New management looking for suggestions!

  • Hello everyone!:wavy:

    As some of you might know, Sisko, sloth and myself have become new admins of this great site. Following the widespread demand (with which we completely agree) for the site to have some rules and guidelines, so everybody can know what they can and cannot do, and in the spirit of inclusiveness, we invite you to make suggestions for the next several days on what rules would you like to see, what do you think would be fair etc. In short, what would be most conducive toward making a healthy and stimulating environment for debate and discussion, while preventing toxicity and negativity from spoiling our fun.

    We will analyse these, see what makes most sense, what is practical, add our own and formulate an official guideline (that we will post in due time).

    Two other very important announcements:

    1)One of the rules will certainly be a zero-tolerance toward double-accounts. We will leave you this space, while this thread is active, to disclose if you have ever created a second account. If you do it, you will suffer no repercussions, besides your second account being banned. But after the rules are formed and posted, if we spot a double account, the offending member will be automatically temporarily banned (for a duration to be determined). If you create another account while banned, in order to circumvent that ban, the penalty gets automatically upgraded to permanent ban. There will be no exceptions.

    2)We encourage you to use report button whenever you see an offending post. Your report will not be ignored, whoever the offender is. We can't guarantee that we will agree with you that a post in question amounts to violation of the rules, but we will "hear you out" so to speak. Accumulation of genuine rule violations will lead to suspension.

    If you have any questions, fire away.:drink:

  • Aside from the usual rules that i believe in, actually know that our new admins will list the rulebook, i would only mention a couple that make sense to me, though they may also be listed as default:

    1.) Remain respectful of other members at all times. (All posta should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective)

    2.) Post your comment only to the most appropriate topic(thread). Do not spam several topics with the same message.

    3.) Also any commenting on one's nationality and bringing about nationality with credibility must be strictly forbidden and sanctioned.

    4.) Comments and guessing about private life of other forum members must be strongly prohibited.

    5.) Also IMO that interfering, condemning, calling, provoking,........ the duties of admin and admin might be forbidden, in the sense that a post containing such a thing must be deleted , if that constatly repeat it would already cover various other rules with i think stronger punishment. Especially because we choose them by ourselves and we also will make a rules together. Advice and point put surely, but some rules will be such that a dose of admin subjectivity will have to exist and we should not condemn them.

    6.) Also i think that we have to at least have a publication about admins duties and responsibility, and with rules prevent any misuse. (maybe this is more like a question)


    From warrnings, to temporary and finaly permanent ban.

    I know that this mean nothing but i got tired of writing and maybe some other time.

    This rules surely would be enlist even if i dont write them, some is just description of particular case (3).

    I believe that as the topic progresses, i will have more meaningful ideas.

    Also i maybe crossed out several of this rules (number 1. for example surely and i blame myself for that), but now when we make a rulebook, i believe in that we becoming better community with this new steps.

    I must to say that we choose the best ones, one of you was my first wish, the second one was on of the most mentioned in wishes, and the third one was the breavest one and took the job by taking initiative by himself (ofc i dont want to say that other dont want him as admin, me personally dont write him in wishes just because i think that he would never accept that), but thank you Sisko, thank you sloth , and thank you Janko for your future contribution for this community and site.

    Althought Matthias i have not been in this forum for so long and i do not know how it worked before, with certain decisions i didnt agree as i said before and besides all this i think something like this was necessary for this forum, to make the point, i didnt inted to be abusive or something like that, but i have mentioned you personally several times and if this has created the slightest amount of embarrasment for you, i would like to apologize (actually although if not, i certainly want it).


  • I am not sure about your mechanism in determining offensive posts.

    What is offensive to some may just be the norm to others, especially since this site caters to international volleyball fans. (with different cultures)

    How about instead of censorship we practice TOLERANCE.

  • I am not sure about your mechanism in determining offensive posts.

    What is offensive to some may just be the norm to others, especially since this site caters to international volleyball fans. (with different cultures)

    How about instead of censorship we practice TOLERANCE.

    We’re certainly not planning on unnecessary censorship and we want to encourage everyone to feel comfortable giving their opinions. I totally agree with your point about cultural differences and I want to assure you that we will take that into consideration and that any report will be looked into fairly and without bias. But at the same time, there’s a limit as to what’s acceptable.

