World Championships 2018 - Prediction Game

  • Counting system:

    - right result 2 pts

    - right winner 1 pts

    - wrong prediction 0 pts


    1. Post your predictions before the matches start.

    2. Post all predictions of the current round in ONE post.

    3. Editing posts is forbidden. If You edit Your post, You will have zero points from all results in that post.

    4. This topic is just for predictions, comments about matches etc will be deleted here. Post them in the other threads please.

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • kondzio

    Changed the title of the thread from “Worl Championships 2018 - Prediction Game” to “World Championships 2018 - Prediction Game”.
  • 9.9.2018

    Japan - Italy 1-3

    Bulgaria - Finland 3-0

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's - Olympic Games 2012
    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's - European Championship 2015
    Silver Medal
    - Prediction Game - Women's - Olympic Games 2012

    がんばれ 日本!

  • France-China 3-0

    Cameroon-Tunisia 2-3

    Iran-Puerto Rico 3-0

    Netherlands-Canada 1-3

    Australia-Russia 0-3

    Rep Domenicana-Slovenia 0-3

    Brazil-Egypt 3-0

    Cuba-Poland 0-3

    Belgium-Argentina 2-3

    Usa-Serbia 3-1

  • 12/09/2018

    France - China 3-1

    Cameroon - Tunisia 3-1

    Iran - Puerto Rico 3-0

    Netherlands - Canada 2-3

    Australia - Russia 0-3

    Dominican Rep. - Slovenia 0-3

    Brazil - Egypt 3-0

    Cuba - Poland 0-3

    Belgium - Argentina 3-1

    USA - Serbia 3-0


    Dominican Rep. - Japan 0-3

    Italy - Belgium 3-1

    Egypt - Canada 0-3

    Brazil - France 2-3

    Australia - USA 0-3

    Cameroon - Serbia 0-3

    Puerto Rico - Poland 0-3

    Iran - Bulgaria 3-1


    Japan - Slovenia 3-2

    Argentina - Dominican Rep. 3-1

    China - Netherlands 2-3

    France - Egypt 3-0

    Australia - Cameroon 3-1

    Russia - Tunisia 3-0

    Finland - Cuba 3-1

    Bulgaria - Puerto Rico 3-0


    Belgium - Slovenia 3-1

    Italy - Argentina 3-0

    Canada - China 3-2

    Netherlands - Brazil 2-3

    Serbia - Tunisia 3-0

    USA - Russia 1-3

    Cuba - Iran 0-3

    Poland - Finland 3-0


    Japan - Belgium 1-3

    Dominican Rep. - Italy 0-3

    China - Egypt 3-0

    Netherlands - France 1-3

    Cameroon - USA 0-3

    Serbia - Australia 3-0

    Puerto Rico - Finland 1-3

    Cuba - Bulgaria 0-3


    Belgium - Dominican Rep. 3-0

    Argentina - Slovenia 3-1

    Egypt - Netherlands 1-3

    Brazil - Canada 3-1

    Russia - Cameroon 3-0

    Australia - Tunisia 3-1

    Cuba - Puerto Rico 2-3

    Iran - Poland 1-3


    Japan - Argentina 3-1

    Italy - Slovenia 3-1

    China - Brazil 0-3

    Canada - France 0-3

    USA - Tunisia 3-0

    Serbia - Russia 1-3

    Finland - Iran 0-3

    Poland - Bulgaria 3-1

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's - Olympic Games 2012
    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's - European Championship 2015
    Silver Medal
    - Prediction Game - Women's - Olympic Games 2012

    がんばれ 日本!

  • I can count your points, but I see noone was really interested to post further predictions...

    unfortunately I ddidn't have time to follow :(

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game