,OPP
    10 Carlijn Jans,1.93m, 25,MB
    11 Moniek Jansen,1.92m, 20,Opp
    12 Marloes Hesselink,1.78m, 16,OH
    14 Celeste Plak,1.90m, 16,OH

    Irmato VC Weert:

    1. Ester Hullegie, OH
    2. Lauren O'Reill, S
    3. Suzanne Cartigny, MB
    4. Yvon Beliën, MB.
    5. Lieke Clerkx, OH
    6. Desirée Nouwen, OPP
    7. Angelique Vergeer, OH
    8. Anne Janssen, OH
    9. Samanta Jimenez, L
    10. Martine Kuipers, OH
    11. Sabine Beersma, S

    Eurosped Pollux Oldenzaal:

    1. Florieke Eggermont, 05-02-1989, 1.76 m, S
    2. Laura Behrens, 27-06-1995, 1.81 m, OH
    3. Antoinette Posthuma, 04-04-1986, 1.86 m, S
    4. Annelin Pasveer, 24-01-1991, 1.71 m, L
    5. Ilona ter Avest, 18-12-1994, 1.84 m, MB
    6. Kirsten Oude Luttikhuis, 19-06-1992, 1.83 m, OH
    7. Lieke ter Mors, 22-10-1988, 1.84 m, OH
    8. Ilse Oude Luttikhuis, 19-06-1992, 1.83 m, OH
    9. Jeanine Stoeten, 20-11-1991, 1.95 m, MB
    10. Marlou Sommer, 02-10-1986, 1.84 m, MB
    11. Zuzana Buchlova, 01-07-1986, OH
    12. Wieneke Eggermont, 19-08-1992, 1.66 m, L

  • Peelpush Meijel:

    1. Ruth van Eenennaam, OH, 1.75m, 30
    2. Esther Cramer, S, 1.79m, 18
    3. Laura Bock, OH, 1.85m, 19
    4. Shannon Gerhardt, OH, 1.76m, 25
    5. Lynn Blenckers, MB, 1.88m, 17
    6 .Steffie Janssen, OH, 1.80m, 24
    7.Petri Monseweije, MB, 1.90m, 25
    8. Floor Berden, OH, 1.78m, 26
    9. Anke Sonnemans, MB, 1.84m, 19
    10. Marloes Vermeulen, S, 1.81m, 21
    11. Louise Cramer, L, 1.69m, 16
    12. Karin Mennen, L, 1.72m, 24

    SV Dynamo Apeldoorn:

    1. Jiska Kamphuis, S
    2. Lisette van de Kemp, MB
    3. Carlijn Oosterlaken, OH
    4. Nicole van der Mark, OH
    5. Ilse Janssen, OH/OPP
    6. Joanne van der Noord, S
    7. Laure Obelink, OPP
    8. Joyce Wassen, OH/OPP
    9. Marlies Wagendorp, MB
    10. Chantal Nijstad, MB
    12. Mette van Kruijsbergen, MB
    13. Rosita Blomenkamp, L

    VC Sneek:


  • Contrary to last season (Selinger-era), thanks to new NT-headcoach Vermeulen's policy, several (very)young players from DELA-League have been called for Dutch NT.

    Sliedrecht: Kirsten Knip, Inge Molendijk

    Alterno: Celeste Plak

    Weert: Angelique Vergeer, Yvon Beliën

    Eurosped Pollux: Jeanine Stoeten

    Sliedrecht, Alterno and Weert have - on paper - the best rosters and I think they are indeed the favourites for the title :teach:

  • Sunday, 7th October 2012:

    15:30h Super Cup: Sliedrecht Sport - Irmato VC Weert :win:

    One week later the DELA-League begins :win:

  • Do u know the roster of the teams, or at least main players? :)

    Look at the first post of the thread :win:

  • the main setter of sliedrecht is injured with a broken finger. i think she would'nt play the supercup next week.

    Les pieds dans le fumier, mais toujours le verbe haut et la tête droite ! Cocorico !

  • the main setter of sliedrecht is injured with a broken finger. i think she would'nt play the supercup next week.

    SLiedrecht-headcoach said it will indeed be very doubtful.

  • The Supercup-match on Sunday, 3:30 PM CET, Sliedrecht Sport - VC Weert, possibly :!: will be broadcasted online..

    I will put the link in here, if so.

  • Super Cup Livestream

    Weert - Sliedrecht

    click at Nederland 1

    Sliedrecht won first set 27-25

    Caution: the level of the game is low ;)

    For Weert are playing Angelique Vergeer (7) (NT-OH) and Yvon Belien (4) (NT-wide roster-MB).

    For Sliedrecht is playing Kirsten Knip (NT-libero) and Inge Molendijk (2) (NT-wide-roster-setter) and Nienke de Waard (she played in Bundesliga last season).

  • Sorry, guys :flower: :flower:

    Maybe it isn't that bad for your eyes, because the level is very low ;)

  • Weert won 2nd set.

    @ Matthias

    I must say, De Waard is not a bad player..I can understand now that she was a good scorer in Bundesliga.

    @ Ozaki

    If you gonna watch the match in Neuchatel, focus at Vergeer (7) and Beliën (4) :win: The others are very weak.

  • Super Cup:

    Irmato VC Weert - Sliedrecht Sport 3-1 (25-27, 26-24, 25-23, 25-19)

    Weert-headcoach Hermans: I'm of course happy we won, but it wasn't a good match. Both sides made a lot of unforced errors. We can do much better than today'.