Are you even watching? Li's been passing really well except for the last ball.
Yes, thats subjective.
For me she isnt a good receiver. Spiker yes
Are you even watching? Li's been passing really well except for the last ball.
Yes, thats subjective.
For me she isnt a good receiver. Spiker yes
I sense a Tie Break
She took a little nap but seems re-awakened
Brazil doing the work. First time this tournament that China looks beatable. But you just know they're going to murder us tomorrow to prove a point.
Yan Ni may not run a fast slide, but it works.
She's the ultimate hit man. Never seems like anything is wrong. Just does her job. Cold blooded
Brazil doing the work. First time this tournament that China looks beatable. But you just know they're going to murder us tomorrow to prove a point.
Actually I'm having doubts about that match now
Brazil doing the work. First time this tournament that China looks beatable. But you just know they're going to murder us tomorrow to prove a point.
You know being self-deprecating won't change the fact that USA are gonna destroy China tomorrow
Lorrene playing surprisingly good. Shes not that bad.
Tiebreak time!
They always play 5 sets don't they? 2012 2016 2017 and now 2019
You know being self-deprecating won't change the fact that USA are gonna destroy China tomorrow
Apparently I'm super transparent....ssshhh i dont want to jinx them. Lol
Brazil's reception was a mess when they played NED and USA, but today, it's solid as a rock
Rettke should watch a lot of Yuan tapes. That level should be her goal.
Brazil's reception was a mess when they played NED and USA, but today, it's solid as a rock
Surprisingly, libero was the weakest point in terms of reception
Rettke should watch a lot of Yuan tapes. That level should be her goal.
Wow, she is also over 2m?
Gabi and Mara and Yuan MVP Mara proved that she's better than current Fabiana!
Is yuan creating history already? 26 point in a match, that's crazy
Wow, she is also over 2m?
Yep. 2.03