6th title for Russia in last 12 editions

2015 European Championships - Netherlands and Belgium
i couldnt understand if Russia was superb or Holland was weak....this Russian team seemed to beat any team (included Usa,Braz and China) in the world with this game at the moment to my eyes..i dont know if this was a wrong impression or not..
i couldnt understand if Russia was superb or Holland was weak....this Russian team seemed to beat any team (included Usa,Braz and China) in the world with this game at the moment to my eyes..i dont know if this was a wrong impression or not..
I think a little bit of both. Again, I repeat myself but this is the true value of the Netherlands when facing a major team. They had a cakewalk to the finals and they crumbled against the first not just good but great team they met.
Serbian players sound completely mentally drained and more than anything relieved that the NT season is finally over.
Russia's 19th title...
any news regrading the awards?
btw...Dutch setter did a good job including final match..
Buijs 2nd best OH. Considering that NED had to get some award I can live with that one...
Kosheleva is a sweet person, she is not an iceberg like Gamova
Best Libero Malova.
It will be interesting to see what the Netherlands are worth at the OQT without their home crowd. They have obviously overperformed at this tournament, it's quite obvious now that they finally faced a major power.
Anything can happen in Ankara, they could easily reach the final or even lose in the preliminary round, it really all depends on which pool they get.
would you like Holland in your pool in Ankara to take revenge
Maja is the best setter....")
Sloetjes wins best OPP. I guess that means Goncharova will be MVP.
Gonchorova must have been best opp
Kosheleva is a sweet person, she is not an iceberg like Gamova
lol..Kosheleva and Malykh are not typical russian players -
No MB award for Rasic??? That sucks
OK, this is now a joke on the level of Startseva being the best setter in London.
no award for Goncharova???
And no award for Goncharova?! LOL wut.