And LOTOS just lost 0-3 to Czestochowa.

Poland - PlusLiga 2014/2015
this thread is deserted after Kondzio stopped updating match results...
this thread is deserted after Kondzio stopped updating match results...
I wanted to do it, but I have exams right now and I don't have enough time to do it
As a compenastion last results from previous Rounds: (clicking on each link there are stats ^^)
Effector - Lotos 0 3 (9-25 20-25 22-25) MVP: Marco Falaschi - previous result from Day 17
Day 19:
Banimex - Lotos 0-3 (19-25 18-25 15-25) MVP: Murphy Troy
Transfer - AZS 3-1 (25-15 22-25 25-22 25-22) MVP: Konstantin Cupkovic
Effector-BBTS 1 -3 (25-22 17-25 21-25 37-39) MVP: Bartłomiej Neroj
Czarni - Cuprum 1-3 (21-25 25-23 23-25 28-30) MVP: dmytro Pashytskiy
Politechnika - Skra 0-3 (18-25 22-25 17-25) MVP: Michał Winiarski
Indykpol - Resovia 3-2 (25-23 25-15 21-25 19-25 15-10) MVP: Grzegorz Szymański
ZAKSA - JW 1-3 (31-29 19-25 16-25 15-25) MVP: Michał ŁaskoDay 20:
Banimex - ZAKSA 3-2 (18-25 25-17 27-25 22-25 15-9) MVP: Mikołaj Sarnecki
JW - Indykpol 3-0 (25-20 25-20 25-21) MVP: Patryk Czarnowski - no stats until now
Resovia - Politechnika 3-1 (25-15 21-25 25-19 25-14) MVP: Jochen Schoeps
Skra - Czarni 3-0 (26-24 25-19 25-20) MVP: Mariusz Wlazły
Cuprum - Effector 3-1 (27-29 25-20 25-20 25-19) MVP: Ivan Borovnjak
BBTS - Transfer 0-3 (23-25 15-25 23-25) MVP: Paweł Woicki
Lotos - AZS 0-3 (18-25 16-25 23-25) MVP: Guillaume SamicaDay 21: - matches from last weekend
AZS - Banimex 3-2 (25-21 24-26 23-25 25-21 15-12) MVP: Guillaume Samica
Lotos - BBTS 2-3 (28-26 22-25 10-25 25-23 11-15) MVP: Bartłomiej Neroj
Transfer - Cuprum 3-1 (25-17 13-25 25-14 25-19) MVP: Paweł Woicki
Effector - Skra 0-3 (28-30 18-25 20-25) MVP: Nicolas Uriarte
Resovia - Czarni 3-2 (23-25 26-24 19-25 25-14 15-12) MVP: Piotr Nowakowski
Indykpol - ZAKSA 3-1 (26-24 19-25 25-17 25-21) MVP: Paweł Adamajtis
JW - Politechnika 3-0 (25-23 25-18 25-16) MVP: Grzegorz Kosok -
1. Skra 52 (18 wins)
2. Resovia 52 (17 wins)
3. Lotos 48
4. Transfer 46
5. JW 45
6. Cuprum 40
7. ZAKSA 31
8. Czarni 27
9. Politechnika 24
10. Indykpol 17 (sets 28-52)
11. BBTS 17 (sets 26-52)
12. AZS 16
13. Effector 15
14. Banimex 11We had some surprises and unexpected results. ZAKSA has the biggest problems right now because of injuries. They bearly won in CEV Cup, using youngsters. The same youngsters as Banach on Libero couldn't play in +Liga because of rules, because of it we saw Gladyr as L
Looking into table we have tp 5, then Cuprum alone, next is ZAKSA after huge gap, Czarni with Politechnika are next. Last 5, especially Banimex have huge behind to others.