    For the vast majority of users you will be able to go about your business the same as usual but there has been concern among a lot of users that there aren’t enough mods and no rules. We want to make the site more enjoyable for everyone, that is why we’re all here after all.

  • I am not sure about your mechanism in determining offensive posts.

    What is offensive to some may just be the norm to others, especially since this site caters to international volleyball fans. (with different cultures)

    How about instead of censorship we practice TOLERANCE.

    Well, especially because certain things are considered offensive to some but for others don't that reporting is important. It's all about how the members perceive what's offensive or not and not just the opinion of the administration - I could think that certain behavior was normal, okay according to the rules and my personal beliefs, but if we receive a lot reports about it, definitely something happened and we will need to take a close look.

    The report button is already a thing, we just want people to feel that they can express their opinions and that we're going to listen to them

  • You guys deleted my post in the Covid-19 thread.

    It was in a "calm-tone" and on-topic.

  • You guys deleted my post in the Covid-19 thread.

    It was in a "calm-tone" and on-topic.

    It was calm and on topic and may have been inadvertently swept out when trying to clean up the thread. Perhaps because of a quote it contained, or to prevent further blowback towards your question? I didn't see any admins admonish you for the post

  • It was an answer or part of a discussion that was going off-topic, even if you wasn't the user that began said discussion... Sorry if you feel that's unfair, it was just an attempt to keep the thread organized

  • sloth  Sisko  Matthias Can you make some meeting with Janko ???

    He is making this forum like dictatorship, every post that is not like wants He wants do delete it. Freedom of speach become question mark here.

    Censorship like treVBault-pad said :white:

    Attacked me because GOOGLE DIDN'T MAKE RIGHT TRANSLATION. This is the NEW PEAK of this forum :obey:

    Thank you.

    This is not what We were expecting from one admin.

  • Ah yes, now we can discuss this situation in full. The following is addressed, not to crovolley (since he will inevitable label anything I say an "attack" as a way of self-justification), but to other members, so that they can know full story. I am not dictatorial and in the interest of openness, I'll laid out the whole story here.

    Crovolley made a post. That post was reported by a fellow member as a nuisance, and I agreed with them in this instance. It's unnecessarily troublesome to risk a complete misreading of the story due to reporting a news through google translate (as indeed happened). Foreign language news should be left to be reported by those who know the language, or at the very least, ask someone who knows the language what it says before reporting the news, if you really can't resist it. That's all I ask as a new rule. Not much needed to be obeyed, only a little vanity of seeing your name reporting the news being sacrificied.

    Crovolley indicated that he will not obey that rule. Naturally, as any self-respecting admin/mod, I indicated there will be consequences, should that happen. What was I to? Just pass over in silence to such blatant disrespect toward an admin? What would my or my fellow-admins word or authority mean, if something like that can pass without any comment or action? Why would ANYONE obey us in ANYTHING unless we show them there are consequences to rule-breaking?

    As for my supposed "rudeness" doing it, I challenge anyone to find in those 2 posts of mine any strong or offensive word whatsoever.

    That's all I have to say about the whole episode. Hopefuly, it will show to anyone who is not already predisposed to support crovolley and/or support him merely to spite me, the facts.:)

  • If you look at the rules, you'll notice:

    1. Relatively minor violations of these rules may result in your post being deleted or a post from an admin telling you to stop.

    Before we set these rules, we asked for suggestions, then we post it, and no one has openly questioned them - so I assume everyone is ok with the rules. So is this dictatorship?

    About trevbault, I was the one who deleted the posts, because the off-topic subject was monopolizing the topic... No need to put everything on Janko just because you don't like him...

    About Janko's actions, in the same way that we all live with your behavior and your way of thinking, you should also respect his, but you didn't. The post you complain that was deleted was a tremendous lack of respect of your part and you know it. An admin gave you a warning (after many many reports that we are receiving about you) and your answer was very disrespectful. And everything that happens after that become off-topic, so the posts were deleted...

    If something doesn't go your way, doesn't mean it is an attack

  • Foreign language news should be left to be reported by those who know the language, or at the very least, ask someone who knows the language what it says before reporting the news, if you really can't resist it. That's all I ask as a new rule.

