4-9 September 2007 Ankara (Turkey)
and 3 teams with 'wild card'
4-9 September 2007 Ankara (Turkey)
and 3 teams with 'wild card'
I wonder what would happen if Italy or Russia don't qualify. These teams are really strong but the European Qualification Tournament is the most balanced, so it won't be a surprise if Serbia, Netherlands, Poland and Germany qualify, for example.
And I have this feeling, if Italy and Russia don't have their main players on court during this tournament, their participation in the 2008 edition of the World Grand Prix is at stake.
I guess the other Continental QUalification Tournaments are mostly decided:
In the Asian Tournament, it seems China, Japan, Korea and Chinese Taipei will be the participating teams of next year's WGP.
In the American Tournament, things won't be much different: although both Peru and Puerto Rico can surprise the other teams, it seems Cuba, USA, Dominican Republic and Brazil will be the next year's participating teams of the WGP.
Quote from "Celso"I wonder what would happen if Italy or Russia don't qualify. These teams are really strong but the European Qualification Tournament is the most balanced, so it won't be a surprise if Serbia, Netherlands, Poland and Germany qualify, for example.
In the Asian Tournament, it seems China, Japan, Korea and Chinese Taipei will be the participating teams of next year's WGP.
true, if azerbaijan does not qualify thru europe, then it will has its place in 08 gp
im not so sure about korea -- it seems to me that korea does nt have that kind of sucession like japan lol
i wonder when will 08gp be held, b4 or after olympic :oops:
Quote from "colossus"true, if azerbaijan does not qualify thru europe, then it will has its place in 08 gp
im not so sure about korea -- it seems to me that korea does nt have that kind of sucession like japan lol
i wonder when will 08gp be held, b4 or after olympic :oops:
WGP04 was held before the OG, so I guess the same will happen :wink2:
thx LothiePG"]
wow, thats means all the team have the testing ground b4 the olympic
From America, the four teams qualified are:
Dominican Republic
Netherlands have withdrawn because they want to focus on European Championship and the OG Qualification process...
sisam, where you find this info?
It is prodably that Poland won't send A team to Turkey. There are rumours that on qualification will go team B which will be play on Universiad.
Quote from "bobaas"sisam, where you find this info?
It is prodably that Poland won't send A team to Turkey. There are rumours that on qualification will go team B which will be play on Universiad.
This information was on the website of Dutch Federation a few weeks ago. I can't access the site now to give you the exact URL, but it was there...
sisam is right, I found the news on http://www.roadtobeijing.nl
It says they skip this tournament because WGP lasts until 26 August and they leave for Belgium on 18 September so they are afraid the team is too exhausted for ECH if they also play the qualification tournament.
Pool I
GP-01 03.09.2007 / 15:30 RUSSIA vs POLAND 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-03 03.09.2007 / 20:30 BULGARIA vs GERMANY 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-05 04.09.2007 / 18:00 GERMANY vs RUSSIA 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-07 05.09.2007 / 15:30 POLAND vs GERMANY 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-09 05.09.2007 / 20:30 RUSSIA vs BULGARIA 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-11 06.09.2007 / 18:00 BULGARIA vs POLAND 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
Pool II
GP-02 03.09.2007 / 18:00 TURKEY vs AZERBAIJAN 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-04 04.09.2007 / 15:30 ITALY vs AZERBAIJAN 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-06 04.09.2007 / 20:30 SERBIA vs TURKEY 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-08 05.09.2007 / 18:00 ITALY vs SERBIA 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-10 06.09.2007 / 15:30 AZERBAIJAN vs SERBIA 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
GP-12 06.09.2007 / 20:30 ITALY vs TURKEY 0 : 0 -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 0:0 0
news from cev.lu
Quote from "Justyna"[u][b]4-9 September 2007 Ankara (Turkey)
hi, justyna, have the fivb decided the excat dates for gp 08 yet, thx
some dates appeared on the newspaper i read, but couldnt confirm :cry2:
Quote from "colossus"hi, justyna, have the fivb decided the excat dates for gp 08 yet, thx
some dates appeared on the newspaper i read, but couldnt confirm :cry2:
Preliminary Round 20 June - 6 July, 2008
Finals 8 - 13 July, 2008
Quote from "Justyna"
Preliminary Round 20 June - 6 July, 2008
Finals 8 - 13 July, 2008
ths, thats very good for all teams to have a general assessment
hi guys.we all know the teams in this qualification tournament but which teams do you think will qualify for WGP08?this is a very important tournament for turkey because our team has always played good in this tournament but in the final matches we lost(last year in varna after winning against italy and russia 3-2 we lost against serbia 3-2 and 3-0 to italy in the play-off)and unfortunately our team couldn't qualify for WGP.this year ı am sure that our girls will play good before turkish spectators.in my opinion russia poland italy and TURKEY will qualify for WGP08 at least ı hope so.what do you think about this tournament?who are the strong teams?
