USA completely ignoring the OPP. I know Zhu is a pretty intimidating blocker, but the should try and switch it up a bit..

2018 FIVB World Championship - Japan
lang ping's emphasis on these tall players means CHN has great offense but not so great defense/passing...
what i envy in the Chines team most is the rate of errors
Finally she set Lowe.
Lloyd seems to crack easily under pressure.
China's blocking
Way too many sets for Zhu!
China is better than the Usa ta this final set..better at blocking etc..
USA mustn't let China get back! Once again Carli's sets are way too predictable.. in her defense the reception hasn't been the best, but still
What an error by Adams
Way too many sets to Position 4. China's Opps have been underperforming whole match.
what a mistake by
Why is Karch not calling a Time out
my god adams. what a mistake. so impatient.
I wasn't convinced about Lang Ping's decision to sub in Li Yingying but she proved me wrong
Way too many sets to Position 4. China's Opps have been underperforming whole match.
Pretty much whole season, except for Gong in the 2nd stage of this WCh
and a meltdown..
Li Ying Ying
USA missing such an important chance
There's no way USA is gonna get over these 3 losses in a row