Serbian real men!
No Marko Podrascin?
Serbian real men!
No Marko Podrascin?
Serbian real men!
Dragan Stankovic
Dragan Stankovic
No Marko Podrascin?
I chose the most beautiful serbian players, not the more strong.. IMO the other are better than Marko and Dragan...but it's only my opinion..
I chose the most beautiful serbian players, not the more strong..
IMO the other are better than Marko and Dragan...but it's only my opinion..
Stankovic is the prettiest one
Russia's time!
I will ask, like always: Mikhaylov, because who?
The best from Czech Republic!
Hot caribbean guys!
I will ask, like always: Mikhaylov, because who?
edit: Zaytsev!!
for Serbian I realized to late there was Vladimir Grbic too, so my vote is for Nikola
and for Bulgarian, Kaizisky.
for Cuba, Osmany.
And for Czech, I don't know. I'll say Kovar xD
France: I would vote for Henno but he is missing on this list as well as Antiga...
so I voted for Rouzier
Germany: Grozer!
Bulgaria: where is Niko Nikolov? and Penchev My vote for Matey.
Serbia: damn I hadn't Sasa Starovic here to vote for him! And no Stankovic? No Podrascanin? So I voted for Andrija Geric.
USA: Clay Stanley
Russia: only one Berezhko
Czeh Republic: Vesely
Caribbean guys: Leal!
Guys from South America: Argentina!
Nordic people!
And the last but not the least: Spain!
about Argentina, I was really uncertain between Facu and Sole.. but Facu won!
about the others, I don't know, I remember just few faces...
about Argentina, I was really uncertain between Facu and Sole.. but Facu won!
about the others, I don't know, I remember just few faces...
Luciano de Cecco is so cute... for a killer on court! Damn this fast setting on 2
Facundo Conte all the way!
Mikko is my sweet superhero
And Miguel Angel of course, one of two reasons why I still like Skra.
Final survey! Mr World!
Girls, let's restart this. I think Moroz can replace Berezhko as the handsomest russian player
For me, Moroz is scary sometimes and sometimes he's cute too
That's weird combination of the words... but anyway he still has this "something"
Maybe you don't know ivan zaytsev, konstantin cupković, loui pierre mainville and john perrin