Pasynkova hahaha if Karpol was there she would reduce to tears.ahhahaha

2015 World Cup - Japan - 8/22
Maleseviç has been Sherban of Serbia in this set
i think i should support serbia bcz they have two weak opponents to face so their chance is higher than russia to clinch a place in the top two.. -
PASYNKOVA sent a gift by serving long to help Serbia win the 4th game!
SRB 2 - 2 RUS
Really strange serving tactics from Russia. The whole world knows that Mihajlovic can't receive but the serve goes to the libero 90% on the time. Probably Marichev isn't aware of opponents weaknesses, as always.
Scherban did it again.ahhahaha
1st v Japan
and now...both in the 5th set -
that tip by Maleseviç clearly touched the ground..
Kosheleva almost non existent
only Goncharova saving this match for russia -
unlucky of Sherban..that ball was going out then second mistake..
Still Goncharova doesnt have that killer instinct in crucial moments unlike Gamova
I Hope Japan would defeat Serbia Tomorrow
What a match of fate! So tight, a few errors by the RUS decide the match outcome.
Now SRB win this match, the RUS team will be more on fire against the USA, with more stimulant in a must-win situation to live up their chance. An injured bear is quite dangerous! -
Ack. Russia lost.
Ognjenovic is the clear difference between the two teams. Congrats Serbia!
congrats serbia..they were once again losing to russia but this time they succeded...
now i think usa - china or usa - serbia teams to be in the top two..russia has also the chance but im not sure if they can beat usa with a kosheleva not in good shape..they can beat china maybe
btw..i forgot serbia was going to face japan...their job is also not easy...they can beat japan but they should play with % 100 focus..
Congrats Serbia!!!
It was probably mainly due to Russia's level dropping, but I'm pleased with the win.
Now make sure and beat Japan tomorrow
Teams with the most nice looking faces: SRB, RUS, USA
Now if China win the rest of matches, a top two position is theirs
They can beat RUS, and of course JPN, they did it already when JPN hosted the WGP in Saitama with both teams fielded the core players, just don't see why now it's anything different. Can't recall the last time JPN beat CHN
Japan vs. Serbia will be an elimination match tomorrow
Serbia win would means Japan has to beat China and USA in less than 5 to get max points
If Japan beats Korea in 3 sets, Japan jumps into 2nd place on points ratio.USA 19, 6-1, Japan and Russia left to play
Japan 18, 6-1 (if 3-0 win), China, Serbia and USA
Russia 18, 6-1, China and USA
China 18, 6-1, Russia and Japan
Serbia 16, 6-1, JapanBetween the top 5
USA 4 points, 2 matches
Serbia 4 points, 3 matches
Japan 3 points, 1 match
Russia 3 points, 2 matches
China 3 points, 2 matches -
Russia is done, I don't think they can possibly beat China or USA
I really hope Serbia and USA will grab the ticket.
Obmochaeva and Kosheleva spike: 37/84=44%
Boskovic and Mihajlovic spike: 42/77=54%
Obmochaeva and Kosheleva spike: 37/84=44%
Boskovic and Mihajlovic spike: 42/77=54%
Last week I said those serbs (or bosnians but whatever) are the most powerful duo in this tournament and they proved it.
Match could have gone either way. Russian errors in 5th set cost them the match. Regarding Kosheleva, I don't think she performed below her standards. Serbian block and defence was just ready for her. Goncharova had a good game as usual but she can't win games all by herself. Still good game by Russia except the 3rd set. I don't think we can dismiss Russia yet. Game changer would be the match against USA, and with their backs against the wall, I hope Kosheleva and company will show their best performance.