I wish I could say we played amazing (just ok) but really it's just the Dominicans hitting a wall. They played so much volleyball more than any team in the world this season and it shows.

FIVB World Cup 2019 - Sept. 14 to 29, Japan
Cameroon is beating Argentina 2 - 0 as for now.
I also find interesting that people totally ignore Netherlands when they have actually reached the semi finals in both Olympics and Word Championship, but I guess some people sees VNL wins as more important.
If Netherlands makes it....I will certainly consider them among the favorites, just behind CHN, SRB and ITA.
No one sees vnl more important. But people see most recent performance as most important
Nice to see that both NED and RUS are motivated, should be an interesting match!
Great start by Sloëtjes! Reception needs to be better, so Sloëtjes doesn't get overloaded with balls.
livestream please
NED chokes again, blew up a 5 point lead(Maybe 4?) Russia's block works in the end.
How can you give this away!!!
Netherlands never can close out a set and that is the reason why they never became first in a tournament!
Buijs again the weak link in the team
Russia makes a great comeback to stay in the medal race! Fantastic volleyball.... as commented by the FIVB commentator (who's this guy??? seems to be a good commentator)
RUS 26 : 24 NED -- Set 1
Two RUS blocks give the first set to RUS.
Koroleva should win best MB of the tournament
Really a shame that Netherlands lost that set. Buijs making so many errors. Robin and Dalderoop are missed
The problem is that both Oude Luttikhuis and Jasper are not even close to Buijs' level. So there isn't any good backup available
WOW!!! A very high intensity match runs in very high tempo!!!
FIRST CLASS among the two ECV titans!!!
it was 21-15 for ned
Wow Romanova is distributing the ball pretty well
Goncharova waving and smiling at the camera during timeout.. what's happening
Beliën is as worse as Buijs, making error after error!
They should try Plak instead of Buijs in the third set, reception is a mess anyway.
Goncharova waving and smiling at the camera during timeout.. what's happening
She knows you guys are watching lol
Morrison should just resign himself
Goncharova is still Russian secret weapon, indefensible by the Dutch team.