Italian NT 2016

  • Italy was able to pull a completely unexpected swan song at the 2014 WCH, maybe they have some fire left, together with Egonu could really do some damage.

    It's not so sure Italy will be the big team being eliminated from the group of death. China doesn't look invincible and the Netherlands will have the enormous pressure of having the chance of a lifetime.

  • Sylla has actually been a very reliable receiver and noteworthy defender. In both the Olympic Qualifying Tournament and the Grand Prix, she was served a pretty hefty chunk of the balls, and handled them well. Of course she had her moments of being inconsistent, but so do Del Core, Garay, etc., so it's not really accurate to imply that she can't receive, or that del Core and Gennaro are the only defensively capable players.

    I am going to say that I think this team is fine, and almost what I expected, save Spirito in place of Centoni, Ortolani or Diouf, AND, of course, LO BIANCO! I knew it was a possibility, but really didn't see it coming! I wonder how she'll get along with the super aggressive nature of this team, which is bigger and more athletic than it has been in at least the last 12 years.

    And yes, it's a way more offensive than defensive team. But hey, that's not unlike Russia, Serbia, the Netherlands, or even China right now, is it? It's an interesting turn in the game right now.

  • I think we may see A LOT of double-subs.

    Bonitta several weeks ago said that he will use that often, we will see.

    In general, I'm not that negative about the team as many of you seems to be.
    Yes, it's definitely a risky composition with so few back-row experienced player, but the teams we will be facing can't be beaten without strong attacker, imho. And having the chance to do so many combination and changes when needed – also considering that unlike Blengini, Bonitta isn't scare to do substitutions – can be a strength (many solution for us if things don't work and tactical disadvantages for the opponents), even if it bring the risk to alterate the equilibrium on court.

    Plus, the fact that we are in the death pool forces us to be bold, to take risk. It's the only way we can hope to pull out something good, if possible.

    Finally, the recent volleyball trend seems to suggest that is more effective to have strong spikers (Russia) than strong diggers (Thailandia)...

    Ps I absolutely disliked Sylla for the whole year, than loved her during the summer with the NT. What an energy!

  • Toguttt: To me the roster is fine if we consider the girls that Bonitta called this summer. He worked with this Group since may, the cuts made were either due to personal decisions (Picci) or to injuries (Gennari and Spirito). The team is fine to me as there are manu options to test and players that can hit hard in attack. This line up was the one used also in January against Turkey, with Leo back and Sylla that improved so much especially in back row. You talked about good defensive OH: Tirozzi to me is not so reliable in back row, Di Iulio doesn't convince me and never something particular, Bosetti C had bad seasons and her sister has problems with Bonitta, Costagrande is a shadow of her former self... So who'd you call? Besides remember the last two Olympic games..there was not that fire power and in defense we struggled pretty much (KYK..).

  • Gennari will go to Rio instead of Diouf.

    Suddenly this team seems way more balanced. :drink:

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • Gennari will go to Rio instead of Diouf.

    Suddenly this team seems way more balanced. :drink:

    fortunately :thumbsup: now team will be more balanced, Diouf was just useless :wavy: it seems that Egonu can be used as OP next to Cenoni, while Ortolani rather as offensive OH as backup for Sylla

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  • Excellent. Earlier today I read that Gennari was on the way to Rio and for a moment feared that Bonitta decided to kick out someone else.

    Diouf had several warnings that she needed to "fix" herself, if an Italy desperate for firepower decided to let her go it means she's as useless as ever.

  • According to Gennari goes to Rio, while Diouf stays at home

  • Can someone translate this. It's from Diouf

    Ringrazio chi mi sostiene sempre e comunque vi voglio bene mi date la forza❤ ma ringrazio ancora di più chi tenta inutilmente di metterci il carico da 90 su questa situazione già pesantissima di suo. Siete per me un incentivo, ogni volta che dite che sono "macchinosa " lenta scarsa in calo...(la fantasia non vi manca troverete altri aggettivi) alimentate solo la mia voglia di riscatto.

  • I can't translate word for word, but she says she thanks everyone who supports her, but she thanks even more the people who make fun of her and say she is slow (and worse words) because those words push her and make her want to take revenge.

    While I technically support Bonitta's choice, I find it cruel to make an athlete think she's going to the Olympics and then tell her she's not going after all :S

  • I can't translate word for word, but she says she thanks everyone who supports her, but she thanks even more the people who make fun of her and say she is slow (and worse words) because those words push her and make her want to take revenge.

    While I technically support Bonitta's choice, I find it cruel to make an athlete think she's going to the Olympics and then tell her she's not going after all :S

    thanks, google translator gave me something like that, but I was thinking about that 90 over there...I didn't get it :lol:

  • The whole translation should be :

    I thank everyone who has always supported me and I love you guys, you give me strength. But I thank even more those who try to exacerbate this situation that is already plenty difficult enough. You are for me an incentive, every time you say that I am "muddled", slow, backward, falling down - (you don't lack imagination, you'll think of more adjectives) you are only feeding my desire to get back up.

    It seems like she's fed up with those people criticizing her in many different ways such as her being a loser and slow or something like that. The more offensive words, the more desires she gets.

  • I hope these words will make her better player ^^

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  • The whole translation should be :

    I thank everyone who has always supported me and I love you guys, you give me strength. But I thank even more those who try to exacerbate this situation that is already plenty difficult enough. You are for me an incentive, every time you say that I am "muddled", slow, backward, falling down - (you don't lack imagination, you'll think of more adjectives) you are only feeding my desire to get back up.

    It seems like she's fed up with those people criticizing her in many different ways such as her being a loser and slow or something like that. The more offensive words, the more desires she gets.

    wouldn't that include you, since you are always here talking about how she's just the latest version of tayyiba haneef-park? is it because they are both tall and black?

    while diouf can be a good attacker for ITA, her problem is that she's a big liability in defense. whenever an opponent hits a ball to her, it's usually a point to them since she often messes it up. even brayelin martinez, a player of similar height, can be relied to pass service and can defend better.

  • wouldn't that include you, since you are always here talking about how she's just the latest version of tayyiba haneef-park? is it because they are both tall and black?

    while diouf can be a good attacker for ITA, her problem is that she's a big liability in defense. whenever an opponent hits a ball to her, it's usually a point to them since she often messes it up. even brayelin martinez, a player of similar height, can be relied to pass service and can defend better.

    This. Diouf is unfortunately a giant weak link in defense, a terrible blocker (which is inexcusable considering her height) and recently a mediocre spiker who DOES NOT JUMP.

  • Big drama in Italian NT after Bonitta's choice to leave Diouf out of the team for Rio :…rlarmi-160453994683.shtml

    Diouf has released today a dramatic interview saying Bonitta informed her yesterday morning that she was out of Rio2016 with a SMS.
    "He didn't have the courage to talk to me face to face, he just sent a SMS. He destroyed my Olympic dream with a SMS. It was me then who called him to ask for some explanations and tell him what I think about him. I'm very sad and disappointed, as a coach he has the right to choose the players he prefers, but the way he let me know about this choice (through SMS) is not respectful."
    And then she added "after WCH2014 I was considered like a God..then a few months ago in the Olympic qualification tournament in Tokyo he excluded me when I was already in Japan. But I was sure I was going to Rio after he released the list on 18th July...and I will stay at home instead. I don't think I'll watch my NT teammates in Rio because what has happened really hurts me too much".