Italian NT 2017

  • I don't see the problem. It happens regularly both in clubs and in NTs that some players want to use different shoes than those of the official sponsor and the common agreement is that they do it but have to put tape over the brand sign of the shoe. No need to handle it any different for Zaytsev.

    Nice idea, I've never heard of it. I don't think someone ever did that in Italy.
    In that way if it's true it's just a medical problem he should accept, or admit that wasn't the only problem...

    Isn't the sponsor errea? I mean the jerseys, kneepads ... are from errea. Before that it was asics but never mizuno or?

    Until last year Italy had Asics as technical sponsor, both for the clothes and the shoes. Now they switch to errea, but since they don't make shoes, they had to find an agreement also with Mizuno for the shoes only.

  • More news:

    - it seems the thing is been discussed for several months, it's not that Zaytsev simply showed up in collegial with Adidas shoes and pretended everything was normal.
    We may think or not that this is a right battle to fight (both if it's medical or economical – or a mix), but if he presented the problem immediately looking for a solution/permission or whatever he can't be blamed, imho.

    - it's not possible to cover Adidas mark on his shoes since it's a personal sponsor, apparently (so it's a different situation from the player that simply prefer a certain model of Asics to Mizuno, without having Asics as sponsor)

    - he signed with Adidas in January, FIPAV singed later with Mizuno
    Actually that doesn't change a lot the situation in itself*: it would have been different if Asics made a personal shoes for Zaytsev and later FIPAV switched to Mizuno, but it isn't the case; anyway, he might have thought something like 'ok, I will wear everything Asics, it won't be a problem if I will have just Adidas shoes, I will still wearing Asics with it'; obviously with Mizuno is different since they provide only the shoes

    - he signed with Adidas in January, but the rule about wearing NT stuff changed in april 2017: before it was generic, later they clearly specified (for the first time, as far as I understood) that the rule included also the shoes.
    In this case, *it probably do matter that the agreement FIPAV-Mizuno arrived later than the agreement Zaytsev-Adidas: probably the rule was changed in its form exactly because they needed to 'protect' specifically MIzuno...

    Ps all details by Gazzetta

  • I think it is clear Zaytsev leaked the story through his journalists (!) to put extra pressure on Italian federation. And it is obvious he got what he wanted. The definition of the situation is putting one player above the team and everyone is ok with it :whistle:
    Zaytsev is so lucky that other Italian players are so unselfish ,maybe too unselfish that they don't complain.I believe what makes the difference last year was the addition of Juantorena and Giannelli. But these two are like modern Pollyanna's :P , doing everything but letting Zaytset get all the glory,publicity, sponsors, money. If this situation happens in any woman's team, that player will be destroyed :lol:

  • You don't like him because you're in love with the most overrated opposite Italy ever had. :lol:
    Vettori isn't NT material. Move on. :teach:

  • I think it is clear Zaytsev leaked the story through his journalists (!) to put extra pressure on Italian federation. And it is obvious he got what he wanted. The definition of the situation is putting one player above the team and everyone is ok with it :whistle:
    Zaytsev is so lucky that other Italian players are so unselfish ,maybe too unselfish that they don't complain.I believe what makes the difference last year was the addition of Juantorena and Giannelli. But these two are like modern Pollyanna's :P , doing everything but letting Zaytset get all the glory,publicity, sponsors, money. If this situation happens in any woman's team, that player will be destroyed :lol:

    It seems true that Gazzetta articles, letting the situation comes to the light, moved things up and may be changed the situation. I'm not sure, though, that Zaytsev had a specific role in that, since in the past him (and his wife) and Gian Luca Pasini had their discussions... Even if Pasini generally is on his side, for what I've read in his articles and comments.

    As for the evidenced part, Gazzetta suggested that after all he will probably wear Mizuno... We will see.

    For the 'teammates' question, I overall agree with you, and I hope this situation won't represent a problem among the guys (and the staff).

