Politics and social issues

  • It is great to see the international support around the world for Ukraine. I wonder why people didn't bother when USA invaded other countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Not saying to justify Russia's terrible actions but I hate hypocricy of western world. They can take totally different stands depending on who makes the evil actions. Reactions change drastically if it is Russia or USA or China

    100% agree.

    First of all, as almost every person with common sense I am against the violent, cruel and unjustified Russian (Putin) invasion. The situation in the Donbass (which has more aspects than what we could imagine) could have been solved in so different ways, nothing justify the invasion of whole Ukraine.

    But as you said, the hypocrisy of western world (and western media) is just <X For USA, there is always an excuse. We could write endless pages of thousand conflicts, invasions and coup d'etat which were orchestred by US without any proper justification, just the mere politic and econominic ambition by that bloody govenment policy.

    Unfortunately people from those countries invaded are considered citizens of second class, even our history is not taught, cuz of "eurocentrism". When we talk about 9/11, most of people only remember one event on that date. I remember two: WTC attack and the beginning of one of the most cruel dictatorships in my region thanks to US policy.

    And all these intervations in our countries are not for centuries agos, they all are recent histoy too.

    Violence, aggression, crimes against human rights must be all condemned, regardless which country is behind them, regardless the skin colour, political preference or the culture behind it.

  • To expand on this:

    in a segment on the BBC, David Sakvarelidze, former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine, described his emotional response in seeing “European people with blue eyes and blond hair being killed, children being killed every day” in his country

    I guess if you're a Ukrainian with brown hair or brown eyes, he doesn't care...

  • Poor Taliban, they couldn't sovereignly support a terrorism and protect Bin Laden, how could the US expect to give them an organizer of 9/11 attacks. Come on.

    I can make the analogous arguments about the Azov battalion, Zelensky's implicit support/acceptance of Stepan Bandera, and the shelling of separatists in Donbass.

    Take the L and move on.

  • Lets goooo ban and isolated Russia and Belarus from everything.
    Nazi brothers.

  • FIFA and Uefa ban all russian an d bielorrusian teams from football competitions


    Shame on cev and fivb that don't have courage to do that

  • USAV CEO (this is from before FIVB announced)

    “In light of Russia’s recent aggression against Ukraine and the instability in the region, the United States will not be sending our men’s national team to compete in said event should Russia remain as the host.

    “I need to prioritize the safety of our athletes and staff and feel that it would not be safe for them to travel to Russia under the current conditions.

    “I implore the FIVB to take the proper steps to move the 2022 World Championships to a new host country where all delegations from around the world will be able to compete in a safe environment.”

    there's comments from Adora Anae and former USA coach Terry Liskevych here too


  • Some reasons (not saying all these are good reasons, just describing them):

    1. We are all more connected to the rest of the world than we were 20 years ago. This is mainly due to an expansion of the internet, but also probably in terms of travel. I’d say people in foreign countries are seen as a little less different, a little less “other” that they used to be.

    2. Western media and social media has provided an ongoing account of events from a Ukrainian point of view. There were far fewer stories or videos of what was happening to civilians in those conflicts and far fewer of them were as easily accessible.

    3. Many saw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as justified or at least kind of semi-justified, especially Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11. These were seen as violent, oppressive regimes but Ukraine isn’t seen that way at all despite certain lies told about them.

    4. They are white Europeans. Iraq and Afghanistan were seen as war-torn regions with a backwards culture. People in the West identify more easily with Ukrainians and feel like if Russia can do it to Ukraine, they can do it to anyone. It’s just really shocking to a lot of people that this could even happen to a sovereign nation in Europe in 2022.

    1. I partially agree with this

    2. Media could tell one sided story. In previous cases, as avid implied one of the posts above, media makes it look like they 'deserved' to be invaded since America claimed so with whatever storyline they deliver through mass media

    3. This answer could be totally opposite depending on to whom you ask. Many Russian minorities in Ukraine found current American supported government very oppressive. It is claimed that Russians are being treated as second-rate citizens (referring to the bill 'About the indigenous peoples of Ukraine') so what's justified and what's not is a very slippery slope

    4.Look at this video below! It is purely disgusting.

    All in all, my posts are not meant to be pro-Putin. I condemn his actions as much as everyone else here. I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of Western world. I hope forum users here who are cheering for exclusion of Russian players from tournaments would not be two-faced and would wish the same treatment for American players when USA invades another sovereign country in the future:roll:

  • are you going to keep those feelings with china?

    genocide the Uyghurs, nightmare labor conditions that corporations take advantage of, covering up sexual assault from governmental figures and hushing the victims into silence.

    every major power has issues.

  • are you going to keep those feelings with china?

    genocide the Uyghurs, nightmare labor conditions that corporations take advantage of, covering up sexual assault from governmental figures and hushing the victims into silence.

    every major power has issues.

    Exactly, might as well ban every major country then.