Agree with Joana. Lazarevic didn't make any special improvement this year whereas Blagojevic showed a great performance at Bergamo.

Serbia NT 2013
European league roster:
S: Olga Raonic, Jelena Medarevic, Lana Dabic
OPP: Adela Helic, Ivana Lukovic
MB: Jovana Stevanovic, Maja Savic, Sofija Medic, Dubravka Djuric
OH: Jelena Blagojevic, Sanja Bursac, Ljubica Kecman, Aleksandra Cveticanin, Milica Bezarevic
L: Nina Rosic, Teodora PusicNo Klisura again
I don't know many of these players except Saviç, Stevanoviç, Blagojeviç, Bursac and Rosiç. Anyone who has potential to contribute in A team?
I don't know many of these players except Saviç, Stevanoviç, Blagojeviç, Bursac and Rosiç. Anyone who has potential to contribute in A team?Olga Raonic has played in German league (Potsdam and Wiesbaden), she's OK but no chance that she can compete with Serbia's top 4 setters in my opinion.
I don't know many of these players except Saviç, Stevanoviç, Blagojeviç, Bursac and Rosiç. Anyone who has potential to contribute in A team?
Apart from those you mentioned, none. Except maybe Ljubica Kecman some time in future.
I don't know about Lukovic's development, though.Adela Helic is a decent OPP, but is clearly behind Brakocevic, Bjelica and Malagurski.
Why not Klisura? Is she injured?
@ emil_niklas Lukovic never played as MB, maybe you mixed her up with someone
@ Toguttt She was injured during the play offs, but I don't know if she recoverd..
Blagojevic maybe with the newest to pass your experience.
All the players together in Beograd -…eme-za-evropsku-ligu.html
Seems Djerisilo also there.
The team gathered today, they will first undergo physical examinations and later begin with trainings.
Some pictures:
Brakoçeviç looks tanned,right?
Raşiç looks like Loreen with this hair style...
And Jelena Nikoliç sweet woman -
OMG, my namesake and I were posting almost at the same time
Yep, Djerisilo is definitely there... I guess she'll train with the girls to get back in shape.
I don't really like Rasic's hair now
OMG, my namesake and I were posting almost at the same time
Yep, Djerisilo is definitely there... I guess she'll train with the girls to get back in shape.
I don't really like Rasic's hair now
imo,Serbian nt should forget Djerisilo any more and go on with youger players on that position. bcz she (ivana) cant play as OH and as OPP there is Brako in fron of her...back-up should be Ana Bjelica.
OMG, my namesake and I were posting almost at the same time
Yep, Djerisilo is definitely there... I guess she'll train with the girls to get back in shape.
I don't really like Rasic's hair now
"Just perfect" t-shirt ---> who is this?
Silvija Popovic looks a bit different
"Just perfect" t-shirt ---> who is this?
sanja bursac (OH, 1990,1m76, ) from le cannet in french league -
Seems like Antonijević will skip NT actions this summer.
I don't see her at photos from reunion and she doesn't appear in the list for GP in Sportski Zurnal...Does anyone have some info? Will she have some kind of surgery or she just need some rest?
Seems like Antonijević will skip NT actions this summer.
I don't see her at photos from reunion and she doesn't appear in the list for GP in Sportski Zurnal...Does anyone have some info? Will she have some kind of surgery or she just need some rest?
Look at the list here:…saopstio-siri-spisak.html
Antonijevic is in the roster
Look at the list here:…saopstio-siri-spisak.html
Antonijevic is in the roster
That list is from 16 May...On the list that Zurnal wrote(yesterday) Antonijevic and Stevanovic are missing
and she was the only player that didn't show up on monday...I really wish Ana in the team and not Živković
Oh, sorry then. Didn't check Zurnal's page today
Didn't she have an injury or something?