As for the women’s competition, 8 teams are set to participate being subdivided into two groups with four each. Round robin tournaments will be played here as well with the organizer (Bulgaria), plus the first-ranked teams of each Pool and the second-ranked with the best score qualified for the final four. If the organizer finishes first or second in the prelims, then the first and second-ranked teams of each Pool will compose the starting field of the final four.
The composition of the Pools for the women’s competition – determined by taking into account the European ranking as well as the way teams were assigned to the prelims in the past seasons – is:
Pool A: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary
Pool B: Germany, Serbia, Israel, Belgium
The calendar of the League Round reads as follows:
June 13-16: tournaments in TUR and BEL
June 20-23: tournaments in HUN and SRB
June 27-30: tournaments in ROU and GER
July 4-6: tournaments in BUL and ISR
The final four – to be played in Bulgaria, the venue is still to be determined – is scheduled for the weekend comprised between July 11 and 14 (exact dates to be communicated at a later stage).