Bisonte Firenze has renewed with Dijkema.
2019 / 2020 Transfer News (Female)
Itambé/Minas has just confirmed that Thaisa Daher will play in the club for 2019/2020.
Old news, but only now they've officialized it.
Dani Lins officially in Bauru.
She's talking to the media this very same moment live on her Instagram.
Kelsey Payne (USA, MB/OPP) signed for Kanti (Switzeland).
I have a lot of good vibes for her!
Saliha Sahin and Buse Kara to Ecsacibasi
Dutch MB Laura de Zwart signed a 2 year contract with Dresdner SC.
Simge Akoz and Beyza Arici in Eczacibasi for the next two years
Dutch MB Laura de Zwart signed a 2 year contract with Dresdner SC.
She didn't even play as a starter in Eurosped. She is a talent, but I don't think she is going to get much playing time in Dresdner. At her age she should play as much as possible.
French/Belgian S Aziliz Divoux another year in Ladies in Black Aachen.
GER S Denise Hanke one more year in SSC Palmberg Schwerin.
Lauren Gibbemeyer confirmed in Eczacibasi.
GER S Denise Hanke one more year in SSC Palmberg Schwerin.
No good news for Bongaerts, because she signed a 2 years contract, so probably will stay. She has to play as a starter to develop
No good news for Bongaerts, because she signed a 2 years contract, so probably will stay. She has to play as a starter to develop
Hanke says that she and Britt get along very well and learn a lot from each other, and most of the team wants to stay together for another season because they all harmonise so well. I guess it will again be timesharing between the two setters.
Indy Baijens sign Asptt Mulhouse VB
Krista deGeest leaves Aachen. Instead of her they signed Emily Thater.
Melis Durul (OPP) signed with Eczacibasi.