Croatia NT 2019
Coach: Daniele Santarelli
OPP: Samanta Fabris, Barbara Dapic, Sanja Gamma (She played a lot as OH last year)
S: Bernarda Brcic, Lara Stimac, Klara Peric (I'm hoping for this happend)
OH: Karla Klaric, Lucija Mlinar, Katarina Pavicic, Natalia Tomic
MB: Martina Samadan, Ema Strunjak, Beta Dumancic, Bozena Butigan
L: Rene Sain, Nikolina Bozicevic
I really don't know what to expect from our NT, I don't know in which level they are. Yeah they showed good performance at QT for ECH but their opponents weren't so strong.
We have two very good players Samanta Fabris and Martina Samadan. We have great coach and We need to see how much He can affect at them as players. We already saw that He changed their way of playing. In last two matches MB were top scorers in the match. Brcic was using more MB than OH. But for higher level you need to have great reception and great reception and I don't believe that we have that, not yet.
Klaric really surprised me with her reception. She was so stabile, She improved a lot. I don't like her attacking She is tall but not athletic at all. We don't have good OH next to her. So I would stick with Sanja Gamma(Popovic) next to her.
I'm happy with our MB, I was saying before that Martina Samadan is gone shine because She is very strong attacker. The biggest potential is for me Bozena Butigan and I would gave her more chance than Beta Dumancic. I would even gave Strunjak more chance over Beta. Something is not right for me when It is comes for Beta.
Brcic showed nice performance, at that is. She needs to be much faster as player to have good transition but She is to tall(192cm) for setter so I don't believe that She can change that all.
Lara Stimac is very young setter I can tell a lot about her, She had her moment in last match and it was okey. Even though a lot of you guys don't agree with me I still believe that right now Klara Peric is the best setter that we have. She is performing really well in Slovenian team and in CEV competition. She knows how to play with MB and that is very important for Santarelli. I hopes that He will call her than He can decide is She good enough or not.
When it comes to libero I'm choosing Bozicevic over Sain. Nikolina improved a lot at reception. I couldn't believe it that She is the same player before two years ago when her reception for libero was terrible but last year She played great in that part.
Players that we have and they are not with NT: Matea Ikic (OH), Katarina Barun (OPP), Hana Čutura, Bernarda Cutuk(MB), Mia Jerkov(OH) and a lot of young girls that are in USA colleges( from the age of 18 till 22)
I don't what happend with Ivana Milos (MB) Is she playing somewhere and Ana Starcevic(OH) too??