Display MoreMy fav. player has to be Ping Zhang #18!!!!! She has got to be the BEST Middle Hitter in the world...Her quick fakes/hops/slides took down Russia at the Olympics 2004..
My second fav. player has got to be Kun Feng #2...! She IS the BEST setter in the world...She won the MVP award and also the best setter...
My thrid fav. player is Suhong Zhou #7...She IS indeed the BEST serve receiver and a great opposite...
My fourth fav. player is Yang Hao #3... She has got to be the smartest outside hitter...not the BEST outside hitter...SMARTEST...
My fifth fav. player is Yanan Lui #4... Her defense is awesome...and her quick hits are too fast to comprehend...
My sixth fav. player is Rui Rui Zhao #8...Wow...she is almost as tall as Gamova...and her blocking is too good...We'll see her at Beijing 08...
You can those words again!! I like Chinese women volleyball team!!!

Your favourite Player & Team
My favourite players are Kasia Skowronska and Anna Baranska because they're both very god palyers.
My favourite team's SWITZERLAND
yes I know they're not really god but I'm from there ...
and of course I really like Polish NT !!!
Well, I prefer the Russian NT only because of Sokolova...She's really a perfect caracter...I mean, besides her volleyball skills, she's extraordinary kind to others!!
Paula Pequeno... (bra) mvp IN 2008 OLYMPIC GAME
mari (brazil)
Favourite game:
brazil and USA
i do have a lot of favaurite players:
lioubov sokolova kilic is the best one, because of here nice game, abilities, versatility, and also good personality.*
fofao: just because she did a great job with brazil , and she is an important key on this gold medal.
walewska, because she ahs all caracters that should have a midlle blocker, strong, quick, tall, and inteligency.
zhou: she is just impressive , running, recieving and defending .
feng, she is the most impresiv setter ive seen in my whole life
mari, she is a great spiker nomatter if we dont see here smiling alot.
takeshita: she is a a perfect exemple for small players that would play top volleyball: be fast inteligent and work on ur skills
lydia oulmou from algeria, because i know here she has a strong personality and she is doing a great job with here team during this olympics -
Favourite players:
1. Kasia Skowronska
2. Carmen Turlea
3. Iuliana Nucu
4. Eleonora Dziekiewicz
5. Manon Flier
6. Maja Ognjenovic
7. Alida Marcovici
8. Malgorzata Glinka
9. Anna Baranska
10. Debby StamFavourite teams:
1. Romania NT ; Poland NT
3. Scavolini Pesaro
4. Unicom Starker Sassuolo
5. CSU Metal Galati ; Universitatea Craiova -
My favourite player is Sheillina, from Brazil. I don't have a favourite team... perhaps it'll be SAO CAETANO DO SUL from Brazil, because Mari, Sheilla and Fofao play there..
Lol, sorry. Favorite team ITALY... Brazil's second... and then Serbia. But anyway, Italy grabbed my heart first. Haha.
Favorite player... Barazza, of course. But here's a funny story. A few years ago, it was Sokolova and Jacqueline who caught me, and then I forgot them. Watching Grand Prix 2008 later this year, before the Olympics, Japan vs Italy 3-0, Italy grabbed me. Haha. And maybe like many people, Francesca Piccinini IMMEDIATELY caught my attention. So it was Italy team and Picci player favorites. However, Sheilla and Paula got me soon. But Picci was still top. And then Jacqueline entered AGAIN. And then so did SOKOLOVA. It was during that time that I got bored with Picci and paid attention to more people. Guiggi and Lo Bianco and Anzanello were very pretty, I thought and they were quite good so I liked them. It was then that I heard about Picci and the inappropriate photo shoot.Then I sort of stopped liking her. After that, Barazza was the player I sort of liked. Now I really like her. Sheilla is next except there's the possibility of being gay issue about her.
So Italy is still my team, even though they dissapointed me so much in the Olympics.
