Italian NT 2021

  • I don't know details, but he was banned for two years, and I guess that the combination of substances, that was rumored to be found in his body (meldonium, testosterone, some covering substances and testosterone-based enhanced drugs) was really difficult to defend. I don't know if official sentence was published already, but I'm pretty sure that's not the end of those legal battles. Really curious case, especially considering that he was considered to be decent talent on middle, but his season in Piacenza was poor.

    That's what I thought too. You do doping and play like that?

  • 224939169_199892422099645_6525603323846951765_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=5fVQCpNlvM4AX_DXfAu&_nc_ht=scontent.flim13-1.fna&oh=17871b7ed5ce5ba0763aa438458ee1a8&oe=61303868

    Osmany Juantorena retires from NT. He gives his number 5 shirt to Michieletto.

    From Juantorena IG: "Now, it is yours! I officially leaves the number 5 to you. You must honoured it until the end. It has been a pleasure to fight next to you. You are a phenomenon!

  • 224939169_199892422099645_6525603323846951765_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=5fVQCpNlvM4AX_DXfAu&_nc_ht=scontent.flim13-1.fna&oh=17871b7ed5ce5ba0763aa438458ee1a8&oe=61303868

    Osmany Juantorena retires from NT. He gives his number 5 shirt to Michieletto.

    From Juantorena IG: "Now, it is yours! I officially leaves the number 5 to you. You must honoured it until the end. It has been a pleasure to fight next to you. You are a phenomenon!

    there's something historical about no. 5?

  • I do believe that Michieletto is a generational level of talent in volleyball, but damn - I feel sorry for pressure that will be put on him as a leader of new national team from next year. He's not even 20, and he's basically already labeled as new Juantorena with all this stuff.

    I can't wait to see NT without Blengini, and I love this feeling, lol.

    Next year... Probably on this year's ECH already.

  • I do believe that Michieletto is a generational level of talent in volleyball, but damn - I feel sorry for pressure that will be put on him as a leader of new national team from next year. He's not even 20, and he's basically already labeled as new Juantorena with all this stuff.

    I can't wait to see NT without Blengini, and I love this feeling, lol.

    Next year... Probably on this year's ECH already.

    Fefe De Giorgi is already training for the ECH of this year.

    Finally Blengini is gone!

  • That guy made Kurek back to be playing as OH - I don't trust him at all lol

    It wasn't like that, Kurek played prior to that in a club as OH as well (and he played really well).

    The problem was that we were completely out of shape for a full season with De Giorgi, and we played really, really bad, so we sacked him immediately.

  • Italy released the roster for ECH

    Setter: Simone Giannelli, Riccardo Sbertoli

    MB: Simone Anzani, Gianluca Galassi, Fabio Ricci, Lorenzo Cortesia

    OH: Alessandro Michieletto, Daniele Lavia, Francesco Recine, Mattia Bottolo.

    Libero: Fabio Balaso, Alessandro Piccinelli

    OPP: Giulio Pinali, Yuri Romanò

  • Italy has two great talents in '01 (Rinaldi) and '04 (Porro) years, then they have two big talents in '05 generation (Magliano, Barotto). Paris OG will be probably too close to compete for a medal, but then they should be great again.

    Italy played two friendlies against Belgium yesterday and on Wednesday, and played suprisingly well (3-0 and 3-1), maybe they'll be able to upset Slovenia or Bulgaria at ECH.

  • Has Piano retired from Nt?