I think Gözde Sonsırma is the MVP of the tournament so far.
I still remember the days when she was a huge liability both in attack and block.At that time, fans were questioning coach's decision to select her to national team. She was Güldeniz of national team in the beginning of 2000s. She used to be so shy that she was getting extremely nervous when talking to reporters, etc.
Right now she is the best player, captain, heart,voice and face of the Turkish national team. Her personal improvement is mesmerizing and it comes from out of nowhere.
I think she is one of the best OH in the world right now. I really like her personality on court, smiling and diplomatic to players of other NT during play.
It shows that she is a greater person she is rather just being a great player.
And her courage to lead her team out from troubled situations with her attacks and determination.