Barazza, Sokolova, Guiggi, Brakocevic, Anzanello, Sheilla are on my top. I'm still trying to decide whether I like Piccinini or I hate her. But for some reason, I can't help but care about what's going on with her. -
Brazil Team and sheilla
My favourite volleyball player is Gosia Glinka-Mogentale! And my favourite volleyball teams are Polish National Teams, and clubs where Gosia Glinka's playing.;)
My favourite National Team : China
My favourite Players : Feng Kun (very genius / inborn setter)
My favourite Teams : Novara Asystel (because Feng)
players: u can see on my profile, but Kasia Skowrońska-Dolata,Lena Dziękiewicz,Gosia Glinka,Mariola Zenik, Milena Rosner( and the rest girls from national team) and from other countries: Paola Cardullo, Sara Anzanello, Nati Osmokrović, Anja Spasojević, Elke Wijnhoven, Carolina Costagrande (genarally Pesaro players) there is many players I like, admire, have a lot of respect to them as players, poeple etc. but it's to much to list. This are the ones i like the most.
teams: so Polish Woman National Team, Scavolini Pesaro...
women stuff
male players: Murillo,Pierre Pujol,Michał Bąkiewicz, Sebastian Świderski, Winiarski... -
favorite players:
Logan Tom (best all-around player)
any beast liberos like Cardullo, Sano, Fabi, Davis and Sykora
Mari (she can make you bleed and cry)
Wang YiMei (she's heavy but she can pound the ball)
Jen Joines (we're from the same area and she came to one of my games),favorite teams: USA all the way, Chieri has had some really good players play for them
Favourite players:
01. Ekaterina Gamova
02. Yumilka Ruiz
03. Kasia Skowronska
04. Francesca Piccinini
05. Gülden Kayalar
06. Esra Gümüş
07. Nancy Carillo De La Paz
08. Malgorzata Glinka
09. Agata Mroz
10. Naz AydemirFavourite teams:
01. Russia NT
02. Cuba NT
03. Turkey NT
04. Uralochka
05. Dynamo Moskow
06. Eczacıbaşı
07. Foppafedretti Bergamo
08. Türk Telekom
09. Cannes
10. Scavolini Pesaro -
My favourite Player:
1:Logan Tom,(She is No.1 In my heart )
2: sokolova
5:Zhang Ping
7.Debby Stam
8.Margareta Kozuch
My favourite Team:
1:Russia NT.( I Think Chinese fans of Russia NT,They knows.That's why Russia NT Have so many fans from China)
2:Chinese NT(As a Chinese,there's no reason
3:USA NT(There's so many cute players,ep:Heather Bown,Scott,Kim Glass......)
1. Ekaterina Gamova
2. Ming Xue
3. Zaho RuiRui
4. Jacqueline Carvalho
5. Walewska Oliveira
6. Thaissa Menezes
7. Jovana Bracekovic
8. Jelena Gonsharova
9. Paula Pequeño
10. Sheilla Castro -
Lo Bianco
Sheilla -
1.Lo Bianco
7.Logan Tom
8.Yumilka Ruiz
10.Flierfavourite team:Foppapedretti Bergamo and italian national team
1 - Fernanda Venturini
2 - Fabi
3 - Logan Tom
4 - Dani Lins
5 - Carol Gattaz
6 - Piccinni
7 - Mari
8 - Sheilla
9 - Lo Bianco
10 - Lindsay
1 - Rexona Ades(Unilever)
2 - Brazil NT
3 - Italian NT
4 - Bergamo
5 - USA NT
My favourite team is a TURKEY and second Cuba
My favourite players are
1.Neslihan Darnel
2.Nataşa Osmokroviç
3.Nancy CAarillo
4.Taismary Agüero
5.Eda Erdem
6.Bahar Mert
We love YOU
7.Seda Tokatlıoğlu
10.Paula Pequeño