    I'm in trouble

  • I understand that people here have been nurturing hate among each other for ages, but sometimes attitudes here are sooooo extra. Although s/he is always stirring the pot in the forum, being sarcastic and confrontational, I think we shouldn't do the same. We can correct people in more polite ways.

    I don't know I agree about being polite ourselves but we should also be realistic...

    The last couple of weeks I don't know how many times people had to correct him on news he spread and talked about which were simply not of truth or even close to it and at times he keeps insisting on 'his truth' even if it is simply not the case, I'm getting a bit bored with Crovolley going to victim role every single time people disagree with him.

    Just share news you understand if they are truthful, if not don't post! It's that simple. But just like with his provocations he will never stop, which we all know so I won't jump on this wagon of stopattackingpoorcrovolley lol we all know the truth there, we have all been there before with him. If he wants to change that's up to him, but imho it's a huge shock he hasn't been banned still after all these years. Oh well.

  • The last couple of weeks I don't know how many times people had to correct him on news he spread and talked about which were simply not of truth or even close to it and at times he keeps insisting on 'his truth' even if it is simply not the case, I'm getting a bit bored with Crovolley going to victim role every single time people disagree with him.

    Just share news you understand if they are truthful, if not don't post! It's that simple. But just like with his provocations he will never stop, which we all know so I won't jump on this wagon of stopattackingpoorcrovolley lol we all know the truth there, we have all been there before with him. If he wants to change that's up to him, but imho it's a huge shock he hasn't been banned still after all these years. Oh well.

    I do get your point, but I find it so easy to just ignore whenever delusional shit comes up in here. I believe this is way more effective than replying drama with more drama. I think as admins you can select when to be more incisive - and still not necessarily rude -, but what happened today was completely unecessary from my perspective. It didn't seemed s/he was trying to cause some drama.

    And just out of curiosity... Is the other admin going to delete your post too? :lol:

    Just joking, pls chill out.

  • My suggestion is any new rules should be voted on by the members of the forum.

    Great in theory, but utterly impractical. How would we even go about organising something like that? How many member's votes are enough? I can already tell you, vast majority of even regularly visiting members would not vote, even if we were to put it to vote from time to time. They simple don't care about it.

  • Well, he misunderstood italian news something like 4/5 times in the last 2 days, spreading fake news. Not to mention the fake numbers he brings in when it comes to teams and their budjets or contracts. Well, when it comes to number I think he brings his fairytales on the table. On the other hand, I think he has real trouble - so he doesn't write nosenses on purpose - to translate italian, which is why he should stop, since he's spreading fake news, basically.

    If I translate an imaginary article that says "Schweriner wanted Kelsey Robinson just out of college" and then I write on the forum "Schweriner wants Kelsey Robinson", like right now, I spread fake news.

  • Great in theory, but utterly impractical. How would we even go about organising something like that? How many member's votes are enough? I can already tell you, vast majority of even regularly visiting members would not vote, even if we were to put it to vote from time to time. They simple don't care about it.

    It may be impractical but i think it is fair. Maybe use an online poll and give a decent timeframe like a week or two for non-regular visiting members to vote.

    Well, he misunderstood italian news something like 4/5 times in the last 2 days, spreading fake news. Not to mention the fake numbers he brings in when it comes to teams and their budjets or contracts. Well, when it comes to number I think he brings his fairytales on the table. On the other hand, I think he has real trouble - so he doesn't write nosenses on purpose - to translate italian, which is why he should stop, since he's spreading fake news, basically.

    If I translate an imaginary article that says "Schweriner wanted Kelsey Robinson just out of college" and then I write on the forum "Schweriner wants Kelsey Robinson", like right now, I spread fake news.

    If that is the case, then shouldn't the rule be about banning posting of fake news rather than banning people from posting news in other languages.

  • I think this should be about sourcing stuff. If you get it wrong people will laugh at you and call you names, if that's their style.

    I've pulled a few boners in my time and brahmin or Ryu Takamiya have corrected me, without laughing (at least out loud :rolll: ) or calling me names.

    theloneracer is a source warlord, and if he has any doubt about his translation he lets us know.

    Post responsibly