Probably ro Suhl go Meis setter from Straubing and Lohman libero.
Plus Austrian MB Sabrina Müller, last season in Romania.
Probably ro Suhl go Meis setter from Straubing and Lohman libero.
Plus Austrian MB Sabrina Müller, last season in Romania.
German OH Josephine Suhr from Second League Team BBSC to Swiss NLA Team Groupe E Valtra
De Gennaro confirmed for 8th season in Conegliano
Where is the guy who claimed that this is a false rumour and he is sure because he has internal information?
Where is the guy who claimed that this is a false rumour and he is sure because he has internal information?
Probably hunting down his internal info source.
Anastasia Kraiduba, Lora Kitipova and Alla Politanska are moving to SC Prometey in Ukraine.
Erblira Bici is the new opposite of Cuneo
Apparently Diouf didn't receive any good offer from Italy, so she may stay in her Korean team.
Beliën to Bisonte as expected
I want to add that Hancock sign 2 years for Novara same as Britt Herbots.
Beliën to Bisonte as expected
Beliën admits it wasn't her intention to leave Galatasaray and sign a contract with Firenze, but the Corona crisis changed her plan. Galatasaray has financial problems now and wanted to sign a contract in Lira instead of Euros, but Lira is less worth than Euros. Firenze wanted to sign her for a long time and they kept their main sponsor, so it felt better to sign with Firenze.
Carly DeHoog moves to RC Cannes
Yamila Nizetich to Béziers (FRA) is official:…1806372/2575178162582275/