Zagumny will come back for European Championship.

Polish NT 2015
Wide List for OQT:
Setters: Fabian Drzyzga, Grzegorz Łomacz, Paweł Woicki, Paweł Zagumny
Opposites: Bartosz Kurek, Grzegorz Bociek, Dawid Konarski, Jakub Jarosz
Outside Hitters: Michał Kubiak, Mateusz Mika, Rafał Buszek, Artur Szalpuk, Aleksander Śliwka, Wojciech Żaliński
Middle Blockers: Mateusz Bieniek, Karol Kłos, Marcin Możdżonek, Łukasz Wiśniewski, Andrzej Wrona
Liberos: Paweł Zatorski, Piotr Gacek, Damian Wojtaszekso no Nowakowski (injury), Bednorz (we have pretty wide choice, but IMHO he could appear there), Ignaczak (he's playing less due to Wojtaszek)
I hope not to see Konarski eventually
if Bociek plays more in ZAKSA, then maybe Antiga will see it, Jaorsz is still injured... we must have backup if Kurek struggles
Konarski has pretty good block and that's it
I suppose that Zagumny won't be back so Łomacz can be backup and I wanto to see Wiśniewski with good serves instead of WronaI'd call:
S: Drzyzga, Łomacz* (Zagumny if agrees)
OP: Kurek, Bociek
OH: Kubiak, Mika, Buszek, Szalpuk (hard to choose last one, both Szalpuk and Żaliński are doing nicely in Radom, while Śliwka got quite a lot of playing time in the beginning of season :D)
MB: Bieniek, Kłos, Możdżonek, Wiśniewski
L: Zatorski, Gacek -
Lozano interview on several issues, Czarni Radom, Polish NT, Leon, Iran. link
My question is that why coaches and players knowledge of tournaments' format is that low? He says why European champion doesn't go to Olympics while south and north America goes. Previously Salparov had said why Asian champion goes to Olympics? while none of continents champions go to Olympics, Asia is the onliest continent that doesn't have a separate tournament like others.
I think the choice that continents champions go to Olympics or hold a separate tournament is a continental choice and in this special part of problem we shouldn't blame FIVB.
List for NT camp before OQT
Setters: Fabian Drzyzga, Grzegorz Łomacz
Opposites: Bartosz Kurek, Grzegorz Bociek, Dawid Konarski
Outside Hitters: Michał Kubiak, Mateusz Mika, Rafał Buszek, Artur Szalpuk, Aleksander Śliwka, Wojciech Żaliński
Middle Blockers: Mateusz Bieniek, Karol Kłos, Marcin Możdżonek, Andrzej Wrona
Liberos: Paweł Zatorski, Damian WojtaszekOut: Paweł Zagumny, Paweł Woicki, Jakub Jarosz, Łukasz Wiśniewski, Piotr Gacek
so we have OP and 2 OHs to cut
I hope that Konarski will be out
Śliwka will probably second player to cut and last one will be probably either Szalpuk or Żaliński
Bartman has been doing very well in China, but I guess he will never be a choice for Antiga.
Let's call Kanarski...
Bartman has been doing very well in China, but I guess he will never be a choice for Antiga. Let's call Kanarski...
Why Antiga will not call Bartman? Maybe Chinese League it's not a high level League..
Why Antiga will not call Bartman? Maybe Chinese League it's not a high level League..
I don't know why they don't call Bartman
he could be useful backup OP, though I prefer Bociek
unfortunately Antiga likes calling his colleagues from Delecta - Wrona and Konarski
Nowakowski is out so Wrona will go to Berlin... earlier Jarosz was kicked off because of Konarski
Kubiak got injured
what now
Kubiak got injured
what now
lol it'd be funny if Kurek covered for him as OH after everything.
What happened to Kubiak, btw? I haven't heard anything. -
lol it'd be funny if Kurek covered for him as OH after everything.
What happened to Kubiak, btw? I haven't heard anything.Some trauma in his right knee, maybe not so serious but he left court during CL match... it would be funny to have Kurek back as OH and Konarski-Bociek as OPs, but eventually Kubiak may be in Berlin
While Jarosz is doing very well in league lately! Now I blame Skra for selling Antiga to Delecta where he made very suspicious friendships!
I'm very hopeful about Kubiak going to Berlin. He's such a tough guy!
The biggest Bartman's problem is that he can't decide on which position he play. Now he is an OH and it's not going to happen to see him playing this in NT. If he only stayed in Jastrzębie and played there as OPP instead of going to China with Łasko...
Let's be serious, the (men) Chinese league is the train graveyard of professional athletes, once you're there it means your NT days are over forever
Michał Kubiak went back to training
on the other hand Grzegorz Bociek has problems with back and it can eliminate him from final roster
Konarski has too much luck
edit: Alkesander Śliwka is definitely out, so still 1 OH and 1 OP (hope it will be Konarski)
Bociek will not go to Berlin. His injury is to serious.
Big loss.…-bociek-nie-jedzie/fcnh3w…-podjalem-jeszcze-decyzji -
what a pity
so 4th OH is the last question mark - either Szalpuk or Żaliński
There is official roster. No Bociek as mentioned beofre and Szalpuk.
It's a very good choice, I have a hunch
I believe in Żaliński more than ever in my life. Still I would go with Szalpuk instead of Konarski. Anyone could be better sub for Kurek than him, even Możdżonek, c'mon...
What bothers me the most is pretty much hopeless Drzyzga who had lost himself somewhere in Japan after this disastrous WC...
btw. Antiga tried Szalpuk as backup OP
we'll probably with 2 L - Zatorski as receiver and Wojtaszek as digger
btw. Antiga tried Szalpuk as backup OP
You do realize what does it mean
Antiga finally get to know how shitty is Konarski if he did such experiments. I'm more than sure it would be Bociek going to Berlin if he was healthy.
we'll probably with 2 L - Zatorski as receiver and Wojtaszek as digger
I would love that!
Poland assistant coach Philippe Blain was quizzed by some of the FIVB’s Facebook fans on Friday. Here he answers everything from his thoughts on Ngapeth to whether he thinks Wlazly will ever return to the national team.