In your opinion, what should be the ideal team for Russia?
My Ideal Team:
Starteva - Romanova
Koroleva - Fetisova - Lazarenko - Lyubushkina - Efimova
Goncharova - Lazareva - Russu
Parubets - Voronkova - Vorobyeva - Kadokchina - Kotikova
Malova - Galkina
Lazareva is a good substitute for Goncharova. She attacks the balls very high, is lean and has profile to make many points. You deserve a chance on the team.
Kosheleva: She only has one thing to offer throughout her life in volleyball: attack.
After her injuries, all the clubs she goes through, the diagonal player has to make the reception because she stays hidden. This disrupts all teams and causes failure. Volleyball is more and more dynamic and a player like Kosheleva, 30, and does not have good reception, has nothing to offer more in the attack.
Kosheleva would only be in the Russian team as back-up to Goncharova. Otherwise, I would not call Kosheleva for the summer on the national team.
I'm sure the Russian team would be in the final six of the world championship if Goncharova did not have an injury. Parubets and Voronkova have much more to offer and are young. Good attack, strong serve, very good reception, defense.
Which team is right for you?