Politics and social issues

  • Nato agression, bombing campaing, humanitarian intervetion, as they claimed (still do actually).

    Why it happend what, the Nato Agression or murder of child.

    With due respect i won't discuss about Agression causes.

    There is nothing to explain about little Milica (child from the picture), stray shrapnel, she was in her house on her potty. Does it really matter at all. It's a symbol not the whole point.

    Actually NATO is not united like that at all atm. Like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. the ones who stood out stood out, even for wars like the Vietnam war that was the case long ago. So I wouldn't put NATO collectively despite the fact that almost all are probably involved in wars all around the world, it's not really been NATO vs ... often. It will only once a country gets attacked.

  • Nato Agression.

    You wrote that the child died because of NATO bombing, so please explain to me why it happened. Why NATO decided to bomb Yugoslavia that time?

    yugoslavia was ethnic cleansing albanians within Kosovo.

    war broke out and the UN could not stop it. which led to NATO's involvement

  • :lol::lol: I really love when people's arguments in a discussion comes to such level :lol::lol:

    I did not want to get into this discussion, really. Only your idea, not you as an individual, is such radical and extreme, it triggered this discussion.

    From your reasoning, if a country head made a decision everyone in that country should be responsible/punished for that (in Russia case) and if an individual(s) took a terrorist action from a certain country, the country should be attacked (in Afghan case), they sound pretty radical/dangerous to me, a regular person. And also do you know one of the top Taliban terrorist was an American? Should your defensive organization attack the US because of that too??

    Just a few thoughts, Peace!

  • Boycotting the country and it's officials during this current phase is not the same as a witch-hunt on Russians which people seem to think it is. It's extremely problematic!

    Such discrimination by ethnicity shouldn't ever be tolerated whoever it is, I thought we knew better than that by now in '22.

    People need to get rid of this us vs them mentality, gosh if only people saw the us vs them is not even valid for the people with this mentality aka common folk in reality. It's literally your billionaires vs their billionaires 😅 yes I agree the Russian one right now needs to be punished and so the country he rules until we see change.

    No it won't make me suddenly act like this is a case of right west vs wrong east globally and justify and close eyes to the hypocrisy and crimes that are still happening today from the West and any other country in the world, Russia, China or my own etc.

  • People should really stop treating NATO as innocent protector of the world. Their whole existence is to secure the post-war world for monopoly capitalism, bring down the Soviet Union and socialist countries of eastern Europe. 🤦 that's why they want to have Ukraine so that they can deploy US troops and military bases aiming Russia.The Atlantic Pact is not a pact for peace, it is a pact for war. In 1990s Yugoslavia is one example only: Yugoslavia didn't attack any NATO members but NATO still intervened. That was just one of the horrific interventions yet to come — in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Syria.

    I know it is more popular to bash Russia for his recent actions but we shouldn't praise NATO as a response.

  • Boycotting the country and it's officials during this current phase is not the same as a witch-hunt on Russians which people seem to think it is. It's extremely problematic!

    Back to the volleyball world, I think not using flag, not allowing national anthem, not allowing name of country, etc. that is all understandable, but still think the athletes should be allowed to participate.

  • Back to the volleyball world, I think not using flag, not allowing national anthem, not allowing name of country, etc. that is all understandable, but still think the athletes should be allowed to participate.

    I think no one would play against the Russians at this rate currently 💀 so it's an understandable move for now, but yeah long term if Russia doesn't stop invading all of Ukraine that's probably what it should head towards.

  • they were too busy murdering ethnic albanians.

    Their ancestors did war crimes so let's all unite and bully their grandchildren grown in a completely different world and isolate them from the rest of the continent so they suffer in endless poverty 🔥💅🤳

    Great idea for the neighbouring similar cultures who can't think for themselves provided by the amazing countries like France; whose ancestors meanwhile are known to have build their wealth up from making people like the Vietnamese work for them and then feeding them their dog food (actual story) putting the rest of them in human zoos.

    Great civilized western world 🥴

  • Please don't even let me get started. The hypocrisy is definitely beyond disgusting 🤣 all I can hope from this war is that Ukraine is freed and people start realizing how gross these wars are in general and oppose them in all forms.

  • Also Ukrainian setter Oleksandra Peretiatko left Yenisey Krasnoyarsk

  • Western world and Western media will be victim of their own hypocrisy, own double standards and false politically correct behaviour. They are behaving and becoming into what they so much proclaim to fight against with: facists.

    Embarassing. Cancel culture is such a cancer.

    It is like supporting in some extent Putin's game: dividing Europeans.

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky — 'It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.'

    PS: I really cant believe it is so difficult to be coherent in the so called "developed countries". Once again: violence, aggression, violation against human rights MUST be condemned wherever they come from. Victims, casualties, wounded and lost souls arent worthier than others just becasue they come from a country which is more similar to mine, culture similar to mine, skin colour or political preferences.

    I do really hope to see the same union against any violation of HR from any government regardless all the factors above mentioned, otherwise,it would be HYPROCRISY.

  • Politicians will act in their own self-interest, therefore hypocrisy will always be rife. 99% of people who can even get to really influential positions have to be super ambitious, which can quickly become self-centred and power-hungry. The other 1% know that everyone else is a shark who won’t help them and so they too have to put their own interests above everyone else’s.

    Even the time of peace we’ve mostly had between powerful countries recently isn’t really a sign that countries are learning to respect each other for the greater good. It’s largely based on fear that if someone steps out of line the nukes will come out. But when peace is based on fear, the scary thing is it only takes one madman to jeopardise the whole thing.

    As for the NATO discussion, it’s absolutely true that it’s not some kind of benevolent force for good in the world and I don’t blame Putin if he feels threatened by its Eastward expansion. But while it might be used to intimidate Russia, NATO wouldn’t start a military conflict between the two. The bigger threat, I believe, is the expansion of Western control and ideas. If Ukraine, a country so closely tied to Russia, becomes fully “Westernised” then perhaps Russia could be next. Ultimately that has to be Ukraine’s decision to make though.