2022 FIVB Women's World Championships - Netherlands and Poland

  • I don't think Tuğba's presence would change anything, we just played terribly as a team :gone:

    I didn't claim so either, but a mix of all players he cut: Tugba, Gizem, Neriman, Kubra, Asli, Naz etc. would have in my opinion. Moreover I'm also not a fan of Gio's tactics in-game or his attitude. The negativity and pouting doesn't motivate anyone, his tactics don't exist, he just rotates all players when they suddenly lose a match, having not even tried any of them before at all.

  • I don’t see a single roast. Disappointed tbh

    ΅Well Turkey's game was such a mess that it felt like Karch's choices wouldn't have mattered even if he put six random people out there...

    But yeah, Karch sucks

  • I didn't claim so either, but a mix of all players he cut: Tugba, Gizem, Neriman, Kubra, Asli, Naz etc. would have in my opinion. Moreover I'm also not a fan of Gio's tactics in-game or his attitude. The negativity and pouting doesn't motivate anyone, his tactics don't exist, he just rotates all players when they suddenly lose a match, having not even tried any of them before at all.

    I just still don't understand why Aslı and Kübra got cut, but Gio's logic is the next level :gone:

  • Will you guys let us know if something is amiss with Frantti? She had that scary-looking landing....

  • Vargas Will come next year and Turkish team Will bê stronger than ever.

    dont say it too early or it will end like with Leon and Polish´s men NT

  • Hope Brazil starters are Natinha, Macris, Carol, Gabi, Rosamaria, Tainara, Carol Gattaz

  • Ughhh Pri Daroit is starting

  • Tainara with 3 (?) errors early on

  • Pri demonstrating why she's a top 10 receiver

  • Thank God Rosamaria is in

  • Nice serves by Rosamaria

  • If Serbia can’t win this world championship I want japan too 🤩

  • I still want Brazil to win the tournament.