volleyball is like this....when team plays well everybody plays well..when team plays badly everybody started to make easy mistakes

2015 European Championships - Netherlands and Belgium
Netherland can't defense Gonchorova and Kosheleva if they can't do anything to stop them they won't have any chance to win
Don't get me wrong, they have improved dramatically from the previous years but... let's be honest, this Dutch team is not a world player.
Wow what a painful 1st set for NED, and after such a good start
They need to forget that very quickly and start to FIGHT and play smarter, they might not win but they could give Russia a better match for sure...
russia shocked Dutch girls and Guidetti
is anyone watching any livestreams?
None is working as of the moment?
Russia is playing as expected, Kosheleva and Obmachaeva in focus, bad receiving.
Netherlands has to receive better and use middles more than ever if they wanna win this. It's impossible for Slöetjes and Buijs or whoever to carry Netherlands further against a proper blocking team like Russia.
Come on Guidetti!
They simply ran into a wall in this set. It's the first time they come up against someone who consistently serves, spikes and blocks hard all around. Let's see how they react.
Russia spiked and blocked amazingly. Kosheleva and Goncharova did what they wanted ad usual, while Ilchenko has been hidden on court, except maybe the first part of the set. Fetisova was very good on serve.
Holland has to reset and start again!
Btw, that is what I meant when I said Serbia deserved to be in the final. Neither Netherlands nor Turkey is in quality of matching Serbia or Russia at the moment.
Hope Netherlands will surprise me
c'me on Dutch girls some fight!! russia is playing so comfartable so far
This is where Dutch team simply lacks experience. They just don't have enough matches on such high level, especially not against Kosheleva and Goncharova.
Russians are so calm, they are not nervous like they were in 2013 final, if they keep playing like this they'll destroy Nedherlands.
C'mon Holland! You can do this!
any link please?
Does not Netherlands have another good receiving OH except Grothues? They really need to receive better if they wanna play a good game and with Buijs etc it is impossible
And this is final of ECH ?..Dutch showed a good game but this is
This is the true level of Netherlands, don't know why everyone is so shocked. Even if they go to Rio, do you seriously expect them to win a single set against Brazil, China or USA?
Now we might get a match. Dutch team with some blocks to boost their confidence.