    On one hand, I probably would be annoyed at the idea that he may leave/may have left the NT for a pair of shoes (but I will still be aware that he proved times over times how much he cares for the NT, not just for his personal glory or satisfaction).
    On the other hand I would also be annoyed by the fact that they made such a fuss for a pair of shoes... I mean, who actually cares about his teammates shoes? xD

    Anyway, I wonder if someone would like too show his personal sponsor too and will somehow be allowed to, since Zaytsev isn't the only one with personal sponsors: if i recall well, Giannelli has Barilla and Herbalife; Lanza lately is supporting a project for volleyball clothes called 'nine square', but that's clearly not a sponsor; I don't remember if he as proper personal sponsor).
    In that case Zaytsev battle may come handy for others player too ;) (but I don't think Giannelli or Lanza would have actually fought for it...)
    Ps Giannelli posed for Barilla with the NT shirt if I recall well, so he was probably allowed by the Federation itself to have that sponsor. Herbalife is also Trentino sponsor.

    Ps notice that in the female NT at least Orro and Gennari have Asics as personal sponsor...

  • I just read this thread and I can't believe that there is a big issue in the NT because of shoes. Imagine Zaytsev being out of the NT all because he wants to wear a different brand of shoes. :lol:

  • Problem solved. Zaytsev will wear personalized Mizuno.
    The news by the Federation let think it was just a medical/technical issue, for the record.

    But the most important news of the day is the list of player for the next week of training: Antonov, Balaso, Botto, Buti, Colaci, Giannelli, Lanza, Daniele Mazzone, Tiziano Mazzone, Pesaresi, Piano, Randazzo, Ricci, Spirito, Vettori, Zaytsev.

    Missing: Candellaro, Sabbi. Sbertoli hasn't returned since the first week end of WL (also because of the 'maturity' exam and the junior WCh)
    Added since last time: Buti (that was simply on vacation), Pesaresi.

    It's not clear if Sabbi absence is a technical choice (-->Ivan opposite) or if he had knee problem.

  • Zaytsev is going home. Probably for good, at least this summer :(

    Yeah, the shoes problem again. Cinderella story 2.0...

    Cinderella ...
    :aww: 8)

    My favourite roster of Chinese (in 2022)
    male NT:
    S - Yu Yao-chen, Chen Lei-yang
    OP - Jiang Chuan, Dai Qing-yao
    OH - Zhang Jing-yin, Yu Yuan-tai, Liu Li-bin, Fu Hou-wen
    MB - Zhang Zhe-jia, Peng Shi-kun, Li Yong-zhen, Jiang Zhen-yang
    L - Yang Yi-ming, Yang Tian-yuan

    female NT:
    S - Yao Di, Diao Lin-yu
    OP - Gong Xiang-yu, Sun Xiao-xuan
    OH - Li Ying-ying, Wang Yi-fan, Wu Meng-jie, Zhuang Yu-shan
    MB - Yuan Xin-yue, Wang Yuan-yuan, Zheng Yi-xin, Liu Yu
    L - Ni Fei-fan, Xu Jia-nan

  • Upon knowing about details at which Ivan signed the contract to addidas before Fifav to Mizuno and the rules just change in Aprils that the atleasts have to wear Fifav sponser's I was in full side with Ivan. I dont think he can be blame for this case of reason.

    However, the lastest news i read it said that one of the solution Fifav propose is to let Ivan wear addidas but he just have to cover the brand and Ivan refuse. This make me change my mind. All in all, Ivan just want to wear his shoe no matter what.

    ps. they said Ivan try few Mizunos and they didnt work for him. I dont think that is true. If Mizunos dont work for physical reason then when Fifav propose him to wear addidas by covering the brand then he should say yes. But still he say it's mean he only gonna wear his sponser and those try out new shoes from Mizuno is just a play to save some face.

    I dont know if this story about allow to wear addidas with covering the brand is true or not. If it is then im in full 100% on Fifav side, I dont think they could have done any better.

    Up untill now, still no comment come from Ivan side to this stories.