Quote from "DEMIR17"hi guys.we all know the teams in this qualification tournament but which teams do you think will qualify for WGP08?this is a very important tournament for turkey because our team has always played good in this tournament but in the final matches we lost(last year in varna after winning against italy and russia 3-2 we lost against serbia 3-2 and 3-0 to italy in the play-off)and unfortunately our team couldn't qualify for WGP.this year ı am sure that our girls will play good before turkish spectators.in my opinion russia poland italy and TURKEY will qualify for WGP08 at least ı hope so.what do you think about this tournament?who are the strong teams?
In my opinion: Russia, Italy, Turkey and Poland will qualified ...but perhaps (if Polish team will qualified to final six of Grand Prix) Polish federation will send the universiade team.
In Ankara we will see first squad of Polish NT and... Glinka will be there! (as a player of course)
Quote from "WIELKI_ZNAWCA_PIERWSZY"In Ankara we will see first squad of Polish NT and... Glinka will be there! (as a player of course)
really? :shock:
no universiade team??? awww that would be great! and also good for glinka to get back to the team!
I hope, that Bonitta will enlist some girls from old teams. I mean Mirek or Bamber. And if they'll be in squad, that this tournament will be check for those players.
I hope that Kamila Frątczak will be back!! She is great player, but she was injured many times... and nobody know, 'what's up' with Kamila.
POLAND in WGP 2008!!!!
Here is article, but in Polish:
QuoteDisplay More
Decyzją władz FIVB reprezentacja Polski kobiet ma zagwarantowany start w przyszłorocznej edycji World Grand Prix.
Międzynarodowa Federacja Siatkówki tylko Polsce pośród wszystkich narodowych zespołów z Europy przyznała takie prawo. To kolejny wielki sukces Polskiej Siatkówki i dowód uznania największych autorytetów tej dyscypliny dla naszych zawodniczek, trenerów i władz Polskiego Związku Piłki Siatkowej.
W praktyce oznacza to, że trener Marco Bonitta może potraktować eliminacyjny turniej w Ankarze, który rozpocznie się 3 września jako dodatkowy poligon i ostateczne przygotowanie do Mistrzostw Europy. Będzie więc okazja, by niektóre zawodniczki solidnie eksploatowane w ostatnich tygodniach mogły nieco odpocząć. Jednocześnie włoski szkoleniowiec otrzymał w Turcji szansę sprawdzenia w boju nieco innych rozwiązań taktycznych i personalnych.
A oto zespoły, które zostały uhonorowane przez FIVB grą w World Grand Prix 2008 :
Europa - Polska
Azja - Chiny, Japonia
Ameryka - Brazylia, Kuba, Stany Zjednoczone, Dominikana.
FIVB podjęło kolejną dla nas radosną decyzję. Otóż w przyszłym roku, podobnie, jak w poprzednim i obecnym Polska będzie gospodarzem jednego z turniejów World Grand Prix.
Jedyną kwestią do rozstrzygnięcia pozostaje termin zawodów. O tym, czy najlepsze zespoły świata zagoszczą u nas w pierwszym czy drugim weekendzie cyklu zadecydują władze Polskiego Związku Piłki Siatkowej w porozumieniu z włoską federacją.
Polska trzeci raz z rzędu będzie organizatorem tych niezwykle elitarnych rozgrywek.