Day 22
BBTS - AZS 3-2 (23-25 27-25 20-25 25-18 15-12) MVP: Bartłomiej Neroj stats
Cuprum - Lotos 1-3 (18-25 23-25 25-23 20-25) MVP: Mateusz Mika stats
Skra - Transfer 3-0 (25-16 25-16 25-15) MVP: Karol Kłos stats
Reovia - Effector 3-1 (25-21 28-30 25-16 25-18 ) MVP: Michał Żurek stats - Akhrem back on court
Czarni - JW 3-0 (25-22 25-22 25-22) MVP: Mikko Oivanen stats
Politechnika - ZAKSA 1-3 (23-25 25-21 15-25 21-25) MVP: Dick Kooy stats
Banimex - Indykpol 3-0 (25-22 25-19 25-18 ) MVP: Mikołaj Sarnecki stats -
1. Skra 55 (more wins)
2. Resovia 55
3. Lotos 51
4. Transfer 46
5. JW 45
6. Cuprum 40
7. ZAKSA 34
8. Czarni 30
9. Politechnika 24
10. BBTS 19
11. AZS 17 (better sets ratio, but less wins, any logic here ?()
12. Indykpol 17
13. Effector 15
14. Banimex 14 -
How many teams are going in playoffs?
Well, checking formula and hearing commentators I understood that even 12th team can end up as 5th
Today we had next round
BBTS - Banimex 3-0 (25-19 25-23 25-22) MVP: Bartosz Buniak stats
Great scoring Hebda as OP didn't help much Banimex to grab a win. Team played on Monday vs. Indykpol and probably they were still exhausted. Good and quite equal scores by many players from BBTS, Buniak, Gonzalez and Ferens in main roles.
AZS - Cuprum 1-3 (23-25 21-25 25-21 20-25) MVP: Grzegorz Łomacz stats
Janeczek as OP did good job, Samica kept rec eption on decent level, but AZS lost it. Pashytskiy with 8 blocks, while Romać still on good level, Gromadowski still out
Lotos - Skra 1 -3 (25-18 25-27 19-25 22-25) MVP: Nicolas Uriarte stats
Lotos' main problems were OH2 - Schwarz and too weak MB2 - Gawryszewski
Skra didn't have such weaknesses, maybe Marechal couyld've played a bit better, but overall Skra managed to come back after tough second set. Uriarte with another MVP award
Transfer - Resovia 1-3 (24-26 25-21 23-25 21-25) MVP: Marko Ivovic stats
Quite tight game as Lotos-Skra. Cupkovic and Jarosz once again were scoring leaders. They change libero so often, this time Nally was L, IMHO he's disappointment playing as OH... In Resovia Ivovic was leader and without any doubts got award
good game by Nowakowski and Schoeps. Konarski is coming back after injury, but he was blocked in all his spike attempts
Effector - JW 0-3 (22-25 16-25 16-25) MVP: Mateusz Malinowski stats
Effector struggled in terms of spiking a lot - none of players reach 10 points... in JW Malinowski was leader, Pajenk was almost perfect (91% - 10/11 spikes), while Quesque is getting better and is replacing Bartman pretty well after weak start because of injury.
Czarni - ZAKSA 0-3 (34-36 23-25 21-25) MVP: Lucas Loh stats
Tight game what shows result, even though there were only 3 sets...ZAKSA had really good numbers except serve errors - 18... great game by Zagumny, Lucas is getting better, Witczak on usual decent level
Żaliński was a problem for Czarni and Wachnik wasn't better...
Politechnika - Indykpol 0-3 (25-27 22-25 18-25) MVP: Miłosz Zniszczoł stats
Politechnika had weaker games in last matches
Filip played ok, Śliwka not bad, Radomski also, but it was too little to beat Indykpol. Adamajtis, Bednorz and Zniszczoł got almost 50 points. I'm so happy that Gardini gives more chances for Bednorz than Stelmach had done it before
As we can see only BBTS wins at home
Best players according to stats - only leaders in each category, I'll sum all up after Regular Season (3 matches more :D)
Most spikes: Murphy Troy (Lotos) 313
Most spikes/set: Michał Filip (Politechnika) 3,6
Best spiking % OH/OP: Facundo Conte (Skra) 53,52%
Most efficient OH/OP: Facundo Conte (Skra) 42,02%
Best spiking % MB: Srecko Lisinac (Skra) 69,75% (but he played less...), 2nd is Alen Pajenk (JW) with 62%
Most efficient MB: Srecko Lisinac (Skra) 61,11%, Alen Pajenk (JW) 53,33%
Most blocks: Dmytro Pahytskiy (Cuprum) 82
Most blocks/set: Dmytro Pahytskiy (Cuprum) 0,9
Most blocks OH/OP: Michał Filip (Politechnika) 49
Most blocks/set OH/OP: Facundo Conte (Skra) 0,61
Highest blocking efficiency: Daniel Pliński (Czarni) 14,12%, Pashytskiy (Cuprum) has 11,57% with almost 100 attempts more
Best setter: Michal Masny (JW) 50,7% (Tichacek (Resovia) has 58,18%, but played much less)
Best scorer: Michał Filip (Politechnika) 373
Best scorer/set: Michał Filip Politechnika) 4,39
Most aces: Nicolas Marechal (Skra) 38
Most aces/set: Nicolas Marechal (Skra) 0,54
Most perfect receptions: Guillaume Samica (AZS) has 44,92%, but played much less, Kacper Piechocki (Skra) 34,76% can be counted as 1st, but Adrian Buchowski (Effector) has 33,9% and 140 attempts more...
Most efficient receiver: Guillaume Samica (AZS) has 35,83%, but played much less, Adrian Buchowski (Effector) had 23,45% -
Play-Offs Formula - quite weird, each pair with letter to follow draw:
A: 1st-8th
B: 2nd-7th
C: 3rd-6th
D: 4th-5thLower places PO 1st Round: - they can still take 5th place eventually
O: 9th-10th
P: 11th-14th
R: 12th-13thSF:
E: winner A - winner B
F: winner C - winner DLower places PO 2nd Round:
G: loser A - winner O
H: loser B - loser O
I: loser C - winner P
J: loser C - winner R5th-8th:
K: winner G - winner I
L: winner H - winner J9th-12th:
Ł: loser G - loser I
M: loser H - loser JFinals:
13th: loser P - loser R
11th: loser Ł - loser M
9th: winner Ł - winner M
7th: loser K - loser L
5th: winner K - winner L
Bronze Medal: loser E - loser F
Gold Medal: winner E - winner FSo even 14th team after Regular Season thanks to draw can end up as 5th if manages to beat opponents in next rounds
Play-Off Schedule:
QF: 25.02, 28.02, 1.03 if necessary
Lower places PO 1st Round: 25.02, 28.02 golden set if necessary
SF: 7.03, 14.03, 18.03, 21.03, 1.04 if necessary
Lower places PO 2nd Round: 7.03, 14.03 golden set if necessary
5th-8th & 9th-12th: 21.03, 28.03 golden set if necessary
13th-14th: 14.03, 22.03 golden set if necessary
9th-10th & 11th-12th: 12.04, 19.04 golden set if necessary
5th-6th & 7th-8th: 11.04, 18.04 golden set if necessary
Medal Games: 15.04, 25.04, 29.04, 2.05, 6.05 if necessary -
Who gets the relegation positions? The ones at the bottom of the regular season standings or at the end of the playoffs? Or are there no relegation positions this year?
Well, league seems to be still closed, so probably there won't be any relegations
Is there anywhere you can watch some of these matches in the league?
Resovia won 3:1, Penchev MVP - serving, receiving, spiking - top notch.
Here is my recap of the Resovia - Gdansk match CLICK HERE
Resovia - Lotos stats:
Schwarz has been underperforminggood game by Resovia's wing-spikers
Other results:
Banimex - Politechnika 1-3 (22-25 25-18 22-25 21-25) MVP: Aleksander Śliwka stats
ZAKSA - Effector 3-0 (25-15 25-20 25-21) MVP: Dick Kooy stats
JW - Transfer 3-0 (27-25 25-23 25-23) MVP: Guillaume Quesque stats
Skra - AZS 3-0 (25-23 25-23 25-23) MVP: Mariusz Wlazły stats
Cuprum - BBTS 3-0 (25-21 25-21 25-21) MVP: Jeroen Trommel stats