  • However, the lastest news i read it said that one of the solution Fifav propose is to let Ivan wear addidas but he just have to cover the brand and Ivan refuse. This make me change my mind. All in all, Ivan just want to wear his shoe no matter what.

    Yes, he definitely wants to wear his shoes, and honestly I don't find that insane from the medical perspective.
    I don't like at all the sponsor problem, but players should be allowed to wear the shoes they prefer, imho.

    But he refused to wear covered Adidas because his contract with them doesn't allowed it: why should he pay a fee (if there is a fee) to play in the National team, which he deserve?
    I mean, I would, but I don't think he can be blamed if he doesn't want too.

    In case, we may contest him not the will to respect the contract, but the fact he signed a contract that he shouldn't have signed. That's for me was his error, both if he naively thought it wasn't going to be a problem, or if he knew it was going to be a problem but he did it anyway thinking they would have closed an eye for the Zar.

    It's not Italy without some kind of ridiculous drama going on

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Is it ok that national federation make players wear shoes of specific brand? It's 2017, sportsmen have signed contracts with Asics/Mizuno/Adidas/Nike/ etc and NTs & clubs should respect it. I don't really understand blaming Ivan in that case.

    This is not the real problem. First of all volleyball is not football ,basketball ,it is not that popular. Federations need to protect youth volleyball ,junior teams . Yes the deal is questionable , but you need to evaluate pros and cons. If the deal is better for the whole volleyball movement, it is federations right to take it. Now the Zaytsev part; it is also his right to wear medically suitable shoes. But if they offer him to wear the shoes he wants by covering the brand and he still refuses then there is nothing to do more . I can't believe there are still people defending Zaytsev,I can't .

  • However, the lastest news i read it said that one of the solution Fifav propose is to let Ivan wear addidas but he just have to cover the brand and Ivan refuse. This make me change my mind. All in all, Ivan just want to wear his shoe no matter what.

    ps. they said Ivan try few Mizunos and they didnt work for him. I dont think that is true. If Mizunos dont work for physical reason then when Fifav propose him to wear addidas by covering the brand then he should say yes. But still he say it's mean he only gonna wear his sponser and those try out new shoes from Mizuno is just a play to save some face.

    And there are people who doesn't want to understand this :lol: Really ,Zaytsev is so lucky, people always give him free pass
    And what I like most is ; Zaytsev was actively supporting Cattenao . :lol:

  • Yes, but from what I've read here, his contract disallows him to cover the brand. I think it's totally ok to support him, if Italian federation make problems about that. I also don't get argument that volleyball is not a football/basketball/other team sport. Signed contract means the same in every category of life.

  • But if they offer him to wear the shoes he wants by covering the brand and he still refuses then there is nothing to do more

    But what if he have to pay a fee to wear the shoes that suits him best? Do you find that right? He should pay for the right to wear the shoes more comfortable for him?
    And anyway, it was just a temporary and palliative solution, since he should have tried AGAIN corrected Mizuno (and with no real certainties on the result) as soon they were ready.

    And trust me, it IS also a medical problem. He said he was looking for a sponsor to produce the 'perfect volleyball shoes' – since the shoes in commerce didn't suit him well, or lasted 2 weeks – months before finding Adidas. That's a clear sign he was never truly satisfied with volleyball shoes, and you must remember that he also plays with knee-support, and also ankle support. I mean, he isn't the healthiest ever around volleyball. If he has a way to avoid suffering (even if it's the tiny sufferance possible), why shouldn't he?

    'Because there is a rule which said so' is the answer. So, I'm for the respect of rule, but also for the need to have right rules.

    For the sponsor thing (which is obviously a part of the problem too) I'm more on your said, but I also get who said that it's understandable (and normal in many sports) that a player brings his personal sponsored shoes with the NT or the Club.

    Ps I do think that the 'sponsor problem' may have overcame the medical one, but in any case I found the 'medical battle' absolutely wright.
    And Zaytsev is probably the only one of the Italia Federation that can fight these battles.