the men's team has an olympic gold though...
but do they have a VNL gold?
the men's team has an olympic gold though...
but do they have a VNL gold?
but do they have a VNL gold?
if they dont have 2 VNL gold, I dont wanna hear from them
if they dont have 2 VNL gold, I dont wanna hear from them
omg, the shade.
if they dont have 2 VNL gold, I dont wanna hear from them
Volkov says hello
Volkov says hello
Sadly, the mens team is kinda weaker this time.
im bored.
they need some like off-day stuff for us (no. men's volleyball doesn't count. that's just as boring)
watch replays of the other teams' matches
watch replays of the other teams' matches
just watch the USA beat Brazil in the 2014 WCH again
just watch the USA beat Brazil in the 2014 WCH again
VNL 2019*
c'mon now, important titles
VNL 2019*
c'mon now, important titles
Natália got injured then, that one doesn't count
Natália got injured then, that one doesn't count
That's karma from 08/12 so it counts extra imo
hey, hey, get back on topic..... 🌍
Zoe Fleck (USA Collegiate NT member) said her favorite libero to watch and learn from is De Gennaro
well... at least someone is paying attention and she's just not "some wife from Italy"
Zoe Fleck (USA Collegiate NT member) said her favorite libero to watch and learn from is De Gennaro
well... at least someone is paying attention and she's just not "some wife from Italy"
Santarelli's wife is impressive, I agree.
Santarelli's wife is impressive, I agree.
Opps, i know him as Moki's husband
Opps, i know him as Moki's husband
He’s the best coach coaching the best club team in the world with the best player in the world, the best libero, the best Italian MB who takes the 4th spot in the Olympic MB lineup (lol) and the greatest setter of all time. They will win 1000 matches in the row.
He’s the best coach coaching the best club team in the world with the best player in the world, the best libero, the best Italian MB who takes the 4th spot in the Olympic MB lineup (lol) and the greatest setter of all time. They will win 1000 matches in the row.
you know what, it will be more convinced with some typos.
He’s the best coach coaching the best club team in the world with the best player in the world, the best libero, the best Italian MB who takes the 4th spot in the Olympic MB lineup (lol) and the greatest setter of all time. They will win 1000 matches in the row.
I don't remember Feng Kun ever being in Imoco?