Strange transfer (if it's real)...Vakifbank already has Saori, Glinka, Brakocevic and Fürst...and Fürst definitely is better than Koeva, so if they use a foreign MB, it should be her...

Friendly Clubs' Matches & NTs vs Clubs
King wrote in Vakifbank-Thread that Koeva only prepares with the team.
those are just rumours from Turkish forums, nothing official really, somebody claims Koeva is girlfriend of Alessandro Bracceschi (trainer of Vakıfbank) and she's training with Vakıfbank, and there's no contract between her and Vakıfbank. Dunno if it's true or not.
Ok, I didn't read that, but: coaches usually don't use players that don't really belong to the team in matches, not even in friendly matches. Vakifbank has 4 MBs, so why use one that's not a Vakifbank player? The purpose of those matches is to prepare the team for the new season, so the team should play as it will play in the season...
Unendo Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Lokomotiv Baku 3-1 (25-18, 25-21, 20-25, 25-12)
Spettatori: 2276
Unendo Yamamay Busto Arsizio: Faucette 10, Lloyd ne, Brinker 7, Leonardi (L), Marcon 11, Bauer 13 (53%), Kozuch 19 (47%), Lombardo ne, Arrighetti 11, Caracuta 1, Pisani n.e., Bisconti (L), Prandi ne. All. Parisi, vice Dagioni. Battute errate: 10, vincenti: 9 (Kozuch 3). Muri: 11 (Arrighetti 5).
Lokomotiv Baku: Nenova, Palcheuskaya, Filipova (L), Havlickova 16, Abdulazimova, Abdulasimova 1, Ssushke 7, Monzoni 7, Artmenko 9, Somoilova 9, Costa 5. All. Petr Khilko. Vice Khanlar Alakbarov. Battute errate: 8, vincenti: 6. Muri: 3.
MVP: Bauer
It seems yamamay has a good volley level and kozuch has no problem like in russia
Busto win also without Lloyd, Caracuta rocks! I've been saying it from ages!
GAME #2 (1.SET) Fenerbahçe - Vakıfbank 05.10.2012
GAME #2 (2.SET) Fenerbahçe - Vakıfbank 05.10.2012
thanks for add this videos here, I`m happy that I can see Berenika and Maggie on court
GAME #2 (1.SET) Fenerbahçe - Vakıfbank 05.10.2012
GAME #2 (2.SET) Fenerbahçe - Vakıfbank 05.10.2012
Thanks Burak
Did you make the videos yourself?
Seems Mari is the one who is holding back the team
she better up her performance with that kinda level she will hardly stay with FB
a magnet for this match (high-res, 6.5GB).
a magnet for this match (high-res, 6.5GB).
Big thanksnow seed please
Fenerbahçe - Vakıfbank: 2-4 (26-24, 18-25, 25-16, 22-25, 23-25, 13-25)
Fenerbahçe: Seda, Eda, Elif, Berenika, Paula, Kim, Nihan (L) (Merve, Mari, İpek, Duygu, Meryem, Nilay, Elif Onur)
wow 6 sets
Fb played with substitutes after third set they were leading 2 to 1 until that
as for Vakifbank they always played with their main team not bad for Fb they seem to be strong on substitute side
Fb played with substitutes after third set they were leading 2 to 1 until that
Are You excusing Someone?
Are You excusing Someone?
Well that was truth main team against substitutes after third set and it isn't excuse but still impressive even substitutes can handle Vakifbanks